The Beginning

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 1

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

Have you ever felt like nobody really knows you? like you feel alone even in a room full of people who think they know you but they don't. Because if they knew who you really are they probably wouldn't like you. My name is Kimberly Austin but I prefer to be called Kim. I was born on April 18, 1968, to Ann and Dave Austin. We live in Knoxville, Tennessee where I was born. I'm fourteen currently, and I will be fifteen in eight months. I'm a freshman at Finway High located in North Knoxville where The Kroger's grocery store is located right beside it. You can walk from the school down to the store. Today is Tuesday, August 10, 1982 it's my first full day of Freshman year and it's a little overwhelming but I have my best friend with me. Her name is Erica Nelson but she goes by Jane her middle name we have been friends since we were babies. Jane is a year older than me her birthday is June 20, 1967 she's fifteen and she's a sophomore this year. We walked to school today, to get to our school you have to walk up a sidewalk that is right beside the school. It was made on a hill sort of but by the time you get up there, it's flat. We are approaching the front which is a big open courtyard directly in the middle on the left is the front entrance of the school where a set of cement steps leads up to the front doors of the lobby and if you look to the right there is a sidewalk that is attached to the courtyard it leads down to two double doors that leads onto the second floor of the school where the cafeteria is located. The school was built in 1951 the year after my parents were born they were both born in 1950, My mom is thirty-two so is my dad. They had me when they were seventeen they graduated from here not too long after. I'm not like your normal fourteen-year-old girl I was made just a bit different well quite a lot. You see my mom was born a witch with magical powers she has a total of eighteen powers, I was born a witch too and I have the same powers as my mom. Jane is also a witch like her mom and they both share the same kind of powers like me and my mom. But being a witch isn't the only thing I have to hide... I have come to terms that I am attracted to girls romantically I think you call that Bisexual. I know what you're thinking... Am I attracted to Jane?? kind of... she is a beautiful girl but Jane is straight and not remotely interested in girls. But she doesn't know that I'm Bisexual. To be honest I'm afraid to tell her I don't know what her reaction would be. Besides here in 1982 you don't talk about Homosexuality because in God's eyes it's a sin and you're going to hell is what the Christians say. Am I a Christian you ask? No, but I believe there is a god. My parents aren't Christians either but they do believe there is a god I'm scared to death to tell them I probably never will because I'm scared they won't accept me for who I am. Jane and I are standing there in the courtyard waiting for our friends Jason Henderson and Kyle Stevens. Jane has had a huge crush on Jason since middle school and I think he likes her too. Kyle is known as the most handsome boy in school with his good looks. His hair is dark brown with a flat top haircut. His hair is short on the sides and the back with some length on top, his eyes are hazel green, his skin is white and he stands at 5'6" I'd say he weighs around 140. Yes, I think Kyle is gorgeous but he is taken by none other than Kelly Davidson. Kelly is the same age as Jane, She is the coolest and most prettiest girl in school says others. Kelly is a rich girl she wears the newest clothes and always the newest shoes. She drives a black 1977 Pontiac Firebird Trans Am she just recently got it from her dad, Austin Davidson. Kelly isn't always the nicest person she can be pretty mean sometimes but she isn't that way all the time. Sometimes she and I butt heads I don't hang out with her like I do with Jane because of Kelly's mean streak. We are acquaintances, not friends. We hear the sound of an engine entering the school parking lot down below where Jane and I are. I see Kelly's black Pontiac Firebird pulling in driving by the sidewalk slowly coming to a stop near us. I can see Kyle in the passenger side, Kelly is in the driver seat and Jason is in the backseat behind Kyle. The passenger door comes open and Kyle steps out and pulls the lever to push the seat up so Jason can get out. He steps out standing at 5'7" he weights just a tad more than Kyle. Jason's hair is black it's like John Travolta's hair in Grease the greaser hairstyle and his eyes are brown. Jason is walking towards us I see Jane smiling as he starts walking over. I see Kyle get back in the car with Kelly as she turns up the hill by the gym to park her car in the back parking lot for the students and staff. Jason smiled at us and said, " Hey girls what's up?" Jane said " Nothing much just waiting on the bell". She blushes a bit and I smile. Jason is a very cute guy too but I don't like him like that because Jane likes him a lot. I spot Kyle and Kelly walking down the steps beside the gym and across the street into the courtyard. Jason is wearing a black leather jacket with a white t-shirt under it a pair of black bull denim blue jeans that are black and a pair of black Dr. Marten's boots. Kyle is wearing a black shirt that has a grey snake on it that is called Whitesnake a popular band nowadays, he is wearing a pair of light blue jeans that are acid-washed and a pair of black Nike Cortez for men. Kelly is wearing a light blue denim jacket with a black Kiss band t-shirt under it, her hair is dark brown with curls at the end you call that straight hair with waves; it goes past her shoulders just a little bit and her eyes are as blue as the ocean, a pair of light blue high-waisted jeans and a pair of white and dark blue Adidas top tens that are high-tops. I'm wearing a red MTV shirt with a pair of dark blue high-waisted jeans and a pair of dark grey New Balance 990 my hair is brown with natural blonde highlights it also comes past my shoulders a little bit it is also straight hair with waves and my eyes are hazel green. Jane is wearing a long sleeve Van Halen band shirt the sleeves are black, the front and back are white, a pair of light blue high-waisted jeans, and a pair of white Nike Air Force ones that are high tops her hair is the same