70. enchanted ✨

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-my thoughts will echo your name, until i see you again-
-taylor swift-

I do not want to go to fucking Scotland.

Not for six months.

I stop again and Athena sighs, "Kai, you're twenty-eight years old can you stop throwing a tantrum please?" She pulls me but i refuse to move, it isn't happening, i don't want to do it.

"Kairi, i'll leave your ass here." She pulls me again, using her full strength but couldn't even move me an inch.

"I don't wanna go-"

"Boohoo cry me a fucking river, move your ass before we miss our flight." Ace pushes me and that made me move a little, Athena used that to her advantage and kept pulling me toward where we were departing from.

I stand and wait with her, she stayed hugging me tightly and i rest my chin on her head. I have so many things to give her right now but i'm gonna cry if i do and i'm sick of crying, i've never cried so much.

I need to give her these things though.

I pull away from her, shoving my hand in my pocket and pulling out a ring, we spent her birthday together luckily and i didn't give it her because we were too busy playing fucking mini golf.

"Here." I push the ring box to her.

"Okay, do it properly or i'm going home." She narrows her eyes.

I roll mine and she steps on my foot to warn me, her little cute sneakers do absoloutely no damage.

I open the ring box, a gold band with two different birthstones correlating off each other in a sequence goes between the two gold lines .

"Woah." She lifts it up, "Baby that's so pretty, what's the the crystals?" She takes the band out and puts it on her finger, it slid on like a glove, good, it fucking took long enough to make.

"Pink is tourmaline for your birthstone and blue is sapphire for mine." I squint at the sun a little.

"You're fucking adorable." She hugs me again, "I'm never gonna take it off."

"You better not." I kiss the top of her head, "there's more."

She pulls away and looks confused and i pull out the necklace box, i open it and show her the gold chain with the initial K on it.

"You want me to wear your inital on a chain around my neck?" She smiles, dimples and all, eyes big and doe.

I pull the necklace hanging off my neck, showing her the A pendant, "Yeah, you gotta let people know you're taken baby."

She turns her back to me and holds her hair to the side, i take the neckakce out of the box and put it on her, clipping it in place, she looks different with jewellery on, i love it.

"Taylor Swift would be proud." She touches the pendant.

"What does me giving you a necklace have to do with Taylor fucking Swift?" I close the box over.

"Not because you own me, but because you really know me." She sings along and i just shake my head, "Boring, i need to make you into a swiftie."

"A what?"

"Never mind." She rolls her eyes, "What time will you get into Scotland at?"

"It's a layover in Paris so about ten hours from now." I hug her again, "I'll call you when i'm in Paris."

"Oh send a postcard." She pinches my nipple and i move away from her.

"Baby what is wrong with you?" I hold my shirt down.

"I need to keep myself occupied or i'm gonna cry." She smiles a little, awful timing because i can't even comfort her now, my flight just got announced.

"I'll bring you back a souvenir from everywhere i go." I kiss her lips, "I love you baby."

"I love you too now go before i cry." She pushes me.

I kiss her a couple of times and then walk off after everyone.

Once i'm on the plane, i made sure to get first class, not a hope in hell i'm sitting next to people for so long. I do end up falling asleep most of the flight and i also end up on the phone to Athena the entire time during the layover in Paris, then we fly to Scotland.

I've been to Scotland before, the weather reminds me a lot like Chicago.

Ace and I make our way to the hotel room, he hates sleeping alone at hotel rooms so we always get a double room together.

I call Athena as we walk in, "I'm in Scotland now baby." I sit on the bed, Ace holding his stomach because he feels sick.

"I'm taking the dogs for a walk, Maya's with me." She sounded tired.

"Have you napped?"

"Not yet, have a lot of unpacking to do, all my stuff arrived." She clears her throat, "Hope you don't mind me changing the house a bit, adding stuff, i mean."

"You live there now baby, change what you want." I look at Ace and his pale skin, "Ace is sick."

"Is he okay?" She sounded genuinely worried.

"I'm fine amore, i get sick over long journeys and i think i ate something bad in Paris." He slumps onto his bed but then both of our phones ping.

I look at my phone, they want us all in the restaurant, "Baby, i gotta go, i'll call you later."

"No, no don't call me later, i'm exhausted i'm gonna sleep, i'll call you when i can be bothered too."

I laugh, "Love you."

"Love you too baby." She hangs up.

I literally have to pick Ace up and drag him down to the restaurant with me.

We sit around a table waiting for the interpol manager to arrive, and when she does, she arrives with someone i wish i couldn't ever see again.

"Juliette." I nod my head, staring my ex-wife dead in the eye.

"Kairi." She sits opposite me, "I'm taking Maya Trinity's place."

"Lovely." I roll my eyes until another two guys join us.

"So, who's A?" Juliette asks.

"His fiancée Athena." Ace answers for me, "So back off."

I have not made her my fiancée yet but Juliette doesn't need to know that.

"Fiancée, wow." She laughs a littler

"How about we keep this professional yeh, i hate you, with a passion, and my hatred won't go away over night." I stand up, "See you all tomorrow."

I walk up the stairs to the third floor and go to my room.

This is going to be an extremely long six months.

oh no

word count: 1114

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