Cease to Exist

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 93

 P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

Eleven Months later..

It's been Eleven months since Kelly and Victoria kidnapped Jesse in broad daylight from Kat and James's wedding at the Sunsphere. Terri and Don both were freaking out. Terri called the police and reported Jesse missing. But what the police didn't know was they were no match for Kelly and Victoria. They formed search parties while we went to Terri and Don's house. As Terri paced the floor she realized why they took Jesse. Because she had gotten into a fight with Victoria in her house and she stabbed her with a huge kitchen knife. She collected a lot of blood and made a vanquishing potion for Victoria. Five days passed as we all were a wreck until Kelly left a Ransom letter on Terri's car Monday while she was at work. It said to go to the Abandon YMCA building downtown. We went down there and into the old building. Inside Terri found Jesse's birthstone ring that they bought for her 12th birthday. Mandi, Ashley, and Natalie attacked us while we were there but we took care of them. Kelly called Terri's cellphone and told her to go over to Caswell Park where the Baseball fields are. On the pitcher's plate, Terri found Jesse's cell phone it rang and she answered it. Kelly ordered her to walk over to the abandoned Knitting mill near the baseball fields and that if she didn't come alone they would kill Jesse. Debby begged Terri to let her turn the rest of us invisible so we could help her. Terri agreed and we all walked over to the Knitting mill. The rest of unseen except for Terri. Inside Kelly and Victoria demanded Terri hand over the potion. Terri had made a fake one to trick them so she could the real one but that didn't go as planned. Kelly realized it was fake right as Terri hugged Jesse she shot powerful Optical fire bolts from her eyes at Jesse. Terri acted quickly and turned Jesse around when she did the bolts went straight through her chest and she slowly started to bleed out Jesse lowered to the ground with Terri in her arms she sobbed uncontrollably as Terri lay there dying. The rest of us were trapped in a force field by Kelly we went to attack right after she injured Terri and she shot a force field at us. Mom and Debby were both freaking out as we all desperately tried to break out of the force field. Kelly and Victoria taunted Jesse as she stood there staring them down. But what they didn't know was Jesse had found the real potion in the pocket of Terri's blue jeans. Kelly goes to shoot Jesse and she flung the gun out of her hand using her telekinesis. Kelly continued to taunt her and Jesse exclaimed as she threw the potion at the ground in front of Victoria's shoes. All of a sudden Victoria exclaimed as she quickly caught on fire Kelly watched in horror. Victoria exclaimed in defeat as she exploded into an extremely powerful blast similar to Heather's death. Kelly was sent flying through the brick wall as Jesse and the rest of fell to the ground. Soon we were all up as Jesse was on her knees beside Terri who was slipping away faster and faster. None of us could heal her and Xander wasn't there. As Terri was about to die Jesse's hands lit up with white lights then they disappeared as she held them over her. Jesse healed Terri just in time and for the first time. We thought it was over but Kelly appeared and struck Jesse in the back with a powerful stream of Electrokinesis. It electrocuted Jesse as she exclaimed in intense pain she was flung forward and busted out the long window behind us where she fell to the ground below. Terri lost it as she jumped up and struck Kelly with a powerful stream of Electrokinesis. As Kelly was electrocuted she yelled that Jesse wasn't getting away with killing Victoria. I took the chance and dashed up nailing her in the chest using my telekinetic strike to repel her out of the hole in the brick wall and out into the air where she disappeared from our view. Terri leaped out the window and jumped down to the ground from the metal awning. She turned Jesse over on her back and her face was bloody as Terri healed her. They got up and I noticed she had black smoke coming from her back. She turned around and there were burns on her shoulder blades. Jesse tried to make her wings come out but nothing but ashes fell to the ground below her shoes. Jesse was horrified that she lost her powers but she didn't it was her wings which meant she'd never be able to fly again like Terri can. Ever since then, Jesse had been a little