chapter thirty-three

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Monday Evening

If my last moment on this earth is spent shutting a front door behind me, at least I died a G.

I turned back around and immediately saw Minho standing at the top of the stairs with his arms crossed leaning against the guardrail. I closed my eyes as I took my shoes off, bracing myself for what was to come.

I heard Minho's footsteps coming down the stairs and I made my way out of the foyer to the front room with my eyes on the ground to avoid his when all of a sudden I heard something crash to my right.

"Did you just throw a fucking vase at me!?" I shouted at him.

Minho grabbed a framed art piece from the wall and held it up, "What are you going to do about it? Steal two of my employees? Oh, wait, you already did that!"

He threw the painting at me and I dodged it, "I am literally standing here with dinner and two of my laptops! Stop it!"

Minho grabbed a framed picture of us and threw it at me, "No! You're evil!"

I tried walking up to him and he backed away, snatching another art piece from the wall and holding it out in front of him. I exclaimed, "Oh, come on!"

"Stay back!" Minho exclaimed, "You're an evil vampire disguised as my boyfriend that's come here to suck my blood and take my life force! What did you do with him!?"

I burst into laughter and brushed past him as I made my way up the stairs to our bedroom. I sat the food down outside of the door and he followed me inside as he asked, "What the fuck were you thinking!?"

"I wasn't thinking anything," I lied, setting my bag down on the floor and beginning to take off my jewelry.

"You know how important Changbin and Seungmin are to Anaïs," Minho said as he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Why didn't you treat them like it?" I scoffed softly.

"You know I'm not good at that kind of stuff."

"Being a human being? Yeah, I know," I chuckled. "Sounds like a personal problem."

"So, you just don't feel anything? You don't feel bad at all?" Minho asked me.

I turned around to look at him and leaned against the dresser, "Should I?"

"Yeah, you fucked me. You completely fucked me!" Minho exclaimed.

"Mmm," I looked down at the floor for a moment and thought to myself, "Yeah, no. Still your fault."

"How is it my fault!?"

"You treated them like shit! They both have been on the edge of quitting for years! I've seen Changbin smile more in the past week working with me than I've seen him smile the entirety of my time working under you. You are a garbage boss!"

"I don't understand how you don't feel bad at all. I don't know who you are anymore," Minho said to me.

Let's play a game.

I pretended to be hurt, "How could you say something like that?"

"It's true!" Minho exclaimed. "I don't recognize you in any of the decisions you make."

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