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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 90

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

Two Months Later..

It's been two months since Jane and Shana's graduation. Before Kelly had showed up at Jason and Jane's house with Mandi, Ashley, Natalie, Victoria, and The Leprechauns. Kelly was saying it was a shame that Jane didn't invite her to her party. Jane came back at Kelly with a sarcastic comment that she didn't invite Rapists to her party. Kelly just laughed wickedly and pretty much told Jane that if she wasn't careful she would be next. That wasn't the first time Kelly threatened to assault Jane she said to me back then when we were teenagers after I found out she was a Demon but I kept it to myself. When she said this it set Debby off. She got in Kelly's face and told her how dare she threaten Jane like that. Debby and Jane were both telling Kelly to leave. Without warning Kelly decked Jane in the nose. Debby decked Kelly in the jaw and they began fighting as the others came after Me, Mom, Shana, Terri, and Lori. As Debby and Jane teamed up on Kelly I was helping the others with the girls and the Leprechauns. I heard Shana scream out in pain and I looked back at Victoria pulling a dagger from her stomach. Terri and I threw Mandi at Ashley and took off headed for Shana who was across the backyard. Kelly was on the ground with Debby and Jane both punching her. She managed to launch a huge red energy ball at me and Terri. It hit us both in the chest at the same time and sent us flying high into the air headed for the back deck. I hit the deck on my back but Terri hit the railing of the deck on her lower back and slid off onto the deck rolling onto her back. After it was all over Jane, Debby, Shana, and Lori were all stabbed. Terri limped down and healed everyone but she was injured from where she hit the railing on her lower back. Kelly wanted their blood to remake Heather's demon Elixir and this time she made it stronger and almost turned Jane and Shana into Demons and nearly drained Debby and Lori until they were dead. Jane and Shana were saved by Terri who was still hurt. She performed an Exorcism and evicted the demons from their bodies. We rushed back to Debby and Lori who were almost gone. Jane and Shana both touched their faces and it was like their touch restored them. They woke up and they were both freaked and crying from the experience. Debby said that she could feel Jane slipping away as the evil inside her grew and she grew weaker. That all she could think about was missing her Graduation... Not seeing her walk across that stage... Debby was pretty shaken up so was Lori but it was over and they were safe. Today is Monday, September 9, 1991; Dad has been on the road driving his eighteen-wheeler since last week he's coming home Friday. Mom is excited for him to be home after being away for a whole week. Things have been calm since Kelly pulled her last stunt and I have calmed down about worrying about her next move. Jane and Shana both have been doing well in their new jobs. Jane loves being an RN and working with Debby, Mom and Terri almost every day. Shana loves being a Therapist and talking to people so she can help them heal. Since she's an Empath she can also channel the patient's emotions without having to touch them but sometimes her patients ask for a hug. Shana says that she's allowed to hug them but only if she and the patient are fine with it. She lets them initiate the hug because not all patients would want a hug. Terri had to go to Physical Therapy after landing on the railing of Jason and Jane's back deck. When her lower back hit it caused a bad Sprain in it. That's why it was hurting her so much to move. The pain got worse and she had to go to the hospital they told her that it was a bad sprain and that she would probably need Physical Therapy. When asked how it happened she simply told them that she fell down the stairs of her basement at her house. She went through Physical Therapy for about a month and the sprain healed completely and she heals faster than normal humans. But they told her to be careful that even though it's healed she could re-injure it. I didn't get hurt from hitting the deck like she did but I was sore for several days after it. Kyle and I are up for work, We are sitting at the table finishing off our coffee after eating Breakfast. Kyle said, " How's Terri doing?" I said, " She's a lot better I feel bad she got hurt though she missed work for about two weeks". Kyle said, " Landing on your lower back like that isn't good". I said, " No it isn't.. that could have been me too I hate that she got hurt though". We get up and put our empty cups in the sink and head upstairs to shower. After our shower, we are out and dressed heading out the front door. Kyle walks out and I walk out behind him locking the door with my keys. I walk down to the driveway where he's standing in between my car and his car. He smiles at me as he holds my waist and we kiss softly. After a couple of seconds, I said " I love you.. Have a good day"... He said, " I love you too Beautiful.. you have a good day too". We get in our cars and start them, after getting them going we pull out of the driveway going opposite directions down the street. It's lunchtime, I'm down at the Café having lunch with Dakota. I told her everything that happened while she was in Florida helping her Dad move