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That noon Jeongin was driven to work by Hyunjin, who struggled to leave him for a bit..so they made a deal so that he could come get him when his shift ended.

Which they both agreed on without a problem, so now Jeongin was just skipping through the cafè, cleaning up tables and wiping them down, to eventually go clean the dishes, and water plants here and there.

He had found his own lovely routine, spending his first half of his shift cleaning up, and then taking so orders..and if he knew the drinks well enough, he would make them with Felix watching, and giving him instructions, letting him try on his own pretty much all the time.

So today went well..his morning was good, and so was the rest of the day, and before he even paid attention to it, it was only him and Felix back, other staff who worked since morning, has gone home for the day.

"You are getting better at making drinks!" Felix spoke, enlightened by Jeongin's quick learning skills.

Jeongin smiled at the complement, happy that his hard work has gotten any form of attention.

"Thank you, but I wouldn't have learned so well without you" Jeongin smiled, finishing with wiping down the counter inside the small counter, we're mist supplies for drinks stood.

"Now don't flatter me. We can hsve a small break in a minute, maybe eat some food, no one is here right now" Felix spoke, skipping to the cafè door, and turning the sign to closed.

Jeongin smiled with a ight nod, the dynamics of their friendship still having to him. Felix was relatively happy all the time, and smiling, always making somebodies day..while Jeongin kept quiet and reserved, not really interested in being as energetic and happy as Felix..but he truly liked Felix for being those exact two things.

"So I have a question to your little love interest..you don't need to answer though" Felix smile, dragging Jeongin from behind the counter, to sit with him by one of the tables.

"Alright..spill" Jeongin said, feeling relatively more comfortable with Felix minute by minute.

The worst he could fear was him basically judging him for having two lovers, but then yet again, Felix seemed like a very accepting person.

"Okay so! I've been curious to know whether your seeing a male or a female? Is it too personal to ask for your sexuality?" Felix spoke, more focused on trying to get to l ow Jeongin on a personal level now.

Felix was a smooth talker, and easily befriended people quickly, but still took precautions when asking personal questions.

"It's fine, I don't mind..well I assume I'm pretty much gay..I don't feel attracted to woman, so yeah..I think that it's clear that I am seeing men" Jeongin spoke, trying not to give away his relationship with two people too quickly.

It's not because he thought it was weird, but he was scared that Felix found it weird.

"Ah okay! So you aren't anything else? Like I'm pansexual, with a preference for masculine people, I don't have any other sexuality, but some people have more than one" Felix spoke, actually seeming quite educated on that subject.

Jeongin was slightly nervous, he knew he didn't need to share if he didn't want too, but he was genuinely comfortable woth Felix..and he seemed to know well about it..maybe Felix could help him understand it better, since he was in fact a bit confused this morning.


Jeongin had to stop himself, not wanting to make a fool out of himself, buy Felix just looked at him with curious eyes.

"You really don't have to if your not comfortable innie" Felix spoke, giving a small nickname that catched Jeongin's attention, but he decided not to ask into it.

"No it's fine, i just don't know how to word it out" He chuckled, earning a warm smile from Felix.

He took a breath to collect himself..wanting Felix to be told instead him having to suddenly find out some time, so that he wouldn't be confused..and Jeongin felt fine with sharing, just a bit nervous.

"When I said I'm seeing someone, well..I meant seeing more than one? And not only seeing them..but I live with them too.." Jeongin spoke, a bit confused by his explanation, but it was the best he could do.

He looked down, not really sure If he could bear eye contact.

"No, but that's cool!" Felix worded out, a bright smile displayed on his face.

Jeongin had to take some time to process..was it really so easy? Was he really struggling for nothing? But it only made him feel relieved.

"Yeah.." he scratched his ne k nervously.

"The relationship part though? Those It confuse you?" Felix asked, asking into what Jeongin seemed to be confused about.

Jeongin simply nodded, not exactly knowing how to word it, but knew he had to in order for Felix to give his best advice.

"I mean..yes, but I feel secure in it. I'm just a bit unsure about what we are, cause we certainly ly aren't friends, but we never made anything official" Jeongin spoke, letting Felix rub his arm in comfort, whi h helped release some anxiety he felt.

This was their deepest talk yet, despite barely knowing each other for twentyfour hours, but as long as they were both comfortable, then that's what mattered.

"Do you want it to be official? I mean it doesn't have to be official to still be lovers, some prefer to be lovers than to be together in like boyfriend to boyfriends" Felix spoke with a smile.

"I'm actually fine with being labeled as anything, but a friend..so whatever they are comfortable with, then I'm  comfortable with it too" Jeongin smiled.

Talking about was actually nice, and he felt like it was better to talk with Felix before talking eith them about it, even though he'd love to talk with them.

"My best advice then, is to talk it out with them, I'm pretty sure they would listen".


Jeongin baby is learning more about himself, and I'm living for it.

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