chapter fifty-three

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I felt a small tug on my arm that pulled me from my sleep and my eyes fluttered open.


I turned my head over, startled, "Wha?"


I immediately turned my body to face his and squished his cheeks with my hands, "You're so cute, stop it."

"Make me," Minho grinned. I began kissing his cheek repeatedly until he pushed me off of him, "It tickles."

"Why are you awake?" I asked him, scooting down the bed a bit and resting my head on his chest.

"I can't sleep and I miss you," Minho whined. "I'm also shitty about the tabloids."

"I am too but they can fucking suck it," I chuckled.

"First people want us to be together next they're upset about some stupid tattoos. Who the fuck cares?"

"Some people think it's hot," I said. "I know I do. I don't care about what anyone says. Major publications don't care enough to talk about it. 'Surprised you didn't just pay everyone off."

"I would but people are gonna find out anyway. Do you think our friends know?"

"They all agreed to avoid looking at stuff about us. I told Felix about it already and he didn't really care."

"I'm so glad you have him. I did a lot of research and it's healthy for people in relationships to have at least one other person that they can confide everything in. I...don't really want that, though."

I leaned up and kissed him on the cheek delicately with a hand on his face, "Do whatever you want, baby. I love you."

"I love you too."

"I've been hanging out with Pasta more lately. He's honestly really cool to be around one-on-one. We have a lot more in common than I thought we would. He says he'd like to meet you sometime."

"Can you introduce him as Pasta?" Minho asked. "Like, ask him if I can call him Pasta. Seriously."

I laughed, "That's fucking funny. I'll do it. I just hope he isn't offended."

"Is it bad that I don't care?" Minho asked me.

"I've heard you say worse," I said, resting one of my legs over both of his.

"I don't like the way I used to treat you."

I brought the blanket up to my shoulder and held onto some of of it, "I didn't either. You were so mean and I hate that I'm going to have to remember all of it for the rest of my life."

"Had I known that I would've just shut the fuck up."

"I'm good at blocking it out but sometimes I'll remember all of it at once and it hurts. I know you didn't really mean any of it but what hurts more than the things you said are the things that I said in response."

"Whenever you used to tell me that you hated me I'd feel like I was going to throw up," Minho admitted.

"Can you blame me?" I asked him. "You treated me like fucking shit."

"I know. Anything you did was always in response to me. I pushed too hard," Minho sighed in frustration. "I still feel like a fucking idiot for a lot of it. I remember back when you quit thinking that I would've done the same exact thing."

"You really tried to pay me to come back as if that dumbass shit would've worked," I laughed at him.

"You're right, that was some dumbass shit to do," Minho laughed. "And then I tried to kill myself."

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