91. forever✨

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-nobody said that we would last forever, that didn't mean we didn't try to get there-
-lewis capaldi-

It's taking everything in me to not fuck Athena so hard she can't walk ever again.

She looks so fucking beautiful i don't understand how i'm so lucky.

It was a deep blue dress, silk, a slit down the leg and showed her cleavage. She looked beautiful. Her hair down and curled into a natural looking curl, only some makeup on, her nails painted white and our engagement rings on.

"I'm not allowed to drink." She smiles at someone walking past, "That's kind of depressing."

"I won't tell no one if you don't." I pick her up a glass of champagne, tilting the glass to her.

She smile, her fucking dimples pinching her cheeks and sips on the drink, her lipstick leaves a faint pink mark, "I like your lips."

"I know." She hands me the glass, "Before we get in trouble."

"Shouldn't be promoting underage drinking." Malcolm walks over, his dad donates a fair ton so his family are always invited. "Hey, Ace has been shitting for the past fifteen minutes, i kid you not."

"He poops a lot." Athena says as if she's realising something.

"Did he have chipotle or something?" I ask, sipping on the champagne right from Athena's lipstick mark.

"Yeah..." Mal narrows is eyes, "How'd you know?"

"Don't feed him chipotle, he shits so fucking much." I learned the hard way. Very hard way. Ace and Chipotle don't mix well.

"Ah, Athena." A rich voice comes from behind us.

Athena turns around, "Dr. Ashburn, Hi." She smiles, greeting an older black lady wearing a bright yellow dress. This must be the head of the hospital, Maggie.

"Great to see you here." Maggie smiles, teeth shining white on display.

"Maggie this is my... Fiancé Kairi." Athena smiles as she introduced me.

"Lovely to meet you." I shake Maggie's hand.

"Fiancé?" Maggie eyes me up and down, "Girl, i udnerstand why you getting it done young."

Athena laughs and so does Mal, i smile in response. Mal is the first one to notice because we told him but anyway.

"So, i'm going to introduce you to a few people." Maggie puts her hand around Athena's arm, "She'll be back in a couple of minutes, boys."

Mal winks at Athena and Athena has no other choice but to follow the head. Mal stands with me, "So, Fiancé?"

"Proposed couple weeks ago." I squint as Ace walks back, taking a glass of wine off someone. He doesn't even drink wine.

"Didn't think to tell us?" He asks.

"Wanted to see who noticed first." I raise my glass as Ace joins us, "Heard you have the shits."

"Funny." Ace rolls his eyes, "Where's amore?"

"Being dragged around by Maggie, probably being introduced to the surgeons and ambassadors." Mal answers for him, "You know they're engaged."

"What?" Ace looks down at my hand, "WHAT!"

"Keep your voice down." I kick his shin, the tattoos up my neck are causing enough attention. Why do old people see tattoos and freak out? "Couple weeks back, just wanted to see who noticed first."

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