chapter eleven

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"Please tell me this is the last one, I don't know how much more of this I can take," I sighed deeply, putting my face in my hands. "I think my brain might explode."

"I hope you know that your delegation skills are horrific," My executive assistant Niyah joked, getting up to open my office door to greet who I hoped and presumed to be the last candidate for the final position I needed to be filled. "You could've had anyone else do this but instead you subjected Avalon and I to this along with yourself. What was gained?"

"Stop it," I laughed. "You're so mean to me."

Niyah looked out the window of the door for a moment, "It's a white guy."

Avalon laughed and mocked her, "Oh no, a white man! What ever are we going to do?"

Niyah opened the door and shook hands with the tall white man with broad shoulders and a dazzling smile that went on for miles. He approached my desk and I walked around to personally greet him, "Hi, I'm Han. You're here to interview for the Social Services Director job, correct?"

The man stuck his hand out for me to shake with a chipper smile, "Yes, that's me! I'm Dylan Price! I'm a bit surprised that I'm meeting you so quickly, I've been in this business for thirteen years and it's rare for CEOs to be so hands-on."

Subtly dropping work experience while blowing smoke up my ass? Nice.

Turning the tables a bit to throw him off his tracks, I said, "Well, if this is the job for you, you and I will be working together daily for my thesis. Is this something you're comfortable with? You seem...apprehensive."

Good to know I'm still intimidating even though I'm six inches shorter than this guy.

"It's not what I'm used to but I don't see the problem with that," Dylan said with a smile, trying his best to power through.

Impressed by his deflection of my provocation, I walked back around my desk and sat down in front of him, "Sit with me, let's chat."

"I feel like I'm facing a panel of judges," Dylan chuckled nervously.

"I will gladly leave," Niyah said, pointing at the door with her thumb.

"Whatever," I chuckled. I scanned through his resumé once again as I spoke, "Your experience is impressive. You have two bachelors and glowing recommendations. Tell me, why does working at Genesis interest you?"

"Your main goal in Genesis and your thesis is proving how important free speech is to maintaining democracy while still creating a safe environment, correct? Finding that positive balance, if you will. Directing your social care department specifically means I have the opportunity to work hands-on with a geniuses' vision. I'm not sure how it is from your perspective but from mine, this is the opportunity of a lifetime."

"You little..." I waved my finger at him with a smile. "You knew exactly what to say."

Dylan laughed, "I know the way to a man's heart."

Although Avalon and I weren't that familiar with each other, we found ourselves to be making eye-contact at this response of his. I cleared my throat, "That's one way to put it, sure."

"I'm just messing with you," Dylan said, waving his hand in the air. "I'm a genuine fan of yours, honest. When I found out what your vision was for Genesis and that you'd hired a team but hadn't found a director, I knew I had to apply. This feels like divine intervention, or something."

"You sound....very excited," I chuckled to myself. "If I were to give you this job, would you be sucking-up to me the entire time or would you just do it until you're sure I like you?"

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