chapter forty-seven

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"Hey, I'm home!"

"I'm sad!"

I rushed up the stairs and swung open the bedroom door, dropping my things on the ground and jumping on the bed next to Minho. I sat up and bounced up and down excitedly in my spot on the bed, "I missed you!"

Minho threw his phone down and reached up to hug me, pulling me down with him, "I missed you too."

"Why are you sad?" I whined, kicking my feet up in the air as I laid on his chest.

"That interviewer was all over you and it made me uncomfortable."

I sat up, "Oh my god, I know, right? I was so uncomfortable."

"I didn't like the way he was looking at you," Minho said with a pout.

I leaned down and kissed him for a moment before speaking, "I didn't like it either, I felt like he was undressing me with his eyes."

"That's my job," Minho whined, throwing his hands on the bed in temper tantrum-fashion.

"I'm glad you can tell me about this stuff now so you don't just internalize it and think that's what I want for some reason because it's most definitely not," I laughed.

"I don't know why I'm so insecure, it's fucking stupid."

"I don't want to be dismissive of your feelings because they're valid but you're right, it is fucking stupid," I laughed once more, "Like, you are my fucking soulmate. I'm not going anywhere."

Minho wrapped me up in his arms and dragged me down with him once again, "You're mine."

"There's a permanent solution to this, you know."

"Kill everyone that's into you? I don't have enough hands for that," Minho chuckled. "Or time."

"There's a way to make sure everyone knows."

"What do you mean?"

I released myself from his grasp and got off the bed, looking underneath it for the tattoo kit. When I found it, I sat it on the bed and took my shirt off, "I want everyone to know who's I am."

"Are you crazy?" Minho laughed.

I pointed to a region below my collarbone, "I want it here."

Minho sat up and took the blanket off, "Are you sure you want it there? Anyone could see it. I don't even know what you want me to write."

"You're going to write the word 'mine' like you did on my hipbone," I said to him with a small smirk as I began putting everything together.

"Han, you're insane," Minho laughed.

"Make sure it's big enough to read from a distance," I said, tossing him a pair of gloves. "I want everyone to know."

"Are you not concerned about what people at your job might think? This is a risk, you know."

"I couldn't care less what this fucks with and what it doesn't," I laughed.

"You do realize this means that you have to do one on me, right?" Minho chuckled, scooting closer to me.

"I'd do whatever you asked me to," I laughed. "I know my parents would be disappointed in me right now."

"My mom is rolling around in her grave," Minho mumbled jokingly.

"What would she think of me?" I asked him. "Another question. Did she know you were bisexual?"

"I'll answer your second question first. She did, yes," Minho said, "She was the first person I told."

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