The devil you know

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 7

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

It's been three weeks since the fight with Jane that got me, her and Kelly sent to Juvenile. Jane was so upset because of the argument me and her had before the fight she could sense that I was different and that I was hiding something. So at the car dealership I finally told her the truth that I'm a closeted Bisexual and that Kelly is my secret girlfriend. Jane was totally cool with it and that was a big relief for me but I know that she doesn't really like Kelly she just tolerates her for my sake and everyone else's. But ever since I've came out to Jane she seems different herself lately she is quiet around me and she usually isn't so this of course makes me worry that she has changed her mind about being okay with my sexuality and I don't think I can handle losing my bestfriend. Today is Friday October 29, 1982; Halloween is on a Sunday this year and to my surprise my mom has given me permission to go out with Kelly, Jane, Kyle and Jason. We are all too old to trick or treat anymore so we are probably just gonna ride around in Kelly's car. I'm standing on my front porch waiting for Kelly to come pick me up but she's late and she usually isn't. I unlock my front door and walk inside shutting the door behind me. I turn the lock and lock the deadbolt. Something doesn't feel right so I decide to teleport over to her house. I close my eyes and then open them blue energy swirls on my body until I disappear then reappear seconds later on Kelly's front porch. I knock on the door and wait until I hear footsteps from inside the house. I hear the sound of the door unlocking it comes open revealing Kelly who's clothes are covered in blood spatter. I exclaim in surprise but before I can say anything Kelly jerks me inside shutting the door and locking it. We are in the foyer of the mansion. Kelly turns around and I said with a tense tone " Kelly.. who's blood is that??" She looks to the right where the living room is, I look over and see Austin laying there on the hardwood floor motionless. As we walk over I see his body covered in blood his face is so beaten in he is almost unrecognizable. I cover my mouth in horror I said " What happened Kelly??" I look at her and She said " He started on me first thing this morning I was trying to ignore him and get ready for school but he wouldn't shut the fuck up then he told me that I was a mistake and that my mom should have aborted me and that she would be ashamed of me. I lost it and picked up a tire iron and I beat him with until he stopped moving." I said " Is he alive??" Kelly said " He's half-demon like me and an upper level one at that he's just knocked out". I said " Can he heal himself like you?" Kelly looks down at him then back at me. She said " He's been out cold for twenty minutes now he should have healed his self by now." All a sudden Austin gasps loudly taking in a breath it startles me. I see his face starting to reform and the blood slowly disappear. He opens his eyes and the sunlight hits his light brown eyes making them shine light honey. He grunts as he raises up with a struggle. Austin tries to stand up but can't Kelly said in a hateful tone " What's the matter?? are your legs broke?" Austin said " No I can't keep my balance.. now help me up Kelly". She begrudgingly bends down and lifts him into a fireman's carry and walks over to the couch sitting him down and Austin is 6'4" and weights 180 lbs. but Kelly is able to pick him up because of her superhuman strength. Austin exclaims in pain as he adjusts his legs He said " Looks like I'm not going to work for a while". Kelly said " You'll be fine". in a hateful tone. Austin picks up the Tv remote and turns on the Tv. He looks at Kelly then said " Fetch me a beer". in a rude tone. Kelly gives him a look and He said " Now!!" Kelly scoffs and stomps through the foyer and into the kitchen. Austin is so unappreciative and so abrasive reminds me alot of Kelly. He looks at me and said " Enjoying the show Kimberly?" He said that in a sarcastic tone. I hear Kelly coming back through she tosses a six pack of Coors Banquet on his lap missing the family jewels. He eyeballed her for that. He rips one from the plastic and pops it open he takes a drink. Kelly said to me " I'm gonna go change". I watch as she walks into the foyer and turns to the left the stairs. I feel him watching me I turn my head back and look at him. He takes a drink of his beer and his eyes scan my body. Ugh what a creep.. Austin said " So you like being Kelly's little lap dog?" He said that with sarcasm. I said " I don't know what you're talking about". He said " Yeah you do.. I know you're a rug muncher so is Kelly". I was getting a drink from my plastic water I start coughing after I swallowed the water. Austin cackles evilly He said " Don't worry I'll keep your secret just don't expect the others in town to. They don't take kindly to homosexuality". I said " And you are okay with it??" He said " Of course.. now if Kelly were a boy probably not. She was suppose to be a boy though her name was Robert Austin-Kelly Davidson Jr., she is definitely a chip off the old block". I hear Kelly's footsteps coming down the stairs. She walks up and stands beside me. She said " Talking about me I see". Austin said " I was just getting to know you're cute girlfriend here.. and I approve" He downs the last drink of the can. Kelly said in a sarcastic tone " Oh I'm shocked.. Come on Kim let's go". Austin crushes the can and tosses it in the floor as we walk out the door. We get the car and she starts it up peeling out of the drive way. We made it to school with about fifteen minutes left before the bell rung for everyone to go to homeroom. She parks the car and turns off the engine she pulls the keys out and puts them in the pocket of her blue jean jacket, she's wearing a light blue button up shirt, a pair of dark blue high waisted blue jeans and her blue and white Adidas top tens. I'm wearing my blue jean jacket, a navy blue shirt that has the Van Halen symbol on the front in red, a dark pair of high waisted blue jeans and my grey New balances. We get out of the car shutting the doors and start walking across the parking lot and down the set of stairs by the gym and across the street to the courtyard where Jane, Kyle and Jason are standing. Kyle gives Kelly a kiss and notices her body language. He said " Is something wrong?" I said " Her dad". that's all I had to say and he knew. Kelly said " He's a fucking piece of shit". The bell rings and we all walk across the courtyard and up the set of steps that lead to the sidewalk that leads to another set of steps where the front doors of school is. We turn left down the hallway and I walk up to my locker and started dialing in the combination. I open it and grab a textbook and a binder. I look over at Kelly at her locker when Whitney Trenton walks in the hallway and up to the locker beside Kelly's. She is checking her out the whole time as she dials in the combination . Kelly catches her looking and rolls her eyes. Whitney said " What's the matter?? shy??" Kelly looks at her and said " Not at all". She winks at her. I can't help but feel threatened by Whitney. She said to Kelly " Then stop being and ask me out". Kelly looks past her at me then back at her. She said " I have a girlfriend". Whitney said " You have a boyfriend too though right?" Kelly said " That's right". she winks at her. Whitney said " Then what's her name?" Kelly said " None ya". Whitney said " What??" in confusion. Kelly said " That's means none of your business" in a sarcastic way. Kelly slams the locker door shut with a text book and a binder in her right arm. She walks by me and gives me a look as she turns into the bathroom with Whitney following behind her. Something tells me to follow them so I start walking that way. I don't know what's come over me all I know is Whitney is dead meat. I open the door quietly and walk over to the corner. I peek around the corner looking at them I easily put my book and binder down on the floor in front of the corner wall. Kelly has her back against the wall where the last sink is with Whitney in front of her. Whitney moves closer until Kelly's back touches the wall. She twirls the end of Kelly's dark brown hair and said " I think you're lying about a girlfriend.. Come on I know you want me as much as I want you". Ugh.. who does this bitch think she is?? I feel my anger rising as she touches Kelly's arm feeling her arm muscle. She said " Besides if you had a girlfriend she would be here". Kelly said " She is here". Whitney said " Where??" as she cackled. I'm standing behind her now. I draw my leg back and kick her between the legs. She exclaims in sudden pain as she drops to her knees. I said " Right here bitch". I grab the back of her blonde hair and slam her face into a metal stall door. She falls inside the stall to the tile floor infront of the toilet she is seeing stars at the moment. She raises up and shakes her head. She looks up at me and said " You're dead bitch!" She jumps to her feet and comes charging at me with her fist drew back ready to punch. I hold my hand up and start slowly closing it she stops dead in her tracks as she starts gasping for air holding her throat as I choke her with my telekinesis. I take my other hand and sling her to the tile floor still using my other hand to choke her. I said " Maybe next time you'll learn not to fuck with my girlfriend". I release her and she gasps loudly taking in a deep breath. She chokes out " But that's my demon".. I throw my leg out and kick her right in the mouth she falls back and her head smacks the floor knocking her out. Kelly is smiling evilly as she looks at me with amazement. She pulls me into a passionate kiss and I kiss her back. We hear Whitney groan in pain as she's coming to. Kelly looks down at her and said " Looks like she showed you".

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