chapter sixty-four

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im literally so tired of doing these because when is this book not fucked up but this is a bit heavy

"How many guys have you slept with?"

"What?" I laughed. "That's so random."

"I'm curious."

"I thought we didn't like talking about that stuff."

"I figured that was in the past since you know about my exes and I know about Grayson..." Minho trailed off.

"I know, I just-,"

"I think it's you," Minho said.

"What?" I slurred, snatching the bottle of rosé off the table and shoving my phone in my pocket as I left the room.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Minho asked me, getting up from his seat and following me as I walked out.

"Taking the party upstairs," I joked. "Now, what do you mean? How is it me?"

"You're the one that doesn't like to talk about that stuff. We've switched positions."

"I'm hesitant because of your past, baby. You're sensitive," I chuckled, blowing him off.

"I really do hate when you call me that. It sounds condescending."

I'm too fucking drunk for this.


"I literally hate it. It makes me feel sick."

"Um..." I chuckled lowly, taking a large swig as I hit the last step of the stairs.

"I take every single word you say to me to heart and that one? It hurts. It hurts every single time."

I sighed heavily as I opened our bedroom door, "Why? Being sensitive isn't a bad thi-,"

Minho cut me off as he sat down on the edge of the bed, scooting back a bit, "Because it's coming from you, Han. You're the strongest person I've ever met and to hear you say that you think I'm not is terrible."

I sat down on the dresser and looked him dead in the eyes as I spoke, "I don't know if Daddy taught you that showing your emotions makes you weak but mine taught me that vulnerability is a strength."

"Never say that word again. That's sick," Minho laughed at me.

"Do you get my point?"

"I wish I could be like you," Minho said quietly. "There's nobody else out there like you."

"I don't understand," I said, scoffing softly at him.

"I thought you understood everything?"

I grimaced at him, "Don't provoke me when I'm drunk. That's a terrible idea."

"Oh? And what would you do, hit me?"

"What in the actual fuck is this conversation?" I asked, setting the bottle down and throwing my hands up in the air. "Like, I literally told you to leave me alone earlier."

"I'm not going to let you drink alone, Han. You sink and you get triggered if the wrong thing comes to mind. What if you fell asleep in a random part of the house and choked on your own vomit?"

"You're fucking high!" I exclaimed.

"Okay? And? What's your point?"

"Okay. I see how it is. It's fine when you do it but when I do it I need a fucking babysitter."

"You're an alcoholic."

I chuckled dismissively, taking another sip of the bottle before setting it back down, "Fuck you."

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