15. cigarette daydreams✨

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-soft speak with a mean streak, nearly bought me to my knees-
-cage the elephant-

I finish loading the Nassim into the ambulance, closing the door over and hitting the back to let the driver know to move.

I turn around, Ace takes a step back, "Cops told me you got hit but i didn't think it was that bad." His face scrunches up, acting like he's in pain for me.

I just stare at him, unimpressed. How the fuck was i supposed to know the guy had a baseball bat?

"Sorry." He looks down, "Uh, we can stop by the hospital and get that fixed up."

"Shut up." I push him away.

"Malik said he and Azriel will go down to the station." He pokes my arm, following after me.

"It's your turn to." I frown, we take it in turns so they don't complain.

"I have a girl to get back to." He punches my shoulder jokingly.

"Okay go to her then." I push him away, again. He laughs and i walk to my car. I pull the mirror down and have a look at my face.

He really did a number on me, as soon as i kicked the basement door down, a baseball bat hit my stomach, that made me drop my gun. Then it hit my face multiple times. Paramedics said nothing was broken.

I drive back to the cafe, my bag is there.

I park in the usual space outside and then walk in, no one was around, we were gone for about two hours.

"Oh." Athena looks up from her phone, "Oh." She has a smile on her face, "You got fucked up."

"Shut up." I roll my eyes, "Where's Khalil?"

"On the phone to his daughter, what happened? Is Ace okay?" She jumps off the counter, "Want coffee?"

"Ace is fine and yes."

"Your manners." She walks over with a first aid kit, setting it on the table.

"Please." I clench my jaw.

"I'll make your coffee now." She walks to the back again, smiling satisfied that she got me to use my manners.

I look at my knuckles, bust and cut, then to Athena in the kitchen. Deciding i was in the mood to annoy her for some reason, i pick up the first aid box and walk to the kitchen.

"I would have bought it out for you." She turns, pressing the button that poured the coffee.

I sit near the back, up on the top of the counter. "Come here."

"Ace will be-"

"Just come here." I look at her. She finishes letting the coffee pour in and then walks over.

She sets the coffee on the side beside me, "What?"

"Help me fix this." I point to my face.

She looks at the door, you can't see this part from inside the cafe. I put my hands on her hips, pulling her closer and between my legs. I could see her cheeks flush a little in the dim light.

"You confuse me." She opens the first aid box, "How can you hate me but touch me every chance you get?"

I stay quiet, i don't fucking know, other than the fact it's amusing to me.

She looks down and then up at me, "What happened? These look painful." She rips open a antiseptic wipe.

"Got hit with a baseball bat." I hook my fingers through the bands of her jeans. She looks down at my hands and then up at my face, rubbing the wipe over the cut above my eyebrow.

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