length and style as mine and Kelly's but it's brown and her eyes are light blue like ice. Kelly said " Are you guys going to the World's Fair this weekend?" Jane said, " I can't make it I have to babysit". I said " Who are you watching?" Jane said, " Jesse, Terri, and Don's baby". Kelly said, " Ugh children". Kyle said, " I'll see if I can go". He looked at Jason and said " What about you Jason?" Jason was zoned out he's eyes were glassy and unfocused he didn't hear Kyle. He taps him and Jason is pulled out of his thoughts. Kyle said " You alright man?" Jason said, " Yeah I just need to go". Jason walks away abruptly. Jane is concerned about him She said to me " I hope he's okay". Kelly said in a rude tone, " He's a freak". Jane gave Kelly a look and then said " He's not a freak". The bell rings for everyone to go in so we all start walking up the steps that lead up to the front door of the school. We walk inside the lobby and turn left down the hallway to our lockers. Jane and Kelly are sophomores but the tenth and ninth graders share the lockers in this hallway while the juniors and seniors share the second floor and the fourth floor is for the other half of the ninth and tenth graders. I feel someone watching me so I look over at Kelly standing at her lockers she is looking at me like she's in a trance. Her locker is about four down from mine. I look at her and she looks at me. She looks away so do I. I hear her locker door close and footsteps walking towards me. I look up and there she stands beside me. Kelly is 5'4" and I'm 5'2". She said " Can I ask you something?" the question made me slightly nervous. I said " Yeah??" Kelly said " Why don't we hang out? Do you not like me or something?" I said, " We just don't know each other besides you can be an asshole sometimes". She smiles at me calling her that. She said, " Well let's get to know each other". She winks at me. I said, " I guess it can't hurt". I see her eyes scan my body then she makes eye contact with me. She pulls a pen out of her pocket and pulls my hand up writing her number on the top. She said " I wrote my beeper number too.. you do have a beeper don't you?" I pulled it out of my front pocket and showed her. She hands me the pen and I pull her hand up writing my home number and my beeper number on it. I gave her back the pen and She said " I'll see you later". She walks by me and down the hallway. I catch myself watching her body as she walks. I look away and think to myself. I was totally checking her out... Okay maybe I am attracted to her but She's straight anyway and I'm sure as hell not telling her that I'm Bisexual she might beat me up. The next day school was over at 4:00 pm I was standing out in the courtyard waiting for my mom to come pick me up. I see her light blue 1982 Ford Escort pulling the color of the car is light blue. She stops the car and I open the door getting in. She said " Hey how was school?" I said, " It was okay". Mom said " Did you make any friends?" I said, " Kind of". my beeper beeps with a message I pull it out of my pocket and look at the message. It says 99 in the beeper code which means they want to hang out. Mom said " Who's that?" I said, " It's Kelly Davidson". She said " Austin Davidson's daughter?" I said, " Yeah she wants to hang out with me today". Mom looked at the car clock and said " It's a school night though if you want to ask her where". I said " You're gonna let me go out on a school night?" Mom said, " Yeah as long as you are careful and don't talk to strangers". I said, " Mom I'm almost fifteen". Mom said, " I know but you're still my baby". I send her 943 which means where or where are you? She message back 788 which means the mall. I said, " She wants to go hang out at West Town Mall". Mom said, " Okay but you have to be back home by 8:00 pm". I said, " I will". Mom said " Does Kelly have a car?" I said " Yeah she has a permit to drive too.. is it okay if she drives me home after?" Mom said, " I don't see why not". Mom drives over to West Knoxville and drops me off at the mall. I met Kelly out in front and we walked in. Kelly goes to a couple of clothing stores and buys new shirts and jeans. We went and ate at Wendy's then walked around the mall finding a place to sit. Kelly sits her bags beside her on the floor. She said " So see any cute guys you like so far at school?" I said, " Not really". Kelly said " What about girls?" I feel my anxiety rise at the question. I said " What do you mean?" Kelly said, " You know what I mean. I mean come on Kim it's obvious I don't see how Jane hasn't realized it yet". I'm starting to get annoyed. I said " Realized what yet?" Kelly whispered, " That you like girls too". I feel my heart sink. I'm scrambling to find the words. I said " I don't.. where did you hear that??" Kelly giggled then said, " Nowhere I can just sense it. Besides I see the way you look at me". She gives me this look and puts her hand on my leg. She gets closer with her lips inches away from mine then She whispers " I'm Bisexual too.." I'm shocked as I look at her. I lied " I'm not"... I felt her hand getting dangerously close as she moved it up my leg. I pushed her hand away in nervousness I said " I'm not.. sorry if I gave you the wrong impression". Kelly said, " Kim you don't have to hide with me I promise I'm not gonna tell anyone". I said as I got mad, " I'm not.. so stop assuming things that aren't true". I give her a look and she becomes annoyed. Kelly said, " Fine I tried to help you but you refused". We walked back to the car and the whole way to my house we didn't talk. She pulls up in front of my house. My parents aren't home my mom is at the hospital where she works as a nurse and my dad is still out of town. Kelly put the car in park and said " I didn't mean to upset you". I said, " It's fine". I'm still annoyed at her pushiness. Kelly smiles and puts her hand on my face caressing it. All of a sudden she puts her hand on the back of my head and pulls me into a surprise kiss. I shove her off and I slap her across the face hard making her head turn. I quickly get out of the car the window is down I bend down and look at her. She is pissed as blood dripped from her lip. I said, " Stay the hell away from me". She starts the car and takes off flying down the road she makes a quick turn drifting around the corner she turns on the road the sound of the tires squealing on the pavement.

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