chapter seventy

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Trying to convince yourself that your boyfriend's abusive ex and your close work friend aren't the same person after Niyah's party was a challenge. Especially when said boyfriend refuses to discuss the topic beyond more than a few words and zero eye-contact.

Something. Is. Wrong.

"I don't know if I've lost my mind. Perhaps I'm just over-thinking it like I do literally everything else. Something just felt so wrong about that interaction. I can't put my finger on what it is but ever since Minho's had this sort of vibe to him."

"What kind of vibe?" Felix asked.

"See, that's the thing. I don't know what vibe I'm getting but I feel something."

Veronica ran up to our table and set her bag on the table, "Sorry, sorry, sorry. Traffic was awful. What'd I miss?"

"You missed Han talking about his relationship. You know, again," Felix said.

"I do not talk about him that much!" I exclaimed in defense of myself.

"I'm not saying it's a bad thing. You love him. I'm just saying you talk about him a lot," Felix shrugged.

"I get that you've been best friends since middle school so you obviously knew him way before he got famous but you can't tell me that you don't enjoy hearing about the inner workings of a celebrity relationship straight from the fucking source," Veronica said to him.

"Yeah, sure," Felix chuckled. "Look, I'm okay with not knowing the most personal details about famous people's lives. I don't need to know what their favorite fruit is or what size underwear they wear."

"You're just saying that because you lost hope in celebrities after that thing with Jensen," I scoffed softly at him. "You're such a damn hypocrite. We used to be obsessed with knowing everything there is to know about celebrity drama. We ate that shit up, don't lie."

"Oh, so this is like a pride thing?" Veronica laughed at his expense. "Whether we like it or not almost everyone is invested at least somewhat in the personal lives of celebrities. We all separate the version of Han that we know and love and the Han that we see in the news all of the time. We tell him that we're desensitized and that we don't see him like that but we still do regardless of whether or not we admit it. No matter what we tell other people or ourselves he's still Han, you get me?"

"Fuck you," Felix rolled his eyes. "Yeah. You got me."

"See? That's what I'm talking about," Veronica grinned, slapping his shoulders a few times. "Han, spill."

"You know that party at Niyah's? Minho's been acting different ever since."

"That was two weeks ago... I thought you guys were doing better about communication."

"Yeah, what she said," Felix laughed.

"I mean our relationship is fine. We're still communicating and everything feels normal. There's just something off about him whenever we aren't talking. I should specify that we still talk the same amount but whenever we aren't there's something different about him. I don't know what's going on in his mind right now."

"Anyone want shots?" Felix asked. "On me."

"Sure," Veronica smiled at him. "Thanks."

"No, I'm trying to cut down on it. It makes me sad."

Felix gave me a weird look, "I'm not judging you for not wanting to drink but all things considered you're an ex-alcoholic and never once did you want to stop because you were 'sad.' What the fuck does that even mean?"

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