Mirror Mirror

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 47

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

A week ago Me and Jane went on a mission with our Moms it went fine and we collected the items and like always we kicked ass. We teleported back to my house and Kelly was there she pointed a gun at Mom and Debby. She demanded that they obey her every command as she pointed a wish ring at them that glowed red then Kelly used Kevyn to take over her body and used the ring to wish that Mom and Debby were evil then she commanded them to kill me and Jane. But they stopped themselves just in time and broke free from the ring's control. I lost it once again like I did on the Clinch bridge and I sent Kelly flying through the wall and outside. But of course it didn't kill her I knew it wouldn't I just wanted her gone. Mom said that I channeled my emotions into my telekinetic energy and she can't even do that. Does this mean I'm more powerful than my mom? I can teach her how to do this but to do it you have to get very angry or upset. So the next day I took Mom outside in the backyard and got her to channel emotions that she has buried deep down. After ten minutes Mom's body began swirling with green energy until it was a ball. Next thing I know she screams out in a scream I have never heard as she used her telekinetic pressure to rip through the ground in the backyard and it lead to an old tree in the right corner that used to have my old tire swing on it. The telekinetic pressure split the old tree like a pair of chop sticks then fell to the ground. We were both pretty stunned at what she did then I told her that I split that bridge almost in half after killing that demon and she was so stunned then said that she saw that on the news and she thought what kind of psychopath would do that and we both busted out laughing. She wasn't mad at me because she knew I was just doing my job vanquishing demons plus I didn't get caught the news thinks it was a bomb. Today is Monday August 5, 1985 it's Kat's seventeenth birthday. Tonight is Kat's party at David's the cousin of James that lives down at the bottom of Sharp's Ridge. School is starting back on the 12th same day Jane, Shana and Jacob are starting College. Jane is going for a Nursing Degree, Jacob is studying to become a Personal Injury Lawyer he will be going to school for a total of seven years; Four for a Bachelor's degree and three for law school, Shana is going for a Master's degree in Therapy which will take her two years then after she completes more work she can become a Licensed Therapist which is perfect for her because she is an Empath. Kelly has went to classes to finish her Senior year since the school suspended her for the rest of the year so she will be attending College at Finway with the rest of us and she is now six months pregnant with Kevyn she will be here on Halloween says Kelly. She is studying for a Bachelor's degree in Business by the time I get there she will be on her Sophomore year of College. I can never escape her she will always be in my life whether I like it or not but that doesn't mean I have to like her or be her friend. She hasn't begged for me to take her back since we broke up but being Kelly she still makes those sexual remarks and jokes. She would if I gave her the chance but that's never happening again but she still messes Jane too so I still keep a close eye out when Kelly is around her. After work I went home and showered putting on some clean clothes. I put on my Levi blue jean jacket, a black t-shirt that says Friday the 13th with the Jason Voorhees hockey mask, a black leather belt, a pair of high waisted Ralph Lauren blue jeans and a pair of black and white Air Jordan 1 high tops. I dried my hair with my towel then tossed it across the metal railing of my bed at the bottom. I brushed my hair out then used my mousse to scrunch the ends of my hair then I flipped my hair back and used my Aqua Net to spray it all over. I look at the time on my Rolex watch and it says 5:45pm I worked until 4:30pm today. Kyle and Dakota got off work the same time. I pick up my car keys and my beeper off my night stand I see a message that says 40 which means on my way that was from Dakota I see another message that says 45 it means ready that was from Kyle his car was in bad shape from the leprechauns and it has took a few months to fix but Kyle says they are close to being done with it. I walked down stairs in the foyer and turned left walking down the hallway and into the kitchen to let Zeke back in from the backyard. Me, Mom and Dad have been fixing the ground where Mom destroyed it with her powers by filling it with new dirt and packing it down with shovels. I closed the backdoor and locked it. I walked back into the foyer and out the front door after I closed it and locked it I got in my car and got it going on my way to Kyle's. I picked him up and I drove over to David's house. It was 5:55pm when I pulled up. At 6:15pm