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Just as Jeongin expected it to be, it was packed with customers. Usually he would be standing around the cafè, wiping off tables, moping the floor, watering plants, collect trash and emptying it out. But now he was stuck behind the cashier, taking peoples orders as he gave them to Felix, even attempting to make some tea, since that is usually easy enough.

But around midday, they had to close of the cafè for an hour, since they needed time to clean. It was so packed that you could barely go front and back without bumping into someone, so putting the cafè on break was the easiest thing to do.

And with that Jeongin easily worked his magic, smiling at Felix's jokes, and all the stories he had to tell. He collected all the dirty dishes, hinding them all to Felix who gladly washed them clean, while Jeongin proceeded to throw empty plastic cups, or other sorts of trash out in the garbage can.

"I seriously didn't know that it being packed would be this difficult" Jeongin shook his head, remembering how he struggled picking up dirty plates, and how the many people were pushing each other. Quite chaotic to say so.

"It's the busiest I've ever seen this cafè get..I miss the old times when we just got like 20 costumers a day" Felix chuckled, taken the final few minutes off to relax with Jeongin.

"How long have you've been working here?" Jeongin asked, curiosity taking over him.

"Around 3 years, I started when I was 16" Felix smiled, seemingly remembering back to when he was simply just a teenager. "I never got your age?".

"I just turned 18 not to long ago" Jeongin responded, taking a sip of the cup of water in his hands.

"Ah, so you've just turned into an adult" Felix wiggled his brows, causing Jeongin to laugh at his behavior.

Jeongin was relatively comfortable with Felix by his side, he was happy he got to make a friend. Sure they've may only have known each other for a few hours, but those few hours had brought them really close. He had and would never have expected to actually make a friend while at work, but Felix seemed happy and rather harmless, and he didn't feel intimidated by his presence, he liked that a lot.

The next ten minutes were spend on them simply just talking about everyday lives, how Jeongin still attended school time to time, and how he had just moved out for the very first time.

Of course he left out some things, such as his two lovers, and his father and mother. It wasn't because he was embarrassed about their relationship, but he simply didn't find it necessary to mention.

"We should get back to work, before it'll look like we're dozing off" Felix chuckled, turning the sign to open and went back behind the counter, with Jeongin following behind.

They eventually started back up slowly, less people entering the shop now, but it was still many..but more easier to control than the rest crowd.

The day went on by itself, and Jeongin enjoyed the time spend with Felix, making him excited for their next shift together.

I am pretty much focusing on Jeongin's development on his social skills here, so most of the chapter to come would probably happen in this new cafè. So if there is lack of minho and hyunjin content, then you know why.

Also I have a shitty day haha.

Thanks for 500 views too!

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