chapter fifty-nine

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"How many words did Shakespeare create, do you think?"

"He introduced like seventeen hundred to the English language but I believe he's credited with creating like fifteen or so," I responded mindlessly, taking random pictures on his phone.

"You're like, human Google," Minho joked.

I heard my phone begin to ring from across the table and slid it over to myself, furrowing my brows at the sight of who was calling.

"Who is it?"

"Someone's calling me from fucking jail. What the fuck?" I chuckled.

"How can you tell?" Minho gasped, running over to my side of the table and looking at the caller ID. "Answer it!"

"Why would I answer it?" I laughed.

"Just do it," Minho chuckled. "It could be funny."

I answered the phone and put it on speaker, "Hey, who's this?"

"Oh my god, thank fucking god. I was so scared you weren't going to pick up."

I gasped, quickly taking the phone off speaker and holding it to my ear, "What the fuck did you do?"

"Hey, who is it?" Minho whispered.

"You've got to help me. I fucked up bad. I fucked up real bad."

"Oh my god..." I mumbled to myself. "Can I tell Minho?"

"You can tell him you're talking to me and that I'm handcuffed to a phone but you cannot tell him what I did."

"Oh my fucking god," I slapped my forehead, "Minho, it's Jeongin."

He burst into laughter, "That's too fucking good."

I rolled my eyes and walked out of earshot, "Jeongin, what the hell did you do?"

"Aimee took your advice from my birthday party and since getting closer, the sex has gotten more exciting. Basically, we thought it'd be fun to take things to the next level..."

I'm on the next lev-,

Not the right time, Han.

"Next level, meaning?" I asked him.

"We fucked in park. We fucked in a park and we got arrested."

"And you didn't think to call a lawyer?"

"I don't have a fucking lawyer! Do I look like I need a fucking lawyer!? I need a fucking lawyer but I don't have a super brain like you so I can't just remember the number of a lawyer off the top of my head! A lawyer that I don't have because I don't need a fucking-,"

"You can get put on a sex offender registry for the shit you and her did!"

"Aimee already used her one call on her sister and she didn't pick up. I only have one call too and I didn't know who else to call. You have to help me."

"You better be lucky you have friends in high places," I scoffed softly. "You're my bitch now, you know that?"

"Yeah, I owe you one. I know."

"Where are you being held?" I asked him.


"Yeah, I got you. Just-," I sighed heavily, "Don't say anything stupid. Don't say anything, in fact.  They'll use anything against you."

"Okay. Okay. You'll send someone, right?"

"Yeah, yeah," I sighed once more. "Just hang tight, alright?"

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