Dakota arrived Kyle and I were sitting on the couch together when she walked in. She sat down on the right side of me while Kyle was sitting on my left side she leaned over and gave me a kiss. When she did some guys at the Stereo whistled at us as the speakers played I wanna rock by Twisted Sister. More and more people started showing up until the house was full. We end up in the kitchen taking shots of Cuervo 1800 Tequila. Kat has took about five, David about six, Kyle about four, Jason also four, Jane about two, then I took one cause I have to drive Kyle back home, Dakota hates Tequila because of Kelly, Karen took about two, Jimmy took four, Shane took eight because he was dared by his four guy friends that showed up with him. They are all about his age and they are very obnoxious and keep hitting on almost every girl here including me, Jane, Kat, Shana, Karen, Dakota and Dana. A white dude with a really bad mullet keeps flirting with me I went to the kitchen to get my first beer and he followed me in there. I closed the fridge and he is standing right beside me. I'm looking up at him as he talks he is about 5'10" and weight about 160 lbs. He is wasted, He said " You're Kim right?" I said " Yeah and who are you?" He said " Joey I go to Russell High, Tiffany has told me a lot about you". Ugh Tiffany Campbell she use to go to Finway and flirted alot with Kelly. I said with sarcasm " And what exactly did she tell you?" He said " That you're a Dyke". I said " I'm Bisexual you asshole". He smiles and said " Let's go find a room in this dump". I said " Not happening". He said with an attitude " Why not??" I said " First off I'm seeing someone and you are like fourteen". He said " So?? Ain't you fourteen too?" I said " I'm seventeen I'm too old for you". He looks me up and down then said " No way you're seventeen you look way younger". I said " Thanks I guess". He said " I still don't believe you". He is really starting to piss me off. I said " Look I've said no a million times now back off". He said " What are you gonna do get your boyfriend?" he laughed sarcastically. I sit my unopen beer on the counter by the fridge and I said with my arms crossed " I can take care of myself". He just laughs sarcastically as he looks down at me. He said " There is no way in hell you have a chance against me. I could blow on you and knock you down". I flip him off and said " Blow on this prick". I grab my beer and turn around to walk away and he smacks my ass. I stop and I hear him cackling everyone in the living room is watching us. Kyle starts to move and motion for him to stop I sit my beer on another counter that is on the left side of the kitchen it is hooked to another one that has the sink in the middle with a window above. I turn around look up at him as he smiles like an idiot I kick him in the nuts and he exclaims in pain as he drops to his knees. He groans in pain " You fucking bitch!!" He lunges at my waist to tackle me and dash out of the way as he crashes on the floor on his left side. He looks up at me and I said " Get off the floor you've already made an ass of yourself". David said to him " Dude get out of my house if you're gonna cause trouble!" Some other guys help him up but he rudely jerks away from them as he stares me down with hate. He goes to swing at me and Dakota quickly dashes up infront of me catching his fist. She jerks his arm to the right and he exclaims in pain. Dakota is staring this guy down. She said " He said to leave.. You don't want me to make you". He just stares at Dakota and I hear her growling softly in her panther growl and this scares the piss out of him. She let's him go and he runs through the living room and out the door. Everyone cheers for Dakota. She turns around and smiles at me I see Shane standing there giving me a dirty look. I give Dakota a kiss and said quietly " Good kitty". She kisses my cheek and I hear her purring quietly she starts kissing my neck softly and I groan softly. She stops and raises her head up as she blushes. Kyle walks up beside her and smiles at her he gives me a kiss. The three of us walk outside of the back porch where I was with Karen the first time she kissed me then ran away. Kyle kisses me with passion as Dakota stands behind me pulling my hips into her as she has her lower back against an old deep freezer that isn't working anymore. I'm getting increasingly turned on as he keeps kissing me and Dakota kisses the right side of my neck. I pull away catching my breath and Dakota stops kissing my neck Kyle said quietly " What's wrong?" I said quietly " Are you both wanting me? at the same time?" Kyle and Dakota agree shaking their heads. I said quietly " Are you two sure?" Kyle said quietly " As long as you want to". Dakota said quietly " Besides Kyle and I aren't doing anything together.. just us doing things to you".. Like Kyle and I did with Kelly... I'm so stunned I don't know what to say and the alcohol is enhancing this feeling most likely but the