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Jeongin felt his chest tighten as he looked at the two in front of him interact. It was spring break, so they all were just stuck together, not exactly making any plans since they mainly wanted to sit back and relax.

Recently both Minho and Hyunjin seemed close, a bit too close. It wasn't because Jeongin didn't like it, it was just purely his curiosity seeking through, cause he knew both of them have constantly denied their feelings for each other to him. And while it surely wasn't his business to get nosey, he couldn't help but to notice the obvious signs.

One being quite small, but compared to before it was surely a big difference. They hugged much more, held eye contact for longer periods of time.

There must be something, but Jeongin didn't want to force them..though, he did want to know what was going on..cause he had something going on with both of them, so if they actually have taken a like to each other and clearly shows it..then why haven't they said anything yet?

Jeongin hated that thought, he wasn't jealous at all, he was happy and relaxed. He was just way too curious too the point it was basically unhealthy. But he loved seeing them both interact in such ways, would it be too invading asking them?

It would definitely sort out something right? Or would it just purely be privacy invading?

He was so deep in thought, maybe he could just turn it into a joke? Or be smooth with asking? It shouldn't be too noticeable..something that will take them slightly off guard but then also not.

He saw how they interacted on Hyunjin's birthday, how they gave inti each other..nothing could be more obvious right?

"You look like your dating" He spoke, chuckling a bit as he ate his food, making it seem like it was a joke. Was that something wrong to say? Why was he getting anxious? He didn't know whether he was allowed or not allowed to basically roam into their own bubble, but they were hugging for a whole 3 minutes, how was that not suspicious.

He saw how they immediately pulled away..was that a red flag or green flag?

"Stop saying silly things baby, you took us of guard..when did you wake up?" Minho spoke as he approached the younger, who hated how he simply turned that joke around like it was nothing.

And he couldn't help but to feel bad, Hyunjin looked so..guilty? He looked like he regretted something really deeply.

Was now the time to be a hundreth percent honest?

"No..but like really...your acting so abnormally close for such a long time now, especially when I'm not around..you avoid each other when i'm here, and turning your attention on me..please tell me the truth" Jeongin spoke, this time slightly more serious and demanding to know the truth.

But he hated Hoe tense they got, why couldn't they be honest. He wasn't mad, not at all. He just needed to know what was going on so he could give the best possible solution to this.

"Please don't just stay quiet..I'm not mad I swear, I just feel the need to know, so we can solve this peacefully.." he again commented, watching how the two just looked down on the ground.

They looked so guilty...was he finally experiencing how they felt when handling him? He knew he went through a time where guilt ate him up..he just didn't know it was so obvious.

"Jeongin...we're so sorry..we promise is not what you think.." Hyunjin trailed off, why the hell was he so nervous? It didn't make any sense.

"Do you like each other?" Jeongin questioned a bit more clear, notcing how Minho just kept quiet.

"N-no..I mean yes- Bu..but, we were going to tell you...I just don't know how" the panic could be heard in the taller's voice, making Jeongin concerned as to whatever was going on.

"Minho?" Jeongin turned to him, eyes not leaving him once.

The silence was deafening, full of torture, like they waited for the end of the fucking world.

"I like both of you, I know your not mad..but please..we didn't mean for this to happen, it was all about sharing you until our feelings got mixed with each other..it's so bad, I'm sorry" Minho explained, not trying to cover up the face he felt something for them both, but he still looked so guilty.

"Your right, I'm not mad, and I won't ever be. I'm happy you told me, cause I'm fine with whatever, I'm fine with sharing too..as long as your both okay with it" Jeongin spoke, seeming to fully understand whatever that qas going on.

He could hear their heartbeats in the air, and he hoped that this wouldn't confuse any of them, cause Minho and Hyunjin knew how to share him, and he could easily learn, so he saw no issue in that.

"Now let's turn this tense atmosphere around, I believe I've missed a few hugs today" Jeongin spoke, giggling as he felt two pair of strong arms wrap around him, giving him hugs and kisses all day and night.

I swear I'm gonna cry when this book ends. Also thanks for 1k views!

I wanna spoil a bit more of the upcoming book, so here's the cover.

I wanna spoil a bit more of the upcoming book, so here's the cover

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Have a nice day :).

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