41. dusk till dawn🌺

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-i'll hold you when things go wrong, i'll be with you from dusk till dawn-
-sia, zayn-

Spending Christmas with someone was the best present ever. Although it was a big surprise and short notice, Hayley and Dad still managed to get me a present.

Dads was an apartment, i told him it was too much and that there was no way i could accept that, and the only thing he said was, "Think of it as a gift for all the years we lost."

So i accepted it.

Hayley's was this nice dress and a collar for Polka that was engraved. It was so cute, i also thought it was so cute that they let Apollo and Creed stay.

I had to leave though, because they were going to Ohio for a case the day after Christmas and even thought i was going to be alone, i thought being alone in an apartment would be a whole lot less lonely then being in a mansion.

I stared at the phone in my hand, the TV playing in the background and the animals surrounding me.

Kai had just finished brushing his teeth on facetime, a bruise sat on his neck. "Do you have a hickey?" I ask.

"I'm surprised you noticed." He splashed his face with water.

"The fuck gave you a hickey!" I raise my voice, Polka's eyes widening.

Kai laughs, "Relax baby, I tired giving myself another tattoo but it didn't go to plan."

"You annoy me." I roll my eyes.

"I know, baby. I know." He picks his phone up, "Wanna say hi to my mom? I mean, she's been begging to speak to you."

"Kai i think the first time i meet your mom it shouldn't be through facetime." I'm nervous, i need him as emotional support.

"Too bad." He shoves his phone into the face of the young woman in the photo he shows me. "Mama, this is my girlfriend Athena."

She scolds him in Japanese before taking the phone off him, I sit up straught, fixing my hair so i look more presentable.

"Hello Athena." She waves, Kai has the exact same nose as her.

"Hello Mrs. Hamada." I smile, Kairi appearing behind her in the screen. "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too, you're so beautiful, what are you doing with Ri?" She laughs, Kai saying. "Mama don't say that.' In the back.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Kairi go away i need girl talk with your girlfriend." She runs away from him, he runs after her but she's quick to scold him again, then he stops and walks away.

Their relationship is adorable.

"Did you have a nice Christmas?" She asks, a massive smile on her face.

"I did, did you?"

"Yea yes, you make my son smile." She looks behind her, "It's been a while since he was himself."

"You're telling me he's not always moody?"

"Heard that." Kai shouts.

"You bring out a good side of him." She says, "I'll tell you a secret, he has never been this happy."

"Mama stop it." He groans, "Can i have my girlfriend back"

My heart flutters everytime he calls me his girlfriend, like yes, i'm his.

"No, Go clean the dishes." She runs away again, they have the same dimple smile too, just looking at her smile was making me smile.

"You should come to Hawai'i one day." She looks back at the screen.

"One day i will." Whether that's to meet his mother or not, honolulu has been on my bucket list for years.

"We live outside a beach." She thinks for a moment, "Kairi hates the beach but i'm sure you could finally make him love it."

I smile, i literally couldn't hold back my smile and how much i was blushing. I'm glad she thinks that.

"Mama stop it now." He comes over behind her, kissing her cheek. "Baby have you eaten?" He chews on something himself as his mom says something in Japanese.

"I had leftovers from dads." I smile, "By the way. Dad wants us to go for dinner. You, me, Atlas, Atlas' Girlfriend and Rhea."

"Course." He walks outside, his skin glowing as the sun rays hit his face, "Beach she's talking about." He flips the camera.

Wow they really did live on a beach. Their house looked absolutely massive as well.

"Wow." I look at the view through the phone screen.

"It gets boring after you live here for so long." He flips the camera back to himself.

"You're ungrateful." I narrow my eyes.

"Oh yes, very materialistic person." He slumps on to a hammock, "What are you doing New Years?"

"Hm... Probably nothing." I mean, i might go to a party.

He nods his head, "I liked the gift you got me, not sure i'll wear it but it's.. it's something."

I burst into a laughter, it was a joking gift. I got him a couple of things, one being a shirt with my face on. "Oh please don't wear it, that's for your own eyes."

"I did like the perfume though, i'm wearing it right now."

"You're wearing my perfume?" I thought he would like spray it on some of his clothes not on him.

"Yeah, with my own cologne i don't know i got all sad this morning because i missed you." He holds up his wrist, my scrunchie on it.

"You're a baby." I blush anyways.

He smiles, "How's my dogs? Have they ate your cat yet?"

"Kairi Hamada i will kill you if you say that again." I turn the camera onto the dogs sleeping peacefully, "I took them out today for three hours, Creed is starting to like me."

"You're impossible not to like baby. Kaya is finally back, we're gonna help mom prepare for the guests."

"Please don't let me keep you and you're moms adorable."

"She's my favorite person ever." He looks back inside, "Malik is back in New York, by the way. If you need any company."

"I will really consider that offer."

He looks at me through the screen. "I change my mind, Malik will not step foot in my apartment until i'm back."

I raise my eyebrows as if to give him my 'are you serious' look and he just stares back with his blank expression.

"Fine whatever you say, i can just go meet him for lunch-"

"Athena don't you dare."

"Kairi are you jealous?" I smile, knowing full rightly he is.

"Yeah, i am. So don't go."

"I won't baby, i won't." I lay back down, "See you soon."

"You better not." He gives me his warning eyes. I smile in response and then he hangs up.

this was kinda a filler chapter but enjoy <33

word count: 1131

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