36. 12:45🌺

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-i need a moment to think about nothing at all-

We stand opppsite each other. I should have locked the back door, now i have to explain to him why i'm here and i don't want to do that, i don't want to distract him.

He was pissed off, clearly annoyed and agitated with the fact i didn't tell him.

"I'm just here until-"

"Don't fucking lie to me, Athena." His nostrils flare, "The fuck didn't you tell me? How long have you been staying here for? And don't you dare lie to me either."

I gulp, realising how mad i've made him.

"Week before thanksgiving."

He turns around, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Fucking hell, Athena."

"Kai, i'm sorry-"

"Get your shit." He turns back around, jaw tight and eyes dark.

"I'm okay staying here-"

"Gather you shit Athena. You're not fucking staying here."

Why i was scared of him, i didn't know. But i listened to it. I got the only bag i had, putting some clothes in there as he picked up some other things of mine.

"I'm sorry." I switch the heater off.

"Don't." He picks up the present he gifted me.

I stay quiet, i understand how mad he is and why he is so mad.

It wasn't long before i started talking again, "I don't have anywhere to go."

"Yeah, because i don't have an empty fucking apartment." He walks out of the room and i jog to keep up with him, wow he is very mad.

"Kairi, I said i'm sorry-"

"Athena what the fuck is wrong with you?" He raises his voice, "Why wouldn't you tell me? What even happened? What the fuck is wrong with you up here." He points to his head, "Not tell me all of this shit."

I take a step back, i know he's angry but he doesn't need to be rude about it.

He noticed that he startled me and i look down, he turns and walks away again. I walk after him. He leaves through the back entrance with his suitcase, that's why he's here, he must have forgot it.

He gets in the drivers seat, hand on the wheel and jaw clenching again.

I put my stuff in the backseat then get in the front beside him. Silence, absolute silence until he drove to the apartment complex.

Silence as we stood in the elevator.

Silence as he took me into his apartment.

He fumbled with his keys, taking out the key for his apartment. "Don't lose it."

"Kairi, im sorry i didn't tell you-"

"Just dont Athena, okay." He flicks the alarm system down, typing in something, "Pin is 0128, type it in if you leave and come into the apartment, it'll go off if you don't-"


"I'll call the care and you can pick Apollo and Creed up-"

"Kai, will you listen to me!" I raise my voice for once.

He turns around, "I'll call the housekeeper and she'll do shopping for you. Don't leave the house all the time-"

"Kairi." I rub my eyes.

"I need to go-"

I grab his arm, "Why are you so mad?"

He turns around to look at me, "Think about why i'm so fucking mad, Athena." He looks into my eyes, "I'm going to miss my flight, let go of me."

I hesitate, but remove my hand from him. "Thank you." I mumble.

He doesn't say anything, just leaves.

I slump on the couch in his empty apartment, better than being in a cafe, hate that i'm still alone.

I take my phone out of my pocket, calling Atlas. It rang for a while befofe he answered, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Can you bring Polka to Kai's before you head up to the cabin?" I wipe my hands on my legs.

"Not the cafe? Is Kai letting you stay with him for Christmas."

"Something like that."

"Hey, you should come. Moms-"

"Atlas it's not going happen. I'm putting myself first for once." I don't want him to try and bribe me.

"Okay okay, i'll bring her up now. What about his dogs?"

"It's okay, i know how to handle them."

"I'll see you soon. I have to bring your gifts too. People left some at the house."

"Yeah, thank you. Just, take your time." I hang up.

I get up, there's no point even calling Kairi to try and apologize yet, i'll do that tomorrow or something, he'll be driving now and i don't want to make him more mad than he already is.

Atlas arrives with Polka and cat food, then he drives me down to the day centre and lets me take home Apollo and Creed.

I lock Polka in Kai's room before i let the dogs in. Atlas stays for a while, bringing my small christmas tree for me, leaves because he was going to miss the train.

It was so lonely.

Even with the dogs and Polka.

I talk to the dogs as if they understand what i'm saying, "I'm going to show you guys my cat, don't hurt her." I walk towards Kai's room. I think the last straw for me would be whenever Polka dies.

Polka was curled up on Kairi's pillow, i smile at the sight and lift her up, she purrs on me and then i walk out of the room with her.

Both of the dogs look at her with confusion and a little scared of her. As if they aren't literally Akitas.

I sit on the floor and she looks at them, as soon as she meows, they start jumping around excitedly, tongue out, tail wagging.

I laugh, that was a different reaction to what i expected.

Polka just stared at them, turning her back and finding herself comfortable on my legs.

Apollo comes over and rests his chin on my thighs, Creed jumps on top of the couch and sits behind me.

This is so sad.


word count: 999

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