26. adore you🌺

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-just let me adore you, like it's the only thing i'll ever do-
-harry styles-

I wake up with pressure around my waist, come to find out that pressure was just Kairi holding me tightly.

We were spooning, he held me close to him and tightly as if he were protecting me. Like if he let go then all would be over.

I didn't feel like he was awake, i turn and look at the clock on the wall, 7:19AM. I usually get out of bed as soon as i wake up but i knew if i were to move, he would actually wake up.

I put my hand on his hand and he mumbles something, his voice barely awake. Awe, he sleep talks, that's adorable.

I smile at that, sliding my hand under the pillow to where my phone was. I guess social media will do until he wakes up.

I check my messages first, Atlas saying he needs to talk to me, Theo drunk texting me again, Jadyn even messaging saying she's upset we're not friends and then Ace spamming me with pictures of him and Taylor.

The last message saying, 'he's mine again. how did things go with Hamada?'

I text back, 'good. very touchy. we're gonna go for dinner today'

Then i check twitter, Instagram, people posting their pictures from thanksgiving with their family. It made feel sad but what's new, i can't burden other people with my family issues

Mom met Atlas's girlfriend and she spent thanksgiving with my family.

I get sick of seeing happy families and decide to scroll through tiktok instead.

Kairi groans a little and then turns so he's laying on his back, he was like this for five minutes before he laid back on his side, he's just as touchy as Ace is, maybe even touchier and i like that a lot.

My volume wasn't loud but i turn it down anyways, then he kisses my neck, "What are you doing?" He asks, his voice raspy and low.

See i wish i could sound attractive when i wake but instead i just sound strangled.

"Tiktok." I clear my throat.

"What's that?" He coughs a little.

I look at him, his eyes barely open and hair messy. "I get you're older but you don't know what tiktok is?" I raise an eyebrow.

He shakes his head no and leans over grabbing his phone from the bedside table, he turns it on and then throws it in front of me.

I lift it up, i will do snooping right in front of him, yes.

"Why is it so... bland?" I look at his black home screen, he had no social media apps, just youtube.

Opening his photos, there was literally just pictures of his dogs and one of his family. I smile at that, his sisters are so pretty, "What are your sisters called?" I face him.

He pushes himself up and brings me in his arms, his warmth enough to make me blush.

He zooms into a picture, the girl was thin, had dark black hair and a freckle on her nose, "Kaya." He says, then zooms to the other one who's hair was shorter, in a bob and she had a fringe, "Kira."

"They're so pretty." I rest my head on his shoulder, "Your mom looks so young too."

"She's 42, had me when she was sixteen. I'm the oldest, then Kaya, then Kira. Kira would be the same age as you." He gives me the phone back.

"Would be?" I look up at him.

"Went missing four years ago." He says and i started feeling bad that i asked.

"I'm sorry." I intertwine our hands.

"Don't be." He kisses my head, "Carry on snooping."

I laugh, clicking on his messages, "Annalise likes you a lot, huh?" I scroll down, he had a lot of girls messaging him but never replied to anyone but Annalise or 'Mama'

"A lot of girls like me a lot." He boasts.

"You're cute." I turn his phone off, "When are we doing dinner?"

"Tonight, i gotta get to work in two hours. I can pick you up from yours." He rests his head on mine, "Wanna take the dogs for a walk with me?"

"Yes, if i can hold Apollo." I smile.

"Course, come on." He gets out. I get out of his bed and his shirt drops to cover me. "Wait, did you text Ace about my clothes?"

"They're in the laundry room, i put them on the heater for you." He starts making his bed. He must have gotten them whenever i was sleeping.

"Thank you." I walk off, Apollo and Creed barking happily as they seen me. I stop to pet them for a while before i walk into the laundry room, my belt laid on the floor. I laugh at that and pick it up, changing from Kairi's shirt to underwear, a pair of white sweatpants and a red shirt.

I walk out and meet Kairi in the kitchen, he was making a bowl of cereal, "Want some?" He sticks a spoon in.

"I don't remember the last time i ate breakfast." I sit on the couch, Apollo jumping up to sit with me.

Kairi stays in the kitchen then walks over to me and hands me just a piece of toast, "I'll help you fix your eating patterns." He sits beside me, shoving his mouth with a spoonful of cheerios.

"Did you ask if i wanted to fix my eating patterns?" I bite into the toast anyways.

"No because you don't get a say in the matter. I'm helping you, end of."

"Have you ever took them to the doggy park?" I stroke Creed, Apollo pouting that i'm not giving attention to him.

"No, i take them on my runs and then the dog sitter takes them out."

"Take them to the dog park, they'll love it."

He smiles, "You wanna stay tonight?"

"After we talk i'll decipher that." I stand up, "I'm done."

"You've took two bites." He raises his eyebrows.

"Working progress, more that i usually had."

He takes it off me, eating it himself, "How are you feeling?"

"My... Here." I point to my lower belly, "That's a bit sore."

"It'll fade soon." He finishes his cereal, "Come on lets go."

We make our way out, he holds Creeds' lead and i hold Apollo. They were so well behaved crossing the street, us walking to the doggy park.

We let them play as we sit on the bench, "What are you doing for Christmas?" He asks.

I love talking about Christmas, "Since you asked so nicely." I turn to face him, "We all usually go up to the mountains, spend Christmas and new years up there, watch the fireworks from the mountain. It's so fun."

It won't be happening this year but he doesn't need to know that.

"You like Christmas, huh?" He keeps his eyes on his dogs.

"Love it. I like when it snows, the weather, the vibe, the people, oh- the Christmas advertisements. The dark nights. I love all of it. I just like winter in general." I sink back into the cold metal bench. "Do you like Christmas?"

He shakes his head, "I don't really care for any holiday days-"

"I'm offended," I cut him off, "I'm gonna make you love it."

Then i realize what i said and i was already starting to forgive him. "Sorry." I lean back.

"Don't be, i'd like for you to." He looks at me, "Can i kiss you?"

"In front of everybody?"

"Everyone's watching their dogs."

"You want to kiss me in public?" I put my hand on his face, despite it being freezing, he was warm.

"I want to kiss you all the time, not going to lie."

at least he's trying and that's cute

word count: 1307

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