chapter sixty-three

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Finally, I make it home first.

I slid my shoes off and ran up to the bedroom excitedly, setting my things down on the floor and quickly snatching the remote I'd gotten to control the surround surround speakers in the kitchen. I ran back down the stairs and out to the kitchen, squealing in excitement as I turned the corner and turned it on. I pulled out my phone and connected to the Bluetooth, shuffling my favorite playlist and setting my phone down. Annie by Neon Indian started to play as I slowly backed away dramatically, humming the melody as I did. I began to dance like an idiot to blow off steam from the day, lip-syncing the lyrics like my life depended on it. I slid across on the floor in my socks a few times and laughed to myself as I skipped around, throwing my hands in the air. As the ending of the song began to play I danced even harder than I had been before, nearly falling on the floor as I did so. I heard a laugh come from behind me and a voice that asked, "Do you want me to leave you alone?"

Brushing aside my embarrassment from the interruption, I ran over to Minho and gave him a big hug, "I missed you."

"You're so cute," He said to me, kissing my forehead a few times. "I missed you too."

"I finally beat you home," I grinned at him, kissing his cheek.


"Let me have my moment!" I whined.

"Can we go upstairs? My legs are tired," Minho sighed, leaning against the table.

"Old man," I joked, letting go of him and grabbing my phone and the remote.

I turned the music off as Minho responded, "Wow, okay. I see how it is."

I chuckled as we made our way upstairs, "I'm just fucking with you. How was your day?"

"Boring. As fuck. Did a lot of walking, that wasn't fun."

"Nothing in particular to mention?" I asked him as I entered our bedroom and picked my things up off the floor, setting them elsewhere.

Minho sat down on the edge of the bed as he began undoing his tie, "I missed you all day. Does that count?"

I walked over to him and sat down on his lap sideways, taking over and taking his tie off the rest of the way myself, "I missed you all day too. Today sucked."

"Tell me about it," Minho sighed.

I began unbuttoning his shirt for him, "I literally didn't even bother changing after I got home. I just went up here to grab the remote and then back downstairs."

"Does that mean I get to help you take your clothes off too?" Minho joked.

"If you want," I remarked with a smirk.

"What was your day like?"

"Ugh," I groaned. "Grayson started today. I thought I'd be able to steer clear of him at least a little bit but Niyah thought it'd be a brilliant idea to introduce us and then leave Veronica and I alone with him."

Minho chuckled, "How'd that go?"

"Vee and I agreed right before Niyah opened the door that we'd pretend like we didn't know him. When she left us alone with him, he started talking about how it was ridiculous that we were pretending not to know him. We kept pretending like he was talking nonsense until he addressed me by my name. It bothered the fuck out of me so I told him off."

"Oooh, what'd you say?" Minho asked me as I got off his lap.

"Don't speak to me directly. Don't use my name. Don't even look at me. Just don't. You can refer to me and I might respond but don't attempt to converse with me. I will make conversation if I so please but you will not speak to me unless I speak to you first. For that matter, don't talk to Veronica either. We don't know each other. If anyone asks, the three of us were a part of the same graduating class but we never crossed paths. We've never met. Are we clear?" I said, quoting myself word-for-word.

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