Out For Blood

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 70

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

Two weeks later..

Kyle and I went up to Sevierville, Tennessee for the weekend and also for my birthday. We left Friday the 17th and came back Sunday after my birthday. We had an amazing time, We walked the strip of Gatlinburg. We went into a bunch of cool stores and out to eat at a Pub there. Kyle and I went on the Skylift, We even went into a sex shop and bought a few things. We got some handcuffs, and a blindfold and Kyle got a big pack of Condoms. It was peaceful to get away from town for a few days and to not have something or someone try and crash my birthday like Heather for example. Today is Monday April 27, 1987; I'm driving to the College with Kyle following behind me in his car. I couldn't believe Kelly got me out of that mess with The Police. I really thought I was gonna be arrested for sexual assault and that my parents would find out that I'm Bisexual. But Kelly was able to cast a spell that she and Mandi created. They erased everyone's memory at the Police Station because they all knew what they thought I did and that was sexually assaulting Heather. I thought my life was over cause having something like that on your record will never go away. She even erased almost every one of my Professor's memories and any others that knew me including the classes I was in. She didn't erase Kyle's or any of our friend's memories just other Students and Professors. But she couldn't erase Dean Thomas's or Heather's so she snuck into The Dean's office and stole the report about Heather's sexual assault out of my file and she burnt them at her house in the fireplace. She went through all that to get me out of trouble... I don't know how I could ever repay her but she told me not to worry about it. Heather and Dean Thomas are pissed now that they can't use that file to get me in trouble and now with The Police having their memories erased, they have nothing to use against me. After English, I'm headed to The Student Union from the Humanities and Social Science building. I'm going around the right side of the building where I saw Dean Thomas and Heather that day I punched the building and cracked the brick wall. I pass by the bike rack and there stands Dean Thomas smoking his cigarette. He glares evilly at me as he takes a hit off the cigarette I give him a sarcastic look as I pass by him he tosses the cigarette butt on the ground and walks off across the lawn. Right as I come up on that courtyard and to the tower attached to The Humanities and Social Science building Heather walks out from the corner as if she was there waiting for me. I stop and stare up at her with a pissed-off expression. She smiles evilly and said, " You're so lucky Kelly saved your sweet ass.." I said, " Because she knows me and she knows I would never touch you". Heather said with sarcasm " It must be nice to still have her under your spell". I said with sarcasm " What's that supposed to mean?" She said " Kelly is still in love with you Kim.. Or are you too blind to see it?" I said, " She's not in love with me. She's engaged to Mandi". Heather said, " Kelly is still a demon and we turn on others faster than you can even blink". I said, " Kelly has changed and you're just jealous because we're friends". Heather laughed evilly then said, " Changed huh? Are you sure about that? demons can't just change who they are it's in our nature to be evil". I said, " Kelly is different". Heather said with sarcasm " Why? Because she had a human mother? my mother was human too and you don't see me pretending to be something I'm not". I said " Stay the fuck away from me.. stay the fuck away from Kyle and Kelly.. do you understand me ??" As I walked by her she purposely bumps me with her shoulder. I looked back at her then She said " By the way that clone was amazing in the sack.. Now I know that you are great in bed too". She winked at me and I rolled my eyes as I kept walking. She had sex with that clone and then made the Police report about me assaulting her she's insane.

Tuesday April 28, 1987;