three of us aren't wasted just buzzed. Kyle is looking at me and I can feel Dakota looking at me as she stands behind me. Kyle said quietly " It's totally fine if you don't want to".. I said quietly " I guess it could be fun.. but not here please".. Kyle said quietly " Of course not.. at your place".. I can feel Dakota slowly grinding herself against me as I stare up at Kyle. I feel her grab the back of my hair jerking my head back as I moan softly. I'm looking up at her yellow eyes that are glowing as She said quietly " Understand?" I smile and said quietly " Yes".. She smiles at me and her eyes turn back she let's my hair go and I raise my head back up looking at Kyle. He looks at the kitchen window then back at us. He said to Dakota " So can you really turn into a panther?" Dakota said " Yeah". with a smile. I said to Kyle " You want to pet her don't you?" with a smile. Dakota grins at this and Kyle said " Yeah as long as she's cool with it. I promise to not go past your head". Dakota said " You are a gentlemen so I trust you". Kyle said " Wait.. don't you lose your clothes if shift?" Dakota smiles and said " That's a myth we don't lose our clothes unless we take them off before shifting". Kyle and I are standing back as Dakota looks over at the window to make sure nobody is coming. All a sudden she growls as she shifts into her Werepanter form Kyle is so stunned as he looks down at her. I pet her head and she purrs softly. Kyle slowly moves his hand out and pets her head gentley. Kyle said " Wow this is so cool". Dakota stands up on her back legs and she is almost as tall as Kyle but she's a female so she wouldn't be bigger like a male would. She gets back down and returns to her human form she groans as she cracks her neck then makes a panther noise afterwards. I said " Are you okay?" She said " Yeah there is a full moon coming on the 16th." I said " Are you gonna be alone on that day?" She said " Yeah I don't have a roomate so I can just stay in my room all day". We walk back inside and into the living room with everyone else it's been a few hours since we came in. I can faintly hear Shane and Holly arguing in the kitchen out of everyone's view. Kyle is standing on my left side while Dakota is standing on my right she is listening in closely on Shane and Holly as the music blares. Dakota looks angry as she looks at the entrance of the kitchen. I said " What is it?" Dakota said " He is talking to her like she is nothing but trash". The cassette tape stops playing cause it's over and it's silent as we all can now hear them. There is the sound of a slap that echoes through the living room. Kyle gets pissed as he saw Shane smack Holly in the reflection of the window above the sink. Kyle said " Hey!!!!!!!" He storms in the kitchen as I follow him with everyone else. Kyle is in Shane's face as He said " I saw that asshole!!" Holly is standing behind Shane with her back against the wall there is a red hand print on the right side of her face. Shane said to Kyle " Mind your own business loser!" Shana reaches her hand out to get Holly away from him and Shane shoves Shana against the sink. Jacob gets pissed and grabs Shane and shoves him up against the wall beside Holly. I said " Holly come over here to us now". She looks at Shane as Jacob holds him against the wall with Kyle and Jason standing behind him. Shana takes Holly's hand and she walks her over to Dana who makes her get behind her against the wall. Dana is all the way across the room in the open dining room area right beside the living room. Jacob has a hold of Shane's blue jean button up shirt, He said as he let's him go " Get the fuck out! before I lay you out for putting your hands on a woman like that you piece of shit!" Shane gets off the wall staring down at Jacob evilly he is 5'10". He said " You have no idea who you are fucking with you short little prick!" David walks up beside Jacob he is about 5'9" while Jacob is 5'7". David said " You've been told to get out asshole! Now leave or we will throw you out!!" Shane just laughs sarcastically and starts walking to the doorway of the backdoor. He stops and quickly spins around punching David in the jaw knocking him to the floor infront of everyone. Jacob swings a punch nailing Shane in the jaw and his head barely moves. He goes to hit him back and Kyle tackles Shane up against the sink as he exclaims in pain. Soon Kyle, Jason, Jacob, David, James, Jimmy and Xander are all ganging up on Shane as they all wrestle around the kitchen with the rest of backing into the living room. Jason clothlines Shane in the throat knocking him on his back. Shane exclaims in pain as his back smacks the floor. Jason gets on top him and starts punching him soon the rest of Shane's friends jump in and there is a nothing but a big dude fight going on in the kitchen. Xander spots one guy choking Jimmy out grabs a glass liquor bottle smashing it against the back of the guy's head. Me, Jane and Shana are trying to break up