1. broken home🌺

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- she's the scars, she's the bruises, she's the pain that you brought-
5 seconds of summer-


"Athena Arieta." Mom calls from downstairs, rage fuelling her voice.

Shit. What did I do this time?

I get up off my bed and walk down the stairs, swinging off the banister, I greet her with my smile, "Mother, how can I be of assistance?"

"Come down here, right now and wipe that silly little smile off your face." She glares at me, standing in the doorway of the kitchen with her hands on her hips.

I jog to the corridor, sliding past her and straight into the kitchen, "What did I do?" I look around, nothing seemed to be out of place.

"Look around and tell me what you see." She taps her foot off the floor repeatedly, her flat shoes making a little sound.

I look around, my sister Rhea sat at the table doing her homework, my brother Atlas sat beside her, typing away on his laptop.

There was nothing that seemed out of place, "You tidied?" I take a wild guess.

She's quick to grab my hair, "Ow, mom." I try and move away but it only made her pull tighter, she pulls me over to the sink, forcing me to look down it.

A dirty dish laid there, I haven't ate or drank since I got home so it isn't mine. "That's not even mine." I look over to my siblings, Rhea was still doing her work, not looking up. Atlas was ready to tell mom not to hit me.

He's he one that sticks up for me.

"Well, it's not theirs." She tightens her grip and then hits my head against the sink, enough to hurt me.

"Mom." Atlas stands up quickly.

God it's always me. Never them.

I feel tears in my eyes but don't let her or Atlas see.

"Mom let go of her." He holds my arm gently, beginning to unwrap my hair from moms fist. "It's okay, I can clean it." He pushes me away quickly, standing between us.

Rhea looks up to that, looking at me with her smug little smirk on her face. This is her doing, it has to be. It always is.

"It's her mess. She should clean it up." Mom points to me, "So do it, Athena. Don't let your brother clean up for you."

I can't wait to leave this place.

I walk over and turn the faucet on, Atlas makes sure he stands between mom and I, he knows she'll hurt me if he doesn't. I clean the dirty plate quickly, then leave it on the drying rack. "I'm going out." I dry my hands on my shirt, speed-walking out of the kitchen, not lifting my head, back up the stairs to the comfort of my own room.

Polka greets me on the bed with a small tilt to her spotty head, "I'll be home so we can cuddle baby." I bend down, placing a soft kiss on her head, "Promise."

She meows in return and I keep the outfit that I had on. A pair of black ripped jeans and a white shirt. I add a black jacket and some sunglasses, it's freezing and fall season outside but i don't want people to see me crying.

A knock on my door causes me to pause as I slide my shoes on, "It's Atlas. I'm coming in." He warns and then the door open, he steps in and closes it after him. "Where are you going? It's freezing out." He stands by my door.

"Away from this hell hole of a place." I finish tying my white sneakers, "Can you feed Polka if i'm not home by seven, she eats at seven." I most likely won't be home and I know that.

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