Breaking Point

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 40

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

Ever since that day in Saturday detention with Kelly and the others things have went from bad to worse. Kelly is having more outbursts and more mood swings that usual. We have been arguing off and on throughout the end of February and almost all of March it's like nothing I say or do will change her mood and I'm done trying to help her when she won't let me. Today is Friday March 29, 1985; I'm walking down stairs from my room after getting ready for school. I walk down into the foyer and turn right into the living room and sit down on the couch by Zeke as he lays there. I'm wearing my dark blue jean jacket, a black t-shirt that is from The Beatles album called Abbey Road, a pair of dark high waisted Ralph Lauren blue jeans and my black and white Vans old skool. Next month I'll be seventeen the past two years have flew by and I have put up with Kelly for those two years and after our heated argument in the library that day I think I'm starting to get through to her she knows that Kyle and I both are very close to being done with her for good. I get up and pick up my backpack off the floor beside the couch and pet Zeke one last time. I grab my keys off the end table and walk into the foyer. I open the door and walk out on the porch locking the door with my keys. I walk down to my car parked in the driveway. After getting it going I'm on my way to school. I stop at the red light at West Woodland Avenue and wait for the light to turn green. I make it to school a few minutes later pulling into the back parking lot. I pull my car into a space and turn it off and take the keys out of the ignition. I see Rick's white 1983 Monte Carlo pull in beside my car on the left. His long blonde hair lays on his shoulders he looks over smiling at me with his light blue eyes and pretty white teeth that are straight like mine. I get out of my car closing the door and he gets out of his car shutting the door. I walk around and stand infront of my trunk he is standing infront of his. He is wearing his black leather jacket, a plain black t-shirt, a pair of high waisted Guess jeans and a pair of black steel toe boots. Rick said " Hey Kim". with a sweet smile. I said " Hey Rick". I smile at him and he smiles back blushing a little. I notice his hair looks different today, I said " Did you do something different to your hair?" He said " It's some kind of fancy shampoo and conditioner that I've been using makes in look healthier". I see Kelly walking up behind him from her car parked a few down. Kelly said " Sounds kinda gay don't you think Rick?" she said with a sarcastic smile. Rick looks at her and said " What's gay about taking care of my hair?" with an attitude. Kelly rolls her eyes and walks over standing beside me on the left. I said to her " Good morning to you too Kelly". with sarcasm. Kelly said as she scanned the parking lot " Don't even start with me Kim I'm not in the mood today". I said " You're never in the mood". with an attitude. Kelly looks at me and said " Talking about yourself I see. Maybe if you'd fuck me I'd be in a better mood". I roll my eyes at her attitude. I look over at Rick and he is still upset about what Kelly said to him he isn't even looking at me or her he has his headphones on listening to his Walkman. Kelly is pissed at me because we haven't had sex since the beginning of March and we haven't stopped arguing since Saturday detention in the library. Soon Jane, Jason and Kyle arrive and we all talk while Kelly still continues her attitude but I'm not giving in I'm over it. Right before we leave to go down to the courtyard Rick walks into the trails alone.

Later on after first period is over I'm at my locker and Jane is a few down from mine. She said to me " Rick wasn't in homeroom or first period. Have you seen him?" I said " Actually I haven't since he went into the trails". Jane said " He must have skipped today". She tells me bye and walks to her second period. I spot someone out the corner of my eye coming onto the hallway. I look over and see Rick he is limping and his nose has dried blood on it, his right eye is blacked and there is a bruise on his left cheek bone. I said " Rick??" He tries to pass by and ignore me but I get infront of him. He said in annoyed tone " Kim please get out of my way". I said " I'm not moving what happened to you?" He said " I got jumped by some dudes in the trails". he said untruthfully. I take his hand and lead him to the stairwell where you go up to the fourth floor or down to the second floor. I gently push his back against the wall. I said " Rick I know something is wrong please just tell me.. I can help you". He said " I was in the trails smoking a doobie and Kelly came in. She started threatening me and telling me that I better stay away from you and that if I didn't I'd be sorry. I told her to fuck off and she punched me in the face with a hell of a right hook and she just kept hitting me over and over until she knocked me out cold". I feel my anger sky rocket as I'm so pissed I could scream. I said " Are you serious?? I'll take care of her. Now go to the nurse". Rick said " Kim.. I'm fine". I said in serious tone " Rick go now. Tell the nurse you got jumped by those guys and I'll go find Kelly". Rick limps out into the hallway and makes his way to the office. I walk out of the stair well and look down the hallway to left and see Kelly entering the girls bathroom alone. I storm down there passing people and into the bathroom. I turn the corner and Kelly is standing at the last sink chatting with two girls my age that I don't know. Kelly looks in the mirror and sees me. She said " Kim? shouldn't you be getting to class?" with sarcasm. The two girls just giggle I look at both of them and said " You two scram". They just laugh sarcastically. I spot the hard plastic paper towel dispenser on the wall right by them as they stand at the third sink there is a sink between them and Kelly. I throw my leg up doing a powerful whip kick to the paper towel dispenser shattering it into pieces. The two girls look scared to death as I stare at them with a serious stare. I said in a serious tone " Get the fuck out.. NOW!!!!" They jump at me screaming and they bolt out the door. Kelly is just laughing wickedly I turn my head looking at her. I throw my hand back doing a back fist and I hit her in the mouth. She spins around catching herself on the sink with her hands as blood pours from her mouth as she looks down in the sink at the blood. She raises her head up looking at me in the mirror behind her. She said " You come to fight or to fuck?" She turns around and faces me. I said " Rick told me you attacked him in the woods then you left him!! He could have died Kelly!' She said " He needed to know his place! now he does!!" She yelled in anger. I've reached my breaking point... I'm done for good this time.. I said as tears fell from my eyes " I'm done Kelly.. for good".. She said with sarcasm " Yeah sure you are! You say that every time you come crawling back! Why don't you go be with Rick since you like him so much you fucking whore!!" She backhands me across the face and I slowly turn my head back looking at her. I karate chop her in the throat and she exclaims holding her throat. I start throw a straight punch at her face which is known as a power punch. I do a backhand strike and hit her across the face she is thrown up against the wall by the sink. She just laughs wickedly as her nose and mouth pour blood. She said " I don't know karate.. I know kick your ass!!!" She swings her fist and I dodge it with my telekinetic reflexes she growls in anger as she keeps throwing punches that I swiftly dodge. I catch her right fist and elbow her in the ribs she exclaims in pain holding her side. I do a roundhouse kick to her right jaw and she is knocked off her feet as she smacks the bathroom floor with her back she exclaims in pain. I said " It's over Kelly".. She always had a hard time fighting me especially when I used my karate moves. I hear her laughing evilly as I turned around. She said as she laughed " You won't leave me Kim.. you always come back.. and I'll never stop".. I stop and turned around looking at her as she raised up. I said " Then I'm just gonna have to kill you then ain't I?" Kelly's face is healing as she spoke " You don't have the balls to". I said " Try me". in a serious tone I walk out of the bathroom and nobody is in the hall and nobody heard the fight between me and Kelly in the bathroom.

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