Jason, Kyle and Jacob fighting on the ground with three of Shane's friends. I grab one with my right arm around his throat choking him as I jerk him off of Kyle using my telekinetic strength. I grab the back of his blue jeans by his belt and flip him into the air where he lands on his back in the living room a few inches away from Dana and Holly. Kyle and I turn around as we hear someone coming at us. Kyle punches the dude in his nose and I spin doing a low kick to his knee as he exclaims in pain going down to his other knee. Kyle grabs the guy and punches him in the nose knocking him to the floor on his back. Shane exclaims in anger and comes at Kyle throwing a punch but he misses and hits me in the nose then proceeds to drunkely fall to the floor infront of Dana and Holly. Kyle is checking on me as I'm holding my hand over my nose. I move it and see blood on my hand. Kyle gets pissed and sees Shane getting up from the floor. I put my arm out stopping him and he stops. Shane stumbles up and looks at me laughing. He said sarcastically " Opps.. didn't think you're tiny ass could take a hit from a real man". I'm so pissed because he hit Holly. I exclaim in anger as I swing my fist using my telekinetic strike and I nail him right in the jaw making blood fly out and he stumbles back keeping his balance. He just laughs and yelled " Is that all you got?!?! you fucking bitch!!!!" I exclaim in anger as I hit him again in the other jaw blood flies out and he stumbles keeping his balance surprisingly. Shane growls as he grabs me by the throat with both hands choking me as he lifts me up off the ground. I can hear everyone screaming for him to let me go. Shane smiles evilly and said " Kelly couldn't make you obey her... if you were mine.. you will love, honor and OBEY!!!!" He screams in anger then laughs maniacally. I exclaim in anger as I kick him in the nuts he exclaims in pain dropping me. I land on my feet all sudden he quickly jumps to his feet snatching me up by my blue jean jacket he screams as he throws me out the window. I exclaim in pain as my body busts through the glass shattering it into pieces. I exclaim as I land on my stomach. I exclaim in pain rolling over on my back I feel a big piece of glass in my left rib cage. Shane jumps through the broken window landing on his feet. I'm looking up at him as I feel my face bleeding and the wound on my ribs. Everyone is crowding around in the house and all running outside to us. Shane said " Should have minded your own fucking business!!" He goes to kick me and I quickly raise up catching his leg and throwing him over me. He exclaims as he hits the ground on his back. He jumps up the same time as me but he has a lead pipe in his hands he growls as he swings it at me. I use my telekinetic speed and strength to tackle him but what I didn't realize is there is a huge steep hill that leads down to a road on the side of the house. So Shane and I are flipping and rolling down this hill until we end up rolling out on the road. I exclaim as my temple smacks on the road and I become very dizzy as I start losing consciousness. I'm laying on my stomach as I look over at Shane laying there on his back groaning in pain. I can hear everyone calling for us. Shane rolls over on his stomach looking over at me as he gets up. He stands there beside me then kicks me in the right side of my ribs I exclaim in pain. I hear him say " This ain't over bitch". I hear his footsteps retreat as he takes off running down the road. I hear frantic footsteps approaching and I pass out. I come to with Xander hovering over me he is holding my hands. All a sudden my vision comes back and I feel alot better. I look at Kyle and Dakota standing at the foot of the bed. Xander helps me raise up as he sits infront of me. I look around at Jane, Jason, Shana, Jacob, Dana, Karen, Jimmy, David, James and Kat standing in the room looking at me with concerned looks. Xander said as I looked at him " Feel better?" I said " Alot thank you Xander". He smiles and said " You were banged up pretty bad with a nasty gash on your head where you hit the road". I said " Shane got away though". I looked down at the bed then back up at him. Xander said " We begged Holly not to go but she did". I said " I don't want anything to do with Shane anymore.. you guys seen it for yourselves he's not a good guy". Kyle said as he wiped tears off his face " He tried to kill you Kim because you stood up to him". I said " Remind you of someone?" Dakota and Kyle just look at me and they both know I'm talking about Kelly. Jane walks up beside the bed and said " Do you think Shane is evil like Kelly?" I said " He's definitely hiding something". Shana said " Yeah he is.. when he shoved me in the kitchen I could sense it". I drove Kyle back home and Dakota drove home cause we all had to work tomorrow we were gonna do the threesome tonight but it was already 11:00pm so we decide to do it another day.

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