chapter sixty-two

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"Vee? Where the fuck have you been? I've been calling you since Thursday!" I shouted at her, running up to her car like a madman.

"I was on a romantic getaway with Avie. No phones allowed. We really needed it after everything that happened," Veronica said, brushing her hair out of her face and shutting her car door.

"Well, isn't that convenient," I mumbled, rolling my eyes. "I don't fucking care! If I call you, you pick up!"

"I can't believe you'd say that," Veronica frowned. "That's so harsh. Why are you out of breath? All you did was run up to my car. You're in shape."

I set my coffee on the top of her car and grabbed her shoulders, "This is a big fucking deal!"

"Dude, what the fuck is your problem?" Veronica asked me, shrugging my hands away.

"There is an emergency, Vee!" I whisper-yelled at her. "It's a code gray."

Veronica gasped, "No way!"

"Yes way!"

"What happened!?"

"Niyah fucking hired him for the temp position in CS because Jennie's pregnant."

"He's gonna be working on our floor!"

"I know!"

"Does he know I'm here!?"


"What are we gonna do?"

"I don't fucking know! He fucking tweeted at me asking if I remembered when I beat him up and by some poisoned fucking fate I happened to see it."

Veronica burst into laughter, "That was hands-down one of the top five funniest things I've ever seen."

"This is not a laughing matter! He's gonna be here today!"

"Today today?"

"Today today, Veronica! I am having a fucking crisis!"

"Did you talk to him after he tweeted at you?"

"Not by choice!"

"What does that mean?"

"Minho told me to do it because he thought it'd be funny," I mumbled, rolling my eyes once again. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it for her, "Look for yourself."

Veronica read through all of the messages in silence before handing my phone back to me with a horrified expression, "Can we get away with not talking to him?"

"He's the kind of guy that'll come up to us,  pretend like it's college, and rub in our faces the fact that he got hired here. It doesn't matter if he's working at the company I made. We're twenty-one again and this is our karma for McClaren."

"What if our friends make friends with him?" Veronica asked.

"That is a nauseating thought."

"I'm still judging you for fucking with him."

"I judge myself for that too."

"I don't even know what to do."

"We can't show our faces in there. We can't go inside. We can never go to work again. We have to run away, start over, and change our identities."

"Han, calm down. We have no choice but to go inside. We just have to avoid him like the plague. That's all. We can't completely shun him but we can steer clear of him as much as possible."

"Can I at least act a little bit catty?"

"You always act catty," Veronica scoffed at me, grabbing my coffee off the top of my car and taking a sip of it before handing it back to me. "Thanks. By the way, it's a good thing our hair has grown out a bit since you posted those pictures with Felix. You look better like this."

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