It's Tuesday mine and Kyle's short day of classes. I'm in Biology with Kat and Mandi. We are sitting at the back table, I'm sitting in the middle Kat is beside me on my left while Mandi is beside me on my right. We are listening to Professor Mitchell teach a lesson she's reading from a Biology book as she writes notes on the chalkboard we are all taking notes along with her. The door opens in walks a girl She hands Professor Mitchell a note and she reads it. She looked up and said, " Amanda Vaughn and Kimberly Austin?? Dean Thomas would like to see you please". Mandi and I look at each other as Kat looks at us with a worried look. Mandi and I get up from our chairs and walk out the door. As we walked down the hallway I said to Mandi " What the hell is he wanting?" Mandi said, " I have no idea but I have a feeling it's not good". I said " If anything happens you got my back right?" Mandi said, " Of course". with a grin. We make our way to the building behind the Student Union this is where the Dean's office is located. We walk in the front office with the Secretaries sitting at their desks answering phones and working on their computers. We make our way past them and turn left down a long hallway that leads to the back of the building. We approach a door that says Dean of the Students, John Thomas. I open the door and we walk inside. Dean Thomas is standing up at the window with it open he is smoking on a Cuban cigar. He looks back at us as Mandi closes the door. He puts the cigar out in the ashtray on the window sill and then closes the window. He turns around staring down at us from the other side of his desk. He spoke in his deep husky voice " Hello ladies". I said with a bit of an attitude " What do you want?" Dean Thomas said, " I want you in jail is what I want". he said with an attitude. I said, " You and Heather are just pissed because you have nothing to use against me anymore". He grins evilly and looks at Mandi. He said to her " How can you and Kelly help these people? I mean aren't you evil?" Mandi said with an attitude, " Yeah but that doesn't mean I want to help the likes of you". Dean Thomas said with sarcasm " Awww and I thought we were on the same side here". Mandi just stares at him with an evil glare. Dean Thomas sat down in his chair then said to Mandi " So remind me what are you again? Cause you're not a demon like Kelly". Mandi said, " I'm a witch". Dean Thomas looked interested then said " Well I'd say you're pretty powerful aren't you?" he said with sarcasm. Mandi said with an attitude " Trust me Buddy you don't want to find out". Dean Thomas said, " If you guys keep ruining mine and Heather's plans.. We are both gonna put you three out of existence". He said as his eyes turned red. I said, " Same goes for you two.. We aren't afraid of you John". He looks at me with a look cause I called him by his first name. Dean Thomas said, " That's Dean Thomas to you, young lady". I grabbed Mandi's arm and said " Come on let's get the hell out of here". We both turned around to walk away, Dean Thomas said " Oh by the way". Mandi scoffs as she turns around. All of a sudden Mandi exclaims in intense pain as Dean Thomas throws something at her. I see some type of silver beetle digging its way into Mandi's skin through her white V-neck t-shirt as blood runs out. It's right on her ribs as she exclaims in intense pain. I try to pull it out but it's too deep for me to grab. I looked back at Dean Thomas and said " What the hell is that?!" He was standing with a black glove on his hand holding a silver beetle-shaped thing. He said " You like it? They are Colloidal Silver Beetles. Heather cloned them and then injected them with Colloidal Silver so when they get inside a human host they release the Colloidal Silver into the host's body making them ill... That should teach her and Kelly not to be traitors". I walk Mandi out of the room and she puts her back to the wall exclaiming quietly in pain. I whispered " We have to leave". Mandi whispered through pain " Kelly should be getting out of her class by now".. I look at the time on my Rolex and it says 11:15 am. I pull out my beeper and send out 911 to Kelly, Kyle, Jane, and Jason. We make it back to the Biology classroom which is now empty. I get our backpacks and I'm walking with Mandi she has her right arm around my neck I'm helping her walk because she's starting to get weak. We make it outside to the Business parking lot where a few minutes later Kelly and the others show up. Kelly sees me holding Mandi up. She said as she looked worried " What happened??" Mandi exclaimed in intense pain as she opened her blue jean jacket revealing her white V-Neck T-shirt that had a blood-soaked hole in it. Kelly sees the beetle moving under Mandi's skin. Kelly said as she stared at it " What the fuck is that??" Jane sees it and said, " Oh my god it's a bug". She said with a squeamish face. Kelly said, " My Dad's at the Mansion.. let's go". I help Mandi into the passenger seat of Kelly's Trans am and close the door. Me, Kyle, Jane, and Jason get in our cars following Kelly to her Mansion leaving Mandi's Mustang in the business parking lot. As we park our cars Kelly gets out walking around to the passenger side she opens the door and helps Mandi out but as she goes to stand she falls to the ground on her knees. Kelly lifts Mandi into a fireman's carry as Kyle runs ahead and opens the door. As we walk into the foyer Kelly calls out " Dad!!!!" Austin comes walking in from the kitchen into the dining room. He said with an attitude " Can you not yell like an animal? Kevyn is upstairs asleep". He sees Mandi in Kelly's arms and says " What happened to her??" Kelly carries Mandi to the couch and sits her down on the couch she helps Mandi take off her blue jean jacket then she pulls off her white V-Neck T-shirt revealing her black laced bra and her tight and toned six pack. Mandi exclaims in pain as she lays back and Austin sees the beetle moving under her skin in the same spot. He gets down on his knees studying it. He said " How the hell did a bug get inside her?" I said to him " They're called Colloidal Silver beetles Heather cloned them and Dean Thomas threw one at Mandi and it went inside her". Austin said with an attitude " That fucking arrogant prick.. we