43. exile✨

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-i think i've seen this film before and i didn't like the ending-
-taylor swift-

"How's amore mio?" Ace asks, slumping onto his seat in the cafe.

"Don't call her that." I flip the file, looks like we'll be in Idaho for the next couple days.

"Why not? She is my love. You know she got me the comfiest sweater for Christmas. You're lucky i'm so nice to you, would have kept her-"

"Shut up." I look up at him, "What happened to Taylor?"

"He cheated on me." He smiles, a pained smile.

"And you didn't think to tell me? Where were you staying for Christmas?" I frown.

"You don't answer your phone whenever you're round amore, and i stayed with my parents." He looks away, "It's all good though because i slept with his sister."

I shake my head at him as the others walk in. Athena is talking to her guidance counsellor and head teacher, she has to make her decision before the end of the week.

"You certainly look refreshed." Malik yawns, his crutches clicking off the floor.

"Thank you, glad to have you back." I stand up, handing everyone the files. "We've a new member joining us to replace you in the field, only temporary." I say to Malik.

"Name?" He says, opening the file.

"Don't have a clue, i found out yesterday." I sit back in my chair, "We'll be away for a while, Idaho."

"Trafficking case?" Khalil asks but his voice trails off, "Nevermind."

"There's been fifteen kids in the state go missing, ten have shown up dead." I clear my throat, "As far as we know, they take the kids when walking home from school, only target kids walking alone. Keeps them for five days after they're missing and then they show up dead, asphyxiation."

Ace blesses himself, "That's horrible."

"Do cases ever get easier?" Maya asks, swallowing her saliva in disgust.

"No." I flip the pages, "Five children are missing. We have five days to find them. We'll leave once the new guy shows up."

We read and discuss the case until the door opens, thinking it was the new guy. "There's some guy wearing an FBI badge downstairs." Athena's voice causes me to look up.

"Ace go and bring him up." I smile at her, she looks so pretty with my shirt on and some leggings.

"Why me?" Ace frowns.

"Because." I motion for her to walk over.

She does, "Howd it go?" I ask, holding her hips.

"NYU are offering me a scholarship for their med school, starting next semester." She smiles widely, biting down on her bottom lip. "But i do have to learn all of the information i missed out on."

"Proud of you baby." I rub her back a little. "Is it next week you start?"

"Two weeks." She pokes my nose.

I looked up to kiss her and she bends down, pressing her lips on mine but pulling away quickly, "Don't let me distract you."

"You're not." I put my hands back on her hips. I'm lying, i forget everything whenever she walks into a room.

"So can i get you guys a drink?"

"No baby we need to go." I stand up.

It turns to her looking up at me, "Where?"

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