down about losing her wings but she was glad that she didn't lose her life or Terri. The past eleven months were okay, Dana gave birth to Avery on December 18, 1992. She is seven months old now. Xander and Dana are getting married in Edgewood Park the one near Mom's house. Holly had hers and Shane's daughter on January 25, 1993. They named her Adrian Shane Miller II. It's not common for girls to be named after their fathers like that. But they wanted to give her the name because Shane's dad is Adrian Shane Miller Sr. and he is Adrian Shane Miller Jr. but he goes by his middle name and his dad goes by Adrian. So they decided to call her Adrian after her grandfather. She is now six months old, Holly has been away fighting in Combat alongside Karen while Shane takes care of baby Adrian. Kelly has been on a warpath since Jesse vanquished Victoria at the Knitting Mill. A few weeks ago she stabbed Jane in the stomach while she was alone at her house one day. She was waiting for Jesse to walk down to her house so they could go to East Towne Mall and hang out for a couple of hours. Jesse loves being with Jane she looks up to her like a big sister. She loves being with me too and we are close I think of her like a little sister but she and Jane have a special bond as friends and I know that Jane is gonna take Jesse under her wing. Which is what Terri wants is for Jane to always protect her and have her back in case one day she isn't here. Jesse came to Jane's house and found her she healed her. Jane is still having trouble getting pregnant and after being stabbed. She went to the doctor not too long ago. They checked her out and said that she had some damage done from being stabbed. Even though Jesse healed her it still did damage because Jesse got to Jane a little late so she was lying there bleeding out for nearly twenty minutes until Jesse finally arrived. Jane was close to death like Terri was. But Terri doesn't have any damage from the optical fire bolts that went through her chest they missed her heart by a few inches. Jane has been kind of depressed since then because she doesn't think she can have kids now because of Kelly. But I told her not to give up and that one day she will have kids. Today is Monday, July 12, 1993; I'm at work and it's my lunch break with Dakota down at the Café. We had our lunch and now we are talking. Dakota said, " I still can't believe Jesse vanquished Kelly's cousin Victoria". I said, " I know right.. Jesse proved to us that she can handle herself even though she's only twelve". Dakota said " Isn't she turning thirteen next month?" I said playfully as I felt old " Yes.. don't remind me I'm already feeling old enough.. I have more gray hair coming through". Dakota smiles at me as she giggles. She said, " You are only twenty-five it's gonna be a long time before you go gray and I doubt you will because you're a blonde". I said, " I'm actually a dirty blonde like my dad was he had some grey but not a lot Mom is starting to turn more grey". Dakota took a drink of her iced tea and then said " My hair being black I bet I'll go gray before you". I said with a smile " I have no doubt you will look great for your age one day". She smiled and said " You too" with a playful wink. We giggled as I blush. She said, " You are gonna be the hot Mom that your daughter's guy friends always gawk at". I said as I blushed with slight embarrassment " Teenage boys already do.. Jesse was walking around the neighborhood with Brandon and their friends over the weekend and I was outside mowing the front yard those boys couldn't stop staring... Jesse told them to knock it off that I was way too old for them". We giggled and Dakota said as she giggled " Was Brandon staring too?" I said as my face turned red and I giggled " No thank god.. I'm glad he doesn't cause that would upset Jesse and he's a very respectful young man". Dakota said " I heard his birthday is the same day as yours." I said " Yeah he calls me his birthday twin". Dakota said with a smile " That's sweet". I said " The Agency has asked if they could enlist Jesse". Dakota said " Yeah Mom and Simon want Jesse to join you and the others on missions now that she's older and more powerful". I said " And bigger. kids grow fast Jesse is already the same height as Terri and she weighs 125". Dakota said " I know right.. Noah is now 5"8' and he weighs about 140". I said, " It makes me happy that they're growing up and a little sad at the same time". Dakota said, " Yeah me too.. I miss being able to hold Noah". I said, " Terri has been thinking about