13. gorgeous🌺

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-you should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong-
-taylor swift-

"I lost Theo." I rest my head on Atlas' shoulder.

He puts his controller down, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, i told him i didn't want to be friends anymore." I don't know why i did that, he didn't know his friends were going to try and rape me.

"Why?" He sounded so confused.

I sigh, i haven't told anybody what Lucas and his friends tried to do with me. They're being held on bail at the moment. I hope no one pays for Lucas.

"If i tell you something you have to not tell mom, or Rhea. Definitely not Rhea." I hold my hand up.

He hooks his pinky with mine and then connects the promise by allowing us to touch our thumbs.

"You know Lucas Lee?" I look up at him.

He nods his head for me to carry on.

I take a deep breath, "Him and his friends tried to rape me on halloween night."

He frowned with anger, "Athena why are you only telling me this now?" His voice remained calm though.

"I was too scared to tell anyone. You know Ace? Well him and his FBI friend sorted it all out but-"

"I'm your brother, Athena!" He raises his voice, "I could have did something!"

"You wouldn't have been able too. They didn't do anything but touch me and stuff but it's why they're all on bail, Atlas listen. Theo was the one that gave them my number and that's why i cut him off but i'm-"

"Good." he takes his headset off, "You stay away from Theo, you hear me?"

"Why? It's not his fault." I get off his seat and walk to his bed, "He didn't know."

"Well he could have damn well prevented it if he didn't give them your number. Are they going to court?" He stands up, "God i'm going to kill him."

"We should be but Aces friend, his names Khalil, he was a prosecutor so he said he'll defend me, no charges." I was thankful for Khalil that he said that, i know Kairi forced him too though.

"Why do they all know but not me?" He throws his arms in the air.

"Because they stopped it. I haven't even told Jadyn." I get off the bed, "Just please don't tell Rhea or mom."

"I won't, you know i won't." He brings me in for a hug. "You should have told me sooner though, it's almost been a month since then. I can't help you now."

"You can." I rub his back, his scent smells like dad, he reminds me of dad. "Just letting me talk to you and help me through the trial will be more than enough."

He rests his chin on my head, "What times Ace coming to pick you up at? I need to have a word with him."

"About five minutes." I pull away, "What are you going to say?"

"Boy talk-"

"Oh please, Malik has already gave us the sex talk-"

"No not the sex talk, i trust you enough to wear protection and tell him if you're uncomfortable. Just, i need to talk to him yeah?"

I nod my head, five minutes later he's walking me out to Aces' car.

Ace meets us at the end of our lane, "Amore mio, you can go wait in the car while i talk to your brother." He kisses my cheek.

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