down to Tennessee. She said, " I can't believe Kelly remade Heather's demon elixir and tried to turn Jane and Shana evil". I said, " I never thought she would resort to using Heather's past ideas but she did and what makes things worse is she made way stronger than Heather did and we all know how smart Heather was with potions". Dakota said, " Yeah it makes me think that Kelly is smarter than she lets everyone see". I said, " She is but she's always said she didn't want people to think she was nerd like Heather". Dakota rolled her eyes and then said, " If you think about it Kelly is the reason why Heather set out to destroy all of us.. I mean Kelly bullied Heather badly back then". I said, " She partly is the reason but it was mostly because of me.. I wouldn't return her feelings so she wanted to make me pay". Dakota said with sarcasm directed towards Kelly " Sounds like someone else we know". I said, " Yeah I know.. but she's never getting me back and that kills her and helps me so I can find a way to get rid of Kelly once and for all". After our break was over we walked back down to the office. Around 2:00 pm, I'm sitting at my desk working when I feel that cold presence. I look up and see Darla sitting in a chair in front of my desk. She's see-through as she stares at me from the chair she holds onto the armrests with her hands. She hasn't been here in about a month and now she's back. I roll my eyes and she scoffs, I look around and then up at her. I whispered, " Go Away". Darla said, " I'd be more careful if I were you.. I can sense that someone from your circle will be joining the other side.. maybe you".. I rolled my eyes cause I didn't believe anything she had to say. Darla gave me a sarcastic smile and then said " Fine don't believe me.. but it's sooner than you think kid"... I looked up at her and she grinned evilly and then disappeared from the chair. At 5:00 pm, I leave the office. Kyle is already home he was finished early today with his project at work. They are building a dentist's office in Powell, Tennessee not far from Knoxville. We decided on Pizza for dinner so Kyle called in and ordered a large Pepperoni pizza and bread sticks. I made it home at 5:25 pm because of traffic and the pizza had just gotten there ten minutes ago. I went upstairs and took a quick shower then came back downstairs in a plain white t-shirt and a pair of navy blue sleep pants. We ate and watched Child's Play 3 on VHS. It came out last month we went to East Towne Mall and watched it in the theater for the first time. The last movie we watched was Terminator 2: Judgment Day. It was 9:30 pm so we turned off everything and headed upstairs for bed while Lance napped in his cat tree by the window. After brushing our teeth we got in bed and talked for a little while then we started making out. I'm on my back as Kyle lies on his left side kissing me with passion. We went to Spencer's this past weekend and found one of those rings you put on penises or the more funny name for it Cock Ring. Kyle and I got a giggle out of the name for it. It helps with erections but Kyle doesn't need help keeping one it makes intercourse more intense plus this one vibrates which means it will vibrate while Kyle is wearing it and it will vibrate on my clit while we are having sex. I wasn't sure if Kyle would be into it at first because these are mostly worn by Gay men but they can worn by Straight men too. I don't think it matters if they are gay or not if they want to use it they should. But Kyle was interested in trying something new with me because we've never used vibrators or any other kind of sex toys. He slid on over his erection gently after I applied a little lubricant. We are kissing as he's on top of me. I have the remote in my hand I turn it on low and he moans softly against our kiss. He pulls away and smiles down at me as I smile holding the small remote in my hand. I put my hand on his right shoulder and said " Down"... He grins at me and lays down on his stomach. He's looking up at me as he slowly starts to run his tongue across my clit. I moan softly as I put my hand on the top of his hair gripping it. After a while, he's up and is thrusting into me at a fast and frantic pace as the ring vibrates on high around his large erection. As he continues I feel the vibration against my clit it's a new and exciting feeling. I moan " Ahh!! Ahh!! Kyle!!" I'm holding onto his shoulders as he continues at that pace. He lets out a deep moan and then growls in pleasure as he puts his face into the right side of my neck. He sucks on it as he increases the pace plowing into me as our skin slaps frantically. I dig my nails into his back as the feeling intensifies. I moan " Ahh!! Ahh!! Oh my god!!!" As he continues at that pace I feel myself tightening around his erection and I begin shaking as I start climaxing. Kyle moans " Oh fuck"... As he begins to climax. Soon we both exclaim as we climax hard. He stops and lays there with his head on my boobs he is shaking a little as I feel him lay on top of me. I smile as I run my hand through his hair. He looks up at me after he stops shaking. He said, " I thought only women do that". he said with a grin. I said, " Men can too". He said " Was it weird?" I said, " Of course not.. besides I thought it was sexy that you did". We smile at each other as Kyle lays down beside me under the covers we soon drift off to sleep.

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