94. fine line🌺

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-you've got my devotion, but man i can hate you sometimes-
-harry styles-

This is so much more stressful that i anticipated it to be. I'm so glad Kirei, Kairi's mother, is staying to help. I wouldn't have been able to do this on my own.

For the past month, it's been the same routine for me and i'm so tired. I'm exhausted.

I wake up before Kairi does, he has to take sleeping tablets so he doesn't wake until 9AM, i'm awake at 5.

I shower, i get some studying in, i take the dogs for a walk, bring them back, i eat some breakfast, feed the cat. By the time i'm done, it's 8.

At 8, i start preparing Kairi's breakfast and his medicine, he has to take a lot. His creams, his bandages, the cleaning tools i need for his scar. I clean the room, the kitchen, the mess i made from breakfast.

By the time i'm done, i wake Kairi up. He usually lays in bed until i've sorted out his shower stuff, clothes and toiletries.

Then i help him out of bed. He's getting stronger which is really good, hopefully he'll be able to walk on his own soon, but at the moment, his legs are still weak and he needs help.

Then, i help him to the shower. I have to clean him because he thinks he's got superhuman healing powers or some shit.

That takes a full thirty minutes in itself because he's so immature. It was funny at first but now i'm too tired to react.

Then i have to change him and he's been wearing only button up shirts, or no shirts, recently in order to not irritate the scarring.

I help him shave, wash his face, he insists on having his hair braided so there's some days i do that.

After the shower, i clean the wound, force him to take all his medication, then wrap the scar back up again.

I help him walk down the stairs and sit him on the couch while i get his breakfast. While he's eating breakfast, i usually go up and change the bedding, his wound bleeds almost every god damn night.

I do the laundry, wash his dishes.

Then his physio comes and he takes him down to the gym, that's when his mom takes over until lunch time. Dr. Fallon comes around and teaches me basic procedures on dummy's or fake skin, we study for a while and he's like my own personal tutor which i'm so glad for.

Then i make, when i can't be bothered, or order us food. Dr. Fallon takes lunch with us. Kairi's physio is three hours so i have a three hour break to focus on studying.

We set out on the dining table and a lot of the times, Kairi gets shaky hands and can't hold his fork properly, i usually stop eating to feed him and then don't bother finishing my lunch because i won't have time to do everything else.

After, Kirei takes Kairi on a walk outside and i get to studying a little bit more with Dr. Fallon.

Then he leaves and I usually have to change Kairis bandage again.

He rests while i clean, i don't let his mom help me clean because i think that's rude. I get a short rest before i'm up again to start doing more stuff.

Akitas need a lot of exercise so i take them for another walk, feed them again, run errands for Kairi, for myself, come back home and by 5pM, he takes more medication, usually complains about something and stresses me out.

By 7, I get to making, or ordering, dinner. And like lunch, i usually end up hand feeding Kairi and forgetting about my own food.

Then after that, it's bath time to let his wound soak. Kairi can't sit still for more than five minutes and i feel like crying every single time he's in the bath just because he's putting more stress on me without realising it.

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