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"I just wished you would have told me sooner.." Jeongin sighed as he was embraced by the two men, eyes dropping close as he focused on the warm comfort, he felt frustrated, but happy thst they were honest.

"I know, and we both feel undeniably guilty because of that" Minho spoke, hands on his waist as he lifted the boy up, purely to hold him closer. "Mine" he whispered in his ear, looking at Hyunjin who smiled softly letting Minho he his possessive self for once.

"I'm going to cook something, you can both pick out a movie, then we can cuddle for as long as you want..alright baby?" Hyunjin smiled, leaning in to give him a peck on his soft lips.

Jeongin couldn't help but to melt on the affection, happy they all figured everything out. It wasn't messing with his head anymore, which made it easier for him to process whatever was about to happen, and he liked that.

The way Minho held him close as if there was no tomorrow, gave him a form of comfort he would never forget. And the way his hands softly caressed his thighs Luke the usual, added to the loving comfort the was feeling.

"Thank you baby" he whispered, holding onto him so thight.

"For what" He asked, turning to look deep into Minho's beautiful and loving eyes.

"For being here, and for being so strong..I'm happy I'm able to spend time with you, and that your so accepting with me and Hyunjin, I'm pretty sure he loves you just as much as I do baby..don't ever dare to doubt yourself" Minho spoke, giving kisses all over his face and trailing them down to his neck.

Just some gentle love bites, that wouldn't hurt right?

He felt a new pair of hands around him too, immediately recognizing them to be Hyunjin's, as he now focused on leaning against his touch. Melting at the sudden comfort and soft kisses being given to him by both of them, eyes dropping close as he held onto Minho in front of him, pulling his a bit closer.

"Your so beautiful, just know that. Your strong and amazing, and fucking fantastic, there's no way we will let other people get a bit of you, you mine, your his, your ours" Hyunjin whispered hugging him as he wouldn't let go, eyes locking with Minho as they both leaned in to share a soft kiss, aka Jeongin's first time seeing them share such a meaningful thing.

Which he just melted more at.

With all that his been through, all the neglectment and doubt, the pure terror of hanging over a toilet day and night, not knowing how to deal with his own problems, to be forced out of his abusive and now heartless home..UT was all apart of his story, that just started to unfold just yet.

He was more than excited to celebrate this whole year with them being with each other, excited to feel warm hands around him, to feel comforted and happy in their arms. It made him feel so at home.

And he eventually realised thst home was never a place he went too, he was Minho and Hyunjin and he would do anything to keep them close forever.

A happy ending that was meant for smiles.

And he realised that pure happiness came from people he wanted to be surrounded by. Hyunjin, Minho and Felix. They all made him feel happy, like he was indeed something. That he was..more tolerable to be around than what he believed. They were his confidence, happiness and motivation. They were his everything.

And most important, Hyunjin and Minho was his, and his too enjoy. He was theirs and theirs to enjoy.

So even on a dark night in the city, were streetlights are barely working, the moon leads the way to a beautiful place called home, and to be there again, would be special.

It was all special.

So without wanting to go further into detail, he just rested in their arms, hugging their soft and defined bodies, leaning into the touch and kisses given to him. As he listened to the sweet words being whispered in his ear.

This was his happiness, something he created..this was his..Art.

The End.

I'm definitely not crying- okay well I'm lying. This has been such an amazing Rollercoaster for me. And the amount of achievements this books has made makes me happy.

I'm happy for all the love and support I've been given. And I can't thanks you more.

Thank you for reading Art, I hope you all found some form of comfort or happiness reading this book, like I felt when writing it.

Have a good day, and may we perhaps see each other very soon.

Thanks for 1k.

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