chapter eighty-three

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I looked around, "Where's Vee?"

"What do you mean, 'Where's Vee?'" Nelson asked. "We haven't talked to her."

"Kimi and I have talked to her," I said. "We're not shunning anyone."

"We did it to Dylan," Avalon shrugged.

"You can't compare those things," I mumbled as I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Veronica with a quick 'come 2 br' behind my back.

"I kind of miss when it was just the five of us," Nelson frowned.

"You might as well just say you miss it when it was the four of you considering how easy it was for you to shut me out," I paused and sighed, "Sorry, that was snappy. I'm not in a good mood right now. I'm just saying. It's not fair to cut her out."

"Are you okay?" Niyah asked.

"No," I huffed, taking a seat on the end next to Kimi. "Grayson came into my office asking me questions and then he started flirting with me. Do you fuckers how much I wish I could tear up his contract? I hate him with every fiber of my being. Saying that I hate him probably implies that I care for him in some way but honestly, I do care. Just not about him. I care that he fucked with me and now he's back for more. I'm finally happy and he just wants to come in and ruin it. I hate him."

"What actually happened with you guys?" Avalon asked me.

"I can tell you if you motherfuckers stop ignoring me."

"Did you text her?" Niyah asked, pointing at Veronica who'd been standing at the top of the stairs waiting for anyone aside from Kimi and I to notice her presence.

"Why are you talking about her like she's not there? I told her to come," I said.

"I get that you may have forgiven her for the awful shit she's done and said but I haven't," Avalon said. "I don't want her around me if she's gonna act like how she has been."

"I haven't forgiven her. She clearly just needs help." I looked over at Veronica and joked, "This is an intervention, by the way."

Veronica sat down next to me, "I'm very mentally unstable."

"Oh, so we're just diving right in, huh?" Nelson chuckled.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked her.

"Only if they want to listen to it," Veronica huffed.

"We are not doing the manipulation today, girl. We're either having a real conversation about why you've been treating Avalon and I the way you have been or you can just sit there in silence. I would tell you to just walk away but I fought for your right to be here," I said, crossing my arms as I eyed her. "What do you say?"

"It's a bit strange doing this here, don't you think?" Veronica asked.

"None of their lives have been normal since I met met them and in your case, since I came back into your life." I chuckled. "Why is this something worth fighting, in your mind?"

"It's embarrassing," Veronica said, scratching her elbow.

"I find it incredibly embarrassing that I'm famous, if I'm honest," I said. "Everything is embarrassing. Who cares?"

"Wait, what?" Nelson asked.

"How is that embarrassing?" Avalon asked me.

"That doesn't make any sense. You're the most confident person I've ever met," Niyah said.

"Every day that I leave my house I think to myself, "I'm about to humiliate myself." I don't really care about being known personally, I want my work to be famous. Genesis is not my magnum opus. I went viral for the first time because I went with Minho to the Met Gala with Min, right? It was a bet on his part. We'd just started dating after more than half of a year of knowing each other and he wanted to prove a point by taking me. We hid it from our friends for a bit but it came out after Chan committed suicide. I know I would've made it without him and he was the first one of us to say it but the way it went down was a complete accident on my part. I don't find it comforting that there's millions of eyes on me all of the time. It has its moments but I don't prefer it."

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