81. blue🌺

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-i want you, i'll color me blue, anything it takes to make you stay-
-troye sivan, alex hope-

Kairi and I sit in the doctors office, the andrologist said he'd be with us shortly, fifteen minutes ago.

I pick up his name tag on the desk in front of us, "Dr. Degirmenci?" I raise an eyebrow, "What an odd surname."

"It's Turkish." An unfamiliar voice catches my attention. My eyes go wide and i set the name tag back, sinking back beside Kairi who was trying to surpress his laughter. "It is odd, yes."

"I... I'm sorry." I flush at the guy taking the seat, older but very handsome. "I have a weird surname too, Arieta."

"Is that Mexican?" He smiles, dimples.

"No, Greek." I smile back.

Kairi laughs again, "How's it going, Hamza."

"Good indeed, this your new girl?" He looks towards me.

"Yeah. Athena i've been friends with Hamza for a while." He grabs my hand.

I let go of his hand and hold my hand over the desk, "Nice to meet you."

"You too." He elegantly shakes his hand, then pulls it away. "So, just basic questions before we do the test, focuses a lot on your history." He looks down at a sheet and picks up a gold pen.

"Is there any inherited conditions that run in your family?" He asks Kairi.

"Sickle cell anaemia, test came back completely normal last check up. Six months ago." He grabs my hand again.

"Chronic health problems?"


"Injuries or surgery's that could affect your fertility?"

"None fatal."

"But there was some? Care to elaborate." He looks up.

Kairi kind of looked embarrassed, oh something happened he hasn't told me.

"College." He clears his throat.

"No need to be embarrassed." I smile, slapping his knee.

"Was on a quad and went straight into a tree, was swollen for a couple days but doctor said all was fine." He says quickly. That would have hurt like a bitch.

"If you were cleared it shouldn't have been a problem but i'll check just in case." Dr. Degirmenci scribbles down some words. "Are you comfortable if i ask about your sexual activity?"

"Yeah." He smirks.

"Have you been sexually active in the last year?"


"What type-"

"Pussy and-"

"Vaginal." I slap him, "He receives oral as well." I look to Kairi. "Who the fuck says that to a doctor?"

"Are you in training, Athena?" Dr. Degirmenci asks.

"Yes." I look back at Kairi, "Don't answer the questions if your gonna be childish about it."

He smiles, like he's accomplished something.

Dr. Degirmenci laughs, "How many sexual partners have you had in her past year?"

"One." Kairi says proudly.

"Do you and your partner have probelms before or during sexual activity?"

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