Hell breaks loose

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 49

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

Last time I went on a mission with Jane, Terri and Dakota where we encountered a gang of biker demons called Hells Demons. Terri talked the two biker women on the street into letting her get some pot but the woman said for Terri it was free she was hitting on her non stop and Terri was playing along so we could get inside the house. But once inside the woman pulled a gun on us and shoved Terri on the bed where she threatened to rape her and kill me, Jane and Dakota. Terri kicked the gun out of her hand and it flew out the window. It turned into a fight in that room but we vanquished them and fled the house with the items and back to the agency. The next day Jane begins acting strange and to Kat's account she was being rude and mean to everyone including customers at her job in the mall. Shana and I were leaving work later on that night when we finally found Jane in the parking lot she was walking to her car. When we confronted her about her behavior she blew up on us and yelled at me. I was pissed so I told her when she was done being a bitch to let me know. This set her off and she punched me then shoved Shana to the ground she shot one of her energy beams at me and it went straight through my shoulder. Jane took off in her car and Shana got me in her car where she rushed me over to Terri who healed me. We told Terri and Don about Jane and that Kat said she was fine until she went on that mission with us. But nothing weird happened on the mission for Jane to act that way. The next day I'm at work getting more and more worried when Shana doesn't show up. Jacob came in and told me her parents said she never came home last night and the last time I saw her was in the mall parking lot when she drove me back to my car. I went to Donna's office in the back to tell her I needed to leave to look for Shana and she was very rude telling me if I leave that I'm fired so I slammed my name tag down on the desk and told her I quit as I walked out I used my telekinesis to break her desk so it was collapse. Jason and I went to get Kat and Xander for back up and we drove downtown to Finway College where we tracked Jane down to Kelly's dorm room. Kelly had cast a love spell on Jane which explained her behavior. Kelly and Jane both pulled guns on us and it started a fight in the dorm room. Kat dove in the way taking two bullets in her back for me. Kelly and I began to fight over her gun while Jason had Jane trapped in a bearhug forcing her down on the bed to restrain her. Kelly was overpowering me with her strength plus her weight of being pregnant with Kevyn and she was choking me out. Kat regained consciousness and blasted Kelly out the window with her powers. The love spell broke when Kelly reappeared infront of the busted window. An angry Jane shoots an energy beam at her and she teleports away. Shana wasn't in the room so we searched the whole campus and she was no where to be found. I went back to my house with Jason, Jane, Xander and Kat to stop freaking out so I could think and that's when Mom teleported in the living room with a beaten up Shana. Mom was at work in the hospital, she said she opened the door to a stock room and found Shana unconscious and tied up. I was about to lose it if we couldn't find her.

Thursday September 19, 1985;