letting Jesse going out on missions with us". Dakota said, " I hope she isn't too scared about her joining the missions". I said " Jesse was so excited about it she said yes right away Terri said she has been asking to go on missions since she was ten... So she finally agreed because she knows Jesse can handle herself now ". Dakota said, " Noah has been going out on missions with Mom since he was twelve and he does well". We paid for our lunch then walked back down to the office and continued working. At 4:00 pm Darla appeared in the break room while was getting a bottle of water from the vending machine. She looks angry as she stares at me. She turns into her corporeal form. She said in an angry tone " Kelly is a wreck.. I can't believe that little twat vanquished Victoria". I said, " Victoria got what she deserved for trying to hurt Terri and Jesse". Darla growls as she grabs my blazer jacket. She said " Sooner or later the kid will pay for what she did.. mark my words.. Jesse Roberts is dead!!!!!" She shoved me back and turned see-through she walked straight through the wall leading outside. Terri has been worried ever since then because we all know Kelly and she will find a way to hurt Jesse and anyone else who gets in the way. At 5:00 pm I leave the office and drive home. Kyle is still at work he'll be home later tonight. I fed Lance and went upstairs to change into regular clothes. Afterward, I walked downstairs and got my keys. I walked outside and locked the door with my keys. I decided to walk to Terri and Don's house since it's only three streets over. As I walk down the main sidewalk I hear Jesse's voice. She walked up beside me and said " Hey Kim". with a smile. Brandon is walking beside her he has his arm around her. Jesse said " Mom wouldn't let me go hang out at the park today.." I said, " She's just worried about you since what happened with Kelly". Jesse said, " I know.. I'm not trying to be mean but she needs to let me breathe". I said as I giggled a little " When you're a teenager it feels like your Mom is smothering you but trust me she's only trying to protect you.. especially now that Kelly is out for blood". Jesse said, " I know.. but I had to kill Victoria.. Mom almost died.. and I couldn't let that beyotch try hurt her again". I giggled at her alternative way of saying bitch. Jesse giggled and said, " What? Mom said I could say it". I said, " Your Mom is more lenient than mine was I couldn't start cussing until I was at least sixteen". Jesse said, " Your Mom seems like she was hard on you". I said " She was but not like her Mom was with her.. because she didn't want me to grow up and hate her... That's probably why your Mom is like that because she doesn't want you to resent her like my Mom does hers". Jesse said " I understand... I do.. but I wish she'd let me grow up just a little bit you know". I said " She's trying... it's just gonna take her sometime you're only twelve it will get easier.." We walk up to the front porch and Jesse opens the door. We all walk in and Terri is folding towels as she sits on the couch. Jesse and Brandon go upstairs to her room and I sit down on the other end of the couch. We hear the door close and Terri says out loud " Jesse! Door!". She's not upset, they are upstairs and can't hear well. We hear the door open and I look at her with a smile. I said, " She's growing up fast". Terri said as she sat the folded towel down on a stack of other towels " Yeah way too fast". I said " Are you sure you're ready for her to go out on missions with us?" Terri said, " Not really.. but I have to let her grow up a little.. I can't hold her back forever". I said with a smile " That's a good way to put it". I could tell she was stressed. I said " Kelly isn't gonna hurt Jesse... We won't let her.." Terri said as she started to cry " I'm just scared.. Jesse did that for me.. Victoria is gone and don't have to look over my shoulder anymore like I have the past eighteen years". I said, " You're free.. that's all that matters". Terri said as she dried her face with her hand " I know.. but now Jesse is a target and we all know Kelly.. and that's what scares the hell out of me"... I said " I know.. but like I said.. we all have your backs.. always".. Terri hugs me and I hold her. I can smell her new perfume called Dolce & Gabbana its floral and spicy scent. We talked for about an hour then I left so she could start dinner. Kyle got home at 7:30 pm and I made some chicken pasta and toasted some bread in the oven. 

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