chapter sixty-seven

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You are so pretty when you sleep.

I carefully and quietly sat my bag down on the floor next to the bed as to not wake him, sliding my jacket off and tossing it into my hamper. I took my time in the bathroom with my nightly routine, humming along to a song I'd had stuck in my head all day. I took my shirt off and lip-synced some of the lyrics to myself in the mirror, smirking at myself in satisfaction at the reflection looking back at me.

God, I am so fucking hot.

I exited the bathroom and headed for the dresser, taking my shirt and pants off as I walked. Nearly tripping over my own feet as I walked over, I laughed silently to myself as I quietly opened one of my drawers to grab a pair of pajama pants. I slid them on and not bothering to grab a shirt, I walked around the bed and sat down to take my socks off. I got under the covers and turned to face Minho, readjusting the pillow under my head.

I placed a delicate hand on his face as I appreciated him, admiring the way his lips pouted naturally when he slept and how peaceful he looked with his eyes closed. I ran a thumb over his cheek, enamored by his puffy cheeks and how soft his skin felt. Compelled by my addiction to him, I placed a few soft kisses on his cheek and lips. I turned his head to the side and began to kiss his neck, worshiping him in the only way I knew how.

Minho's eyes fluttered open at the feeling of my lips on his neck and upon processing my presence, he hummed softly, "That feels good."

I turned my head up and smirked down at him as I grabbed his face delicately and admired his features, "You're so pretty, baby."

He giggled nervously, "Don't look at me like that."

I leaned my head down and kissed him for a moment before moving my head back up, "I'm sorry about waking you up. You just look so good, I couldn't resist."

Minho smiled at me, "I've just been sleeping."

"You look so cute when you're asleep," I said to him with a pout. "I couldn't help it."

"I wanted you to wake me up anyway," Minho said, pulling me into his arms.

I scooted down on the bed a bit and rested my head on his chest with my arms wrapped around him, "I missed you."

Minho kissed my forehead, "I missed you too."

"How was your day?"

"The only good parts were waking up to you in the morning and now getting woken up by you," Minho said to me as he ran a hand up and down my back.

"The only good part of mine was waking next to you and coming home to you," I chuckled. "Today was ass."

"Want to talk about it?"

"You don't take me seriously when I talk about it."


"Grayson. You always laugh at me and you think it's funny but it's honestly not."

"That bothers you?" Minho asked with a frown.

"Well, yeah," I admitted. "Kind of."

"You can just tell me that, you know," Minho said.

"I don't know, I didn't want to ruin your fun," I shrugged.

"I didn't know his presence bothered you that much."

"Of course it bothers me. It makes me very upset. I am so far removed from the person I was when him and I were 'together' or whatever you want to call it. I was pitiful when I offered to wait for him until he was ready and see, you want to know what's really fucked up?"

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