chapter sixteen

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"I thought we were doing an interview about Genesis, this is no fair."

"We knew you'd never agree to doing something like this because it's too trivial for you but I swear it'll be fun. You're the one that agreed to come here four times because the audience loves you so much."

"I came back because I enjoy being here, Mark," I said to the host, crossing my legs and folding my hands together.

"Don't look at me like that," Mark joked, "You're too pretty."

"Just go ahead with the questions since you technically tricked me into doing them," I said with a soft scoff.

"Okay, these are a combination of questions the production team and I created so just entertain me a little bit, alright?"

"That's cool."

"Here's the first question. This man came to power thirty-four days before FDR and left it nineteen days after him."

"Adolf Hitler."

The host cleared his throat, "Wow, alright. A twenty-twelve poll by Britain's national army museum voted this man, born in seventeen-thirty-two, as the nation's greatest military enemy."

"George Washington," I answered confidently.

"How do you even-," The host interrupted himself and cleared his throat, "What's the only country that borders the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf?"


"This machine invented in nineteen-twenty-nine; the government began buying them to help prevent any more fatalities in the Army Air Corps."

"The flight simulator."

"I hate you. This one is more difficult. A Christian hymn and a Jewish holiday hymn are both titled this."

"Be more specific," I said.

"The hymn shades the same name as a two-thousand-nine Tony-nominated musical."

"What the?" I paused, "Okay. I'm going to take a completely wild guess here and say it's Rock of Ages."

"No way you just got that. I hate you. You're the worst. Jane went to visit Jill. Jill is Jane's only husband's mother-in-law's only husband's only daughter's only daughter. What relation is Jill to Jane?"

"I think Jill is Jane's daughter."

"Tabitha likes cookies but not cake. She likes mutton but not lamb, and she likes okra but not squash. Following the same rule, will she like cherries or pears?" The host asked me, raising a brow. "You have to say how you got it too because this is starting to be creepy."

"Tabitha only likes foods with two syllables, she'll like cherries."

"Andy is put in a cell with a dirt floor and only one window. The window is too high for him to reach. The only thing in the cell is a shovel. He won't be able to get any food or water and only has two days to escape or he'll die. Andy can't dig a tunnel because it will take him much longer than two days to do it. How will Andy escape from the cell?"

"Andy has to create a pile of dirt underneath the window."

"Marissa and Juliana went out for drinks together. They ordered the same drink. Juliana was really thirsty and finished five in the time it took Marissa to finish one. The drinks were poisoned, but only Marissa died. How?"

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