Primal Instinct

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 50

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

After being shot I lost unconsciousness from blood loss. I woke up in the hospital a few hours later with a hole in my left shoulder in the back. The doctor said I was an extremely lucky young lady. He said that two bullets were fired at me. One missed and ricocheted off the pavement and that the second one hit my left shoulder entering right above the Subclavian artery and into tissue. He said that it missed it by a hair if it had hit that artery I would have bled out in five minutes and died before I got to the hospital he said I was shot with a Beretta M9 handgun. My mom dislocated her right shoulder and it had to be put back into place which is extremely painful. Shana has two broken ribs and her right wrist is fractured, Debby has three broken ribs and her left wrist is fractured then Terri has five broken ribs and her right wrist is broken. We all had some minor road rash our blue jeans is what saved us. I have some on the back of my legs so does Shana and my mom, Debby got it pretty good on her left side then Terri has it on her right side and some on her knee. I spent about three days in the hospital so they could monitor me but I can take more damage than a normal human being so I start to heal a bit faster but I'm still human so I need medical attention. I don't have the power of Regenerative healing like Kelly or Jason if I did then I wouldn't need medical attention. My mom, Shana, Debby and Terri all spent about 48 hours in the hospital then were released I was right after them. The mall got surrounded by tons of cops cause they thought it was a terrorist situation with hostages. The police had arrived at the hospital after we were all took in. After I was awake they questioned me. I told them that Shana and I went to pick up our last checks from Donna and that once in the office she and the other women pulled their guns on us and threatened to kill us but I didn't tell them why. Donna was pissed because Shana and I vanquished her daughter Katherine. Then I told them Shana and I escaped them and took off running through the mall. The police said three people were injured from Donna and them shooting at us but those three people are alive. The car chase was insane they literally hunted us down and chained us to the motorcycles then drug us down the street like we were trash. That was three weeks ago I'm healed except for my ribs that are still healing they are tender. My mom has been out of work for those three weeks with her right arm in a sling to help her shoulder. The doctor is saying she could be out of work for a month at least until she's better enough to return. Today is Monday October 14, 1985; Kelly is two and half weeks away from having Kevyn. I've been working at Footlocker with James, Ashley and Natalie since I was released from the hospital. So far Ashley and Natalie have been fine but I try to stay away from them and hang with James because he is my friend unlike them. Natalie's behavior towards me has changed she's being nice and that's not like her at all. I'm not falling for it though. Ashley has picked up on her behavior towards me and took Natalie back to the office where they argued then things got quiet hopefully Ashley talked some sense into her I just got done fixing my hair, I hung my towel on the hook on the back of my door. I'm wearing my Levi Tucker blue jean jacket I was able to fix it by sewing on a patch that was from an old pair of blue jeans, a black t-shirt that says Pink Floyd the dark side of the moon with the triangle prism that has a rainbow going through it, my black leather belt with silver studs, a pair of dark high waisted Lee blue jeans and my black and white Air Jordan high tops. I'm walking down stairs into the foyer to check on Mom. She can't sleep in bed because of her shoulder so Dad bought a recliner and had to shipped to the house. The recliner is on the right side of the living room near the coffee table and the other end table so it sits a ways away from the bookshelf. I walk in the living room and she is awake watching TV with the remote on the arm of the chair. She smiles at me and said " Good morning". I said " Good morning.. How are you feeling?" She slowly raises up and winces in pain. She said " I'm okay. the pain seems to not be as intense as it was at first". I said " Did you take your pain medicine?" She said " Yeah just a little while ago". I can't help but feel bad cause it is partly my fault why her, Shana, Debby and Terri got hurt. She sees the guilt on my face and said " It's not your fault Kim". I said " I can't help but feel like it is.. If we hadn't of vanquished Katherine you wouldn't be hurt.. neither would Shana, Debby and Terri".. Mom said " You did what you had to do.. you and Shana needed help and we were there for you guys". I said " Are you gonna be okay by yourself? I have to work after school". Mom said " Of course Sweetie.. Beside your grand momma has been taking care of me". She is talking about her Mom Kenzie. Mom said " I'm thirty-five years old and she is still there for me.. So don't feel bad that I got hurt.. I'd give my life to save yours Kim cause your my only kid and I'd die if something happened to