That was a week ago Shana quit working for Donna too and is searching for another job around the mall with me. We have to pick up our last checks Saturday. Today after school I have an interview for Footlocker in the mall where James works with Ashley and Natalie. I'm not thrilled about working with them but I have to. Natalie is the Assistant manger so she will be my boss basically. Shana got an interview at Victoria Secret where Dakota works. I couldn't work there because I'm not eighteen and I sure as hell wasn't about to go work with Kelly at Spencer's gifts the youngest age hire is seventeen. I just got out of the shower and walked back to my room in my towel after drying off I got dressed. I put on my brand new Levi Tucker blue jean jacket, a black t-shirt that says Bon Jovi 1983 New Jersey, a black leather belt with silver studs, a pair of high waisted Guess blue jeans and my black and white high top Air Jordan's. I pick up my towel off the railing of my bed and dry my hair then I brush it out. I lay it back across the railing and flip my head over scrunching the ends of my hair with Loreal mousse then I flip my head back up and spray my hair with Aqua net hairspray. After I was done I got my towel off the railing of my bed and walked over to the back of my bedroom door and hung it on the hook. I pick up my keys and my beeper off the nightstand and open the door walking out into the hallway. As I pass by my parents room I see them both asleep. My mom is asleep on her back with my dad asleep with his head on her left shoulder he has his left arm over her stomach. I walked down stairs into the foyer and around to the coat rack on the wall and pulled off my back pack. I remember my Walkman is on the coffee table. I walk in the living room and pick it up off the coffee table. Zeke is asleep on his back on the couch. I walk up to the front door and open it walking out. I close it and turn around locking it with my keys. I walk down to the driveway and get in my car getting it started. After I got it going I'm driving down Woodland Avenue I stop at the red light. As I'm sitting there I hear the sound of several motorcycles approaching. I look in my side view mirror and see four custom designed 1985 Harley Davidson motorcycles. One is black and it's a Evo Fx wide, the next one is a soft tail that is a burnt orange color, the next one is a black FXR and the last one is a blue FXEF Super glide. They are all women, the one on the black FXR is short and she's Mexican she has a black helmet on with black aviator glasses on she is staring at me with grin. She spoke in spanish " Si la belleza fuera un pecado, tu no tendrías perdón de Dios". I have no idea what she just said. She giggles then speaks English "If beauty were a sin, you would not have God's forgiveness". in her Mexican accent. I just give her stare and she gives me a grin that creeps me out she gives me bad vibes. The light finally turns green and she winks at me as she pulls off flying down the road with the rest of the other motorcycles as I drive behind them at a normal speed. After school I drove over the mall for my interview at Foot Locker with Natalie. We are in the back in a office as she sits at a desk and I sit in a chair infront of the desk. She hasn't said anything to pick at me she has been interviewing me after she was done she gets up from the desk and walks out to another office to the main manager a few minutes later she comes back in closing the door behind her. She walks by my chair and back to the desk where she sits down. She glares at me and I glare at her back. Natalie said " You start Monday". I said with sarcasm " Thank you Natalie". She clicks her pen on the desk as she stares at me. She said " Don't think I'm gonna go easy on you just cause I'm your boss now. You are the reason my brother is dead.. and I'm never gonna let you forget it".. I said " For the last time Kelly killed Mikey and Brad it wasn't me". Natalie stops clicking the pen and leans forward. Her eyes turned red as she stared me down. She said " You're super snatch is the reason.. you had Kelly so whipped she killed them for you and you know it". I give her a weird look as I looked down at my lap then back up at her. I said " I never asked her to kill them she just did it". Natalie said " You didn't have to.. I don't know what kind of hold you have on her but know this your day is coming Kim if not by Kelly it will be someone then justice will finally be served". I stand up from the chair as she watches me. I said with sarcasm " You don't scare me Natalie if you ask me you're just pathetic". I turn around and start walking to the door when all the sudden I'm slammed up against the wall with hands against it. I feel Natalie breathing down my neck as she has me pinned to the wall using her body. But I'm not fazed by her, I turn my head looking up at her as she breathes heavily slightly. I look down at the front of her jeans resting against the back of mine. I said to taunt her " Natalie this is a compromising position.. wouldn't you agree??" Natalie said by my ear " I think you like it whore". I said to taunt her more " No Natalie I think you do." She scoffs as she releases me. I turn around and look up at her. Her dark blue eyes are piercing at me with anger, her dark brown hair is straight and lays on her shoulders she is 5'7" and weighs 155 lbs. Then it dawns on me, I said " Now I understand why you hate me so much and it's not because of Mikey". I'm staring her down as she just stares back at me not knowing what to say. I said " I wonder what you're girlfriend would think if she knew? Don't fuck with me Natalie". I shove past her and open the door walking out. I know what I did was black mailing but she deserved it. I've always wondered why she hated me so much. She has a crush on me but is in denial and to cover it up she blames me for Mikey's death. I walked upstairs and met Shana at Baskin Robbins where we got small cups of Vanilla ice cream. As we sat there and ate I told her what happened with Natalie at Footlocker. I said " Natalie is in denial about liking me and that's why she blames me for Mikey". Shana said " Did she ever give you any hint before about being into you?" I said " No not all she covers it up with hate". Shana said " Well they say that when someone teases you and picks on you all the time it usually means they like you". I roll my eyes at the thought of Natalie being into me. I said " What is it about me that brings out these psycho women?" Shana smiles then said " Kim have you seen yourself? you're gorgeous if I wasn't completely straight and head over hills for Jacob I would take a run at you". she said jokingly. We start giggling, Jane walks over and sits down in the chair beside me. She said to us with a smile " What's funny?" Shana said " Kim just found out that Natalie has the hots for her". Jane looks confused. She said " Natalie Clayton?? isn't she dating Ashley Grant still?" I said " Yeah and she blames me for Mikey's death but it's just a cover up to deny how she really feels about me". Jane said " Does Ashley know?" I said " No but threaten to tell her if she didn't back down". Jane said " I mean it's not a surprise that she likes you. after all you are a panty dropper Kim". I feel my face blush as Jane and Shana bust out laughing. Jane looks over at a teenage girl about fourteen she keeps looking at me and twirling the end of her hair in a flirty way. Jane looks at me and Shana. She said " See what I mean". I said " She's too young for me". The girl starts walking over to us and Jane clears her throat and said " Incoming panties".. I swat her in the arm as her and Shana snicker. The girl stands at the table by Jane and Shana she is about my height and weighs a little less her eyes are brown and her hair is brown and curly she is wearing low cut V-neck t-shirt, a very tight pair of light blue high waisted Jordache jeans and some black heels. She said to me " You're Kim right?" I said " Yeah and you are?" She said " My name is Kim too". She said with a grin. She said " It's Kimberly Danielle.. What's your middle name?" I said " Kimberly Ann". She said " I know you use to date Kelly Davidson". I said " Yeah.. keep that to yourself". She said " Your secret is safe with me. I know this is very forward but would you like to go to the drive-in with me this weekend?" I swallow nervously this girl is bold. She is asking me out on a date. I said " You're asking me out on date?" She blushes and said " Yes". in a shy way she's cute but too young and I'm already dating Kyle and Dakota. I said " You're sweet and thank you I'm flattered but I think you are a bit young for me". She said " Age doesn't bother me". with a grin. I said " I'm sorry I can't and I'm seeing someone". She smiles then said " No harm in asking. Can you give me some tips on how to pick up girls?" I smile and I hear Jane and Shana snicker quietly. I said " Just be yourself". She said " Thanks". She walks away and Jane looks at me. She said " My point is proven". I look over and see Dakota walking up to the table on my side. She bends down and kisses me softly. She raises up and said " Who was the girl?" I said " A girl named Kim". Dakota said " Another Kim". with a smile. I said " She was fourteen and totally hit on me". Dakota grins and I said " But I let her down gently". Jane said " We were messing with Kim about being a panty dropper when that girl came up". Dakota giggles at the word. She said " That she is". she winks at me and I blush.

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