chapter twenty-seven

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I propped my phone up on one of the closet organizers I had and told Siri to FaceTime Felix, waking away from it and beginning to rake through my clothes. The call picked up and he asked me, "Where the fuck are you?"

I walked over and stood in front of the camera, "I'm having difficulty."

"Okay? What's that gotta do with me?" Felix joked.

"I'm serious," I whined, stomping my foot.

Felix laughed, "What's up?"

"I don't know how to dress sexy!" I exclaimed with a pout.

"Yes the fuck you do," Felix laughed once more, "What are you talking about?"

"I don't know how to dress intentionally sexy," I rolled my eyes. "Help a man out here."

"I was about to tell you to just ask Minho but then I remembered that you're doing this specifically to anger him," Felix chuckled to himself. "Did you do the thing with your hair he likes?"

"Yes I did and I will be every day until he learns how to shut the fuck up about our best friendship," I grinned.

"I can't really blame him for thinking it looks good but yet again, I don't want to sleep with you, he does," Felix said.

"Does Changbin know about any of this yet?" I asked him, walking over to the clothing rack and looking through my shirts.

"He's like-," Felix paused. "I don't really know how to describe how he feels about it."


"We're actually having somewhat of a hard time right now," Felix admitted. "Not because of Minho but what this has brought up."

"Go on."

"I never told Changbin about my addiction."

I stopped what I was doing and turned around although he couldn't see me, "Are you serious?"

"He's angry that I didn't tell him. I can't help but feel like he sees me differently."


"He stormed out of the room before I could even explain how it happened in the first place," Felix said.

"He has no idea about your love of gymnastics?" I asked him.

"No, I never wanted him to see that side of me but part of telling him the story involved explaining the things Minho was calling me," Felix huffed. "He's acting like a kid about it."

"In his defense, I think I'd be pretty upset if I found out my boyfriend used to be a pill addict."

"No you wouldn't," Felix softly. "You'd just be concerned. I wish Changbin would've been concerned."

"I bet his concern manifested itself into anger and he just doesn't know how to articulate his feelings yet. Give him some time," I said to him reassuringly. "Better you get his reaction now before you get a house with him, right?"

"You know what? You make a good point," Felix said. "Did you ever tell Minho why I became addicted to pills in the first place? I ask because I know you had to have told him for this to even be coming up in conversation. He doesn't know that I know that he knows I'm an addict."

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