you".. Her eyes tear up and I gently lean down giving her a gentle hug. I raise up and look down at her. I said " And I would die if something happened to you Mom.. I was so scared".. Mom said " When Donna shot you and you pass out on us I thought I was gonna lose you.. I had never been so scared in my entire life.. Right when Terri went to heal you the police and the ambulance showed up making us get out of the way".. I pull a tissue out of the box on the end table and hand it to her so she can dry her face. She said " I'm fine I promise.. Don't be late for school". I said " I love you Mom".. She said " I love you too baby".. I walked into the foyer and got my backpack off the rack by the stairs and waved to her as I walked out the front door. After locking it with my keys I walked out to my car and got it started then I pulled off out of the driveway and down the road. I made it to school about eleven minutes later I pulled into the back parking lot and drove down the middle parking my car beside Jason's silver 1970 Chevelle. I turn off the car and putting it in park. I pull the keys out of the ignition then pull down the visor looking in the mirror at my bangs. I run my fingers through them and fix them from the wind as I'm doing this I spot Jason in the mirror looking back at me from the back of his car. He sees me notice him and looks away. I have caught Jason looking at me but I can't tell if he's just looking or if he's checking me out even if he is it doesn't bother me cause we're just friends and he's a guy they are gonna look. I close the visor and grab my backpack from the passenger seat. I open the door and get out closing it behind me. I walk to the back of my car and put my keys in the front pocket of my blue jeans. I look up and Jason is suddenly right beside me and it startles me a little bit he is wearing his black leather jacket, a red and black checkered flannel opened with a plain white t-shirt, a black leather belt, a pair of dark Levi blue jeans and a pair of black steel toe boots. He has cut his hair it's short on the sides and back you call that tapered and some length on top with curls this is a Top Curl hairstyle. He smiles and said " Sorry I didn't mean to surprise you". I look up at him and said " You're fine. I'm just a little jumpy after what happened". Jason said " I would be too. I'm glad you guys are okay though". He places his right hand on my right arm to comfort me. He smiles down at me and I smile back at him. He moves his hand and said " Have you heard from Kyle this morning?" I said " Yeah he should be getting here soon". Jason said " Has the police said anything else to you?" I said " They said that they found out that East town mall has been missing money for a few years now and nobody knows where it went. They think Donna and her gang cleared out all the stores in the mall of their money cause she abandon Claire's and now the money from the safe is missing". Jason said " Embezzlement.. that's gonna get her a few years in prison if she's caught". The wind blows and Jason sniffs the air his eyes dilate and he quickly shakes his head. I said as I looked up at him " Jason? are you alright?" He isn't paying attention. I said " Jason?" and He said " Yeah?" I said " Are you okay?" He said " Yeah.. I've been feeling a little strange lately that's all". I said " Does that happen a lot?" He said " Not usually.. I'm okay though. I'm getting older so I change a lot since I'm a vampire". I said " This is probably gonna be dumb question.. but do you stop aging at a certain point in your life?" Jason said "Not unless I turn someone but since I'm a born vampire I will age slowly much slower than you". I give him a playful look and said " Are you trying to say I'm old?" I give him a smile and he smiles back. He said " Well you are older than me so.." he said playfully. I push his right shoulder in a playful way and he giggles. I'm only four months older than him. Kyle shows up a few minutes later and we all chat as we make our way down to the courtyard and inside the school heading to our homerooms. After school Kyle and I made out in his car in the back parking lot then we both left school to go to work. I drove out to East Town; after parking my car in the parking lot I walked inside on the lower level. I turn right walking down to Footlocker as I walk in James is putting up the new shoes from their boxes as Natalie and Ashley work the registers. James smiles at me and I smile back at him. I walk past the counter Natalie watches me as I go in the door leading to the back of the store. I walk pass the offices and turn right into the locker room. I walk up to a locker and open it putting my backpack inside I close it and close the combination lock. I already have my name tag on my shirt I pull out my beeper and turn it off. I put it back in the front pocket of my blue jeans and walk out of the locker room. I walk out to the front and James is still putting out the shoes. Natalie and Ashley are standing behind the counter chatting quietly to each other. As I walk out over to James I feel them watching me. I look back at them and they are both just staring at me. I walk over beside James and start helping him put out the shoes. James said " Hey how have you been?" I said " Good. my ribs are still sore