chapter thirty-five

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I quickly slid my shoes off and ran up the tower stairs, "I am late I am late and I am so sorry."

"How could you almost miss a council meeting?" Veronica joked.

"I was in an actual meeting!" I exclaimed, scurrying over to the empty seat everyone had left for me in the middle. "Sorry, sorry, sorry, what'd I miss?"

"We're revisiting the Dylan thing," Niyah said.

"Oh, good," I said. "It's long overdue. This shit with Minho has me distracted."

"There's nothing quite like having to put a leash on your boyfriend, now, is there?" Avalon chuckled.

"How are we all feeling about him?" I asked everyone. "Anyone want to share in a circle?"

"Nelson dragged us here, I don't even know who we've been talking about," Changbin said.

"Yeah, me either," Seungmin said.

"Dylan's this guy that wants to join our sort of group here," Kimi said. "We're not trying to be cliquey about it but we've had our reservations about him."

"If you met him, you'd get it," Nelson said.

"What does he look like?" Changbin asked.

"He's like six-foot, has dark brown hair, built as fuck. Sort of dilf-y without actually being a dad," Avalon said. "On the off-chance that there's an image coming to your guys' minds, he's wearing a red button-down with black pants today."

"Is that the guy that randomly touched your neck the other day?" Seungmin asked me.

"That was so fucking weird," I chuckled lowly. "We're just standing there talking and all of a sudden this dude's big ass hands are on my neck fixing my necklace for me."

"That's odd," Seungmin said. "Does he do anything else like this?"

"I want to think that he's just being nice but at this point it's just weird," I said. "He started cleaning my desk for me out of nowhere a few weeks ago and when I told him to stop, he said he couldn't. What the fuck does that even mean?"

"Oh my god, he did that to me too!" Avalon exclaimed. "He comes into my office to ask me a question and as we're talking he just starts cleaning my desk. I told him to stop because I'd just cleaned it but he said he 'had to do it.' It seems like OCD or something."

"It sounds like you guys are judging him too harshly, in that case," Changbin said.

"Maybe he's just...quirky..." Seungmin shrugged. "I don't know. He doesn't sound bad, though. Just strange."

"He doesn't understand social cues either. The only time he ever did was the time Jisung touched his face. He notices when other people are being weird but he doesn't notice himself. Why is that?" Nelson asked all of us. "Nobody can tell me that isn't weird."

"We wouldn't be judging him if we knew this was diagnosable, in our defense," Niyah said. "I feel like we sound like fucking assholes right now."

Changbin stood up, "Yeah, you kind of do."

Seungmin stood up as well, "This conversation is boring and you're all hypocrites. We're gonna head back. See you guys around."

Seungmin and Changbin walked down the steps of the tower and I looked over at everyone, "Well, that was embarrassing."

"They don't get it, they haven't worked here long," Nelson said. "I think we have a point in having reservations."

"I don't know, it's a pretty big deal to be called an implied asshole from them," I said.

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