chapter seventy-four

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I heard a knock on my office door, "What's up?"

The door creaked open, "Hey..."

Someone fucking shoot me.

"Hey, Dylan. What's up?"

"Things between us are awkward."

"They aren't awkward," I said dismissively, looking down at my laptop.

"Can I sit?"


Dylan grabbed a chair and placed it in front of my desk, "I know why you aren't talking to me."

I closed my laptop and looked up at him, "Oh?"

"You think I'm Minho's ex."

"I don't have any friends right now because of you," I spoke bluntly.

"How do you think it makes me feel-,"

I cut him off, "Stop. I don't care how you feel. I care how Minho reacted to meeting you."

"Jesus," Dylan mumbled. "That's a bit harsh considering your claim isn't even true in the first place."

"I'm pretty much fully convinced that it is."

"Did Minho tell you that?"

"He denied it."

"How the fuck do you hear it from him and I both that we were never together but still think that we were!?"

I'm living in an alternate reality.

"Don't talk to me like that."

"Don't tell me you don't care about my feelings."

"Think about it like this. You introduce your boyfriend to one of your closest friends and he throws up. Like he straight up just pukes off a roof and tells you not to follow him. What would you assume?"

"I wouldn't assume anything. I talked to Minho for a second. He said he just felt it all of a sudden and that it was cool. I don't know what's gotten into you."

"Do you not remember when I said it sounded like you were describing Minho when you were describing your ex? There's too many coincidences. Too fucking many."

"I said then that I wasn't his ex and I'm saying it now too. He even said so."

"I know he said so but I don't believe him because I think you told him not to."

"Just because your mind is capable of going dark places doesn't mean everyone else around you is. What would even be in it for me to be working for you? Why wouldn't I just go right for Minho?"

"Obviously you couldn't fucking work for him if he's your ex."

"Oh, really?"

No. Way.


"I know all about you and your side piece Grayson," Dylan chuckled.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"He said you guys went to the same school at the same time and graduated the same exact year yet never talked to each other but I find that extremely hard to believe judging by the way he looks at you."

"You're not turning this back around on me."

"I see the way you two banter when you think nobody's around to hear it. It's hot, if I'm being completely honest."

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