though". James said " How's your mom doing?" I said " Better. but she's still in some pain I hate that she's gonna be out of work for a month". James said " Yeah that really sucks but she'll be back at work soon". As James and I talk I can see Natalie and Ashley still watching me weirdly. James looks back then back at me. He whispered " What's their damage lately? they have been acting strange". I whispered " I don't know.. but they are starting to creep me out". On my break James and I walked up to the food court meeting Jane, Kat, Dakota and Shana we went to Sbarro a pizza place and order slices of pizza and drinks. We sat a table and chatted as we ate our lunch. After eating we are still sitting there and talking. I've told Jane and them about Ashley and Natalie acting different towards me lately. Jane said to me " I wouldn't worry about them they are probably just acting that way to mess with you". I said to Jane " Has Kelly bothered you since the love spell incident?" Jane said " No but she still picks at me like she always has but she has kept a safe distance. First time she lays a hand on me I swear I'm gonna rock her shit". I roll my eyes and said " She's just messing with you to make me mad". Jane said " To be honest I think she is trying to make you jealous by liking me like she's always done". I said " Probably but I'm never gonna be jealous and that's what pisses her off". We all say bye and start walking back to our jobs. James and I walk to the bathrooms to wash our hands because of the greasy pizza and we are handling shoes that are expensive. I walk in the women's and he walks into the men's bathroom. I walk down to the middle sink and turn on the water getting some soap from the dispenser. After washing my hands I look up and see Ashley and Natalie standing behind me in the mirror. It startles me and I quickly turn around looking up at them. They still have that creepy stare in their eyes. I said " Alright why are you two being weird?" Ashley said " Nothing just looking at a whore". I said " Fuck you". Ashley smiles and her eyes scan my body so does Natalie. Ashley said " That sounds like a good idea doesn't Babe?" She looks over at Natalie with grin and She said as she stared at me " I thought you'd never ask". I said " In your fucking dreams bitches". I go to move and Ashley shoves me back up against the sink. Natalie said to Ashley " Feisty isn't she?" Ashley growls as she grabs my throat pushing her thumb into the right side of my neck putting pressure. Her eyes turn red and She said " Bend over bitch". Her and Natalie giggle evilly. I throw my knee up and hit Ashley in the crotch. She exclaims in pain and releases me. I swing my fist and nail Natalie right in the nose making her hit the stall door behind her. I take off running for the door all a sudden I exclaim as Natalie grabs me from behind in bearhug. I thrash against her and kick off the sink. She throws me to the floor and I exclaim as I land on my ribs that are still trying to heal. I feel them both grab my legs and start pulling. I look back at them dragging me as I'm trying to kick them. I exclaim as I'm trying to escape all a sudden they release me and I hear them exclaiming in pain. I roll over on my back and see Kelly beating them both up. Kelly growls as she slams Natalie against the white tile wall by her throat. Ashley stumbles up off the ground charging at Kelly as she chokes Natalie against the wall. Kelly growls as she backhands Ashley with her free hand as she still chokes Natalie against the wall. Ashley's face smacks the tile wall and she hits the ground on her side leaving a bloody print on the tile. Natalie is desperately trying to escape Kelly's grip as she kicks with her feet off the ground. Kelly lets her go and she gasps as she holds her throat. Kelly exclaims in anger and starts throwing vicious punches at Natalie's face and torso until she slams Natalie's face into the white tile wall to the left. Natalie hits the wall and crashes to the floor on her back knocked out with her face bloody. Kelly looks over at Ashley knocked out laying on her side. She turns around and walks over to me holding out her hand. I look up at her hand holding out to help me up after a minute I take her hand as she pulls me to my feet. I said " Thanks Kelly". as I looked up at the ground then up at her. I turn around and start walking to the door. She said " Maybe one day you'll get your wish".. I stop with my hand on the handle. I look back at her as she stands there. I said " What wish?" I can see her eyes tearing up as She spoke " For me to be what you wanted". I'm surprised she said this but I know that it's a dream that would never come true. I almost start crying but I control my emotions and I said " You could never be what I want Kelly".. She just stares at me as fire starts to slowly swirl up from the ground and surround her until she disappears as the fire swirls past me and up into an air vent above. I open the door and walk out of the bathroom headed back to Footlocker. I didn't tell James what happened in the bathroom. About ten minutes later Ashley and Natalie return and they are healed from their vicious beating they received from Kelly they didn't even make eye contact with me.

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