9. sugar🌺

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-you find me dancin in between the raindrops, tryna find a way to make the pain stop-

"Aren't you gonna eat?" Tall guy, who's name I still don't know yet, asks, taking a bite of his own salad.

"I feel sick." I'm hungry but the second I lay my eyes on food, I feel like i'm going to throw up.

He pulls my plate over to him, picking up his knife and cutting down the bread again so it was into 4 triangles instead of two, then he pushes the plate back to me.

"Eat two." He starts eating his again.

I pick one up, I never liked the crusts, so I pull it off. I take the top piece of bread off and then pull the tomatoes out, "Athena you asked for extra tomatoes?" He says confused.

"I like the juice of the tomato but not the texture." I put the bread back on, taking a small bite. The salad inside had the perfect crisp.

He looks at me confused but then shakes it off, eating his own salad. He ate as if there was no tomorrow.

"Do you have an eating disorder?" He asks quietly.

"Okay, fuck you." I throw a piece of tomato at him, "You never ask that to someone."

"Don't throw shit at me." He pulls the tomato off his jacket, "And I was just asking."

"Well don't." I rest my chin in my hand as I pick up another piece of the sandwich, biting it. Dad used to take me here, the owner always gave me free milkshakes.

I finish chewing before I wash it down with some milkshake, "What's your name?" I ask.

"Kairi." He replies, "How was your date with Ace?"

"Fine. Where's your name from?" I pick the tomatoes from the other half.

"Japan." He clears his throat, "Ace is planning to take you to the movies for halloween tomorrow, we're all going too."

"I'm going to a halloween party." I love the movies though.

"What's your costume?"


"Basic." He leans back, his feet came over to my side.

"You look nice until you start talking, you know." I look up, "Bit of a dick, why'd you need to find a way to insult me?"

"I said your costume was basic, simply stating the facts." He had this stupid smirk on his lips, he's so cocky.

"Well it's rude, can't you just say oh that's cool instead of making me feel like shit?" I pick the milkshake up, slurping on it while I look into his eyes.

"Sincerely apologize." He holds his hand to his heart, sarcastic bitch.

"I don't want to talk to you anymore." I throw another tomato piece at him, looking down straight away to avoid his glare.

Five minutes later, he just has to start talking again, "Ace is done in the station, want to come home with me or him?"

"None." I finish the rest of my milkshake.

"We're not having this discussion again, I will carry you, I don't care how much you refuse." He sighs.

"That's like... kidnapping." I look up at him, "You of all people should know that."

"Me or Ace?" He leans forward.

"Obviously Ace."

"Thank you. It's not hard for a simple answer, is it?" He shakes his head, taking his phone out of his pocket. I figured out a long time ago that my phone was back home.

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