have to get it out of her before the silver enters her blood steam". Kelly said " How the hell are we gonna get that out of her??" she said with sarcasm. Austin pulls out a Stiletto switchblade with a black handle. Mandi said to him " You're fucking nuts!" Austin said to Mandi " Do you want that thing out of you or not??" She huffs " Just get it over with.. god this is gonna fucking suck". Austin said with sarcasm " Oh suck it up.. you're gonna heal". Mandi said with sarcasm " So?! It's still gonna hurt asshole!" Austin said with sarcasm as he pushed the button opening the knife " You're a lovely daughter-in-law". he said with sarcasm. Kelly said to them " Shut the fuck up you two". Austin mutters under his breath to Mandi " Bitch". She said " Prick". Kelly covers Mandi's mouth with her right hand as I'm sitting on the couch beside Mandi her right while Kelly is on her left. Kelly said to Austin " Do it." Austin pushed the tip of the blade into Mandi's skin and blood started oozing out as she screamed in pain into Kelly's hand. Austin starts digging the tip deeper into the skin as Mandi's screams intensify into Kelly's hand. Jane said as she walked away " I think I'm gonna be sick". Austin has a hold of Mandi's short legs with his left arm wrapped around them as he uses his right hand to dig the knife deep. He gets it under the beetle and then flips it out of her torso as she exclaims in intense pain into Kelly's hand. The blood cover beetle flies out and lands on the floor and it scurries across the floor. Jason stomps on it with his large black steel-toe boots. He moves his boot and the bug is a pile of mush. Kelly moves her hand off Mandi's mouth. Austin said to Mandi with sarcasm " You're Welcome". There is now a hole in Mandi's torso on her ribs. The hole starts to slowly close up until it disappears. I'm standing beside Austin as I'm looking at Mandi. I said " I thought silver only affected Demons and Werewolves?" Mandi said, " It does with witches too but they have to be evil". She puts her white V-neck T-shirt back on. Jason and Jane leave so does Austin. It's me, Kyle, Mandi, and Kelly standing in the foyer talking. Kelly looked at me and said, " Thank you for taking care of Mandi for me". I said, " You're Welcome". Mandi kissed me on the cheek and said " Yeah.. Thanks". I said, " No Problem". Kelly said to us " We'll see you guys tomorrow". She growls as she grabs the back of Mandi's hair pulling her head back as she whimpers at Kelly's aggression. She said by her ear " You are coming upstairs with me".. Mandi grins. Kelly lifts her into a fireman's carry as we walk to the front door she walks upstairs. Kyle and I drive to the apartment and hang out watching movies in our bedroom. We have watched about three movies so far and have started making out. I'm lying on my back as Kyle lays on top of me with covers on his back. After making out heavily he raised up as I raised. I have my right hand around his hard penis which is nine inches and four in width. I have a gentle hold on it as I gently move my mouth across it as he moans softly. After a few minutes, I go deep and it taps the back of my throat. Kyle groans " Fuck.." I put pressure as I continue and he lets out a deep moan " Oh fuck Kim".. After several more minutes I stop as he pushes me back down on the bed. He growls as he latches onto the side of my neck sucking hard. I moan as I hold his waist he raises and reaches for the drawer on the nightstand. He opens it and pulls out the handcuffs. I smile as I hold my hands out he puts them on and I put my hands above my head on the bed. Kyle pulls out a condom and reads it. He said, " This one is Ribbed". I said " It is?" He said, " Yeah it's supposed to feel good for the woman". He lays the condom on the bed beside him as he lays down on his stomach between my legs. He smiled and then said " I gotta have a taste before I start"... He slowly starts running his tongue across my clit and I moan softly. After several minutes he starts sucking on it and I exclaim in pleasure as I almost lost it. He grins up at me as he continues. After a while, he raised up and opens the condom. He puts it on and gets on top of me. I raise my arms and place them over his head with the handcuffs still on my wrists. He kisses me passionately as he rubs the tip of his hard penis against my vagina. I feel the sensation of the ribbed condom it has lines on it. He slowly pushes it inside me and I whimper at the pressure of the penetration as it slowly stretches me out with the lines rubbing inside of me. This is a new feeling.. and it feels amazing... I moan softly " Fuck.. that feels so good".. Kyle smiles at me and whispers " I had a feeling you would love these". He kisses me softly as he continues. After slow and deep he growls as he starts going a little fast and hard. I moan " Ahh!! Ahh!! Oh fuck".. Kyle groans at the feeling as he keeps thrusting into me at that pace. I pull him down more until he is all the way on top of me. I run my hands down to his butt and place both of them on it. I smack his right butt cheek hard and he exclaims in pleasure and pain. I smack the other one hard and he exclaims in pleasure. He said as he kept thrusting into me hard and fast " Harder"... I smack his right cheek harder and he exclaims in pleasure. I feel my hand stinging after that one. I smack the other one harder and he exclaims in pleasure. He growls as he puts his face on the right side of my neck. He starts pounding into me at a fast and frantic pace making our skin slap together fast and the bed shake. I moan " Ahhh!! Ahhh!! Oh god!! Kyle!!!!" The sensation of the condom intensifies and I let out a deep moan " Ahhhh!!!!!!" my whole body starts shaking. I claw down his back and he groans loud in pleasure " Fuck!!!" I exclaim as I climax hard squeezing my legs around his waist as he starts slowing down. He stops and raised up. He takes off my handcuffs and I growl as I snatch him up by his throat pushing my thumb in the side of his neck as I raised up he moans softly. I said as I stared at him " Lay down.." He laid down on the bed on his back with his head close to the end. I get back on top of him and pin his arms above his head. He grins at me as I place the handcuffs on his wrists locking them in place. I put