chapter ninety

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Minho blinked at me a few times, "You did what?"

"I think the spirit of you possessed me in that moment."

"I've done a lot of shitty things but I've never fired someone for talking."

"Maybe not in my time but you definitely have."

Minho chucked, "Yeah, probably."

"I also might've openly admitted that I basically enslaved them."

Minho choked on his water, "What the fuck?"

"Yeah... Not really sure why I did that. I think it was supposed to be a power play but now everyone's gonna hate me instead of just fear me in a healthy way."

"How many people walked out of the room?"

"What?" I asked.

"How many people took the elevator out or hid in their offices?"

I thought to myself for a moment, "No one."

"They clearly don't hate you, in that case."

"They probably just stuck around to see me rip into Grayson," I chuckled.

Minho leaned his head up from where it'd been rested on my chest to kiss my neck, "Imagining you humiliating him in front of everyone is the hottest thing I've thought of you doing today."

I moaned softly when he bit and tugged at my neck, "And what else have you thought about me doing?"

"Nothing PG, that's for sure."

"You have such a dirty mind."

"It's not my fault that I have a sexy boyfriend."

"It is your fault because you're incredible and that's why I love you."

"That was such a self-esteem booster."

"Good. You deserve to feel like you're amazing because you are," I mumbled, patting his head and running my hand through his hair a few times.

"Nobody's ever been as good to me as you are."

"I try my best."

"You've shown me that I deserve better and you've given me that too. I know that perfection is mostly subjective but you match the 'perfect boyfriend' archetype to a T. I don't get it."

"You're just as good to me as I am to you."

"No way."

"Yeah, way. Except for that secret you've been keeping."

"What secret am I keeping?" Minho chuckled.

"That my Pasta and your Pasta are the same person."

"They're not the same person."

"Sure they aren't."

"That was petty," Minho chuckled once more.

"Okay, maybe. I know you're hiding something, though. I know your tricks."

"Shush. Just let me cuddle you."

"Fine. You know I love cuddles."

"Cuddle time is a necessity."

"Fucking, thank you. Oh my god. People look at me like I'm crazy whenever I say that."

"You're not crazy. You're right and you should say it."

"I'm always right," I joked.

"You really are."

"Don't gas me up like that," I grinned sheepishly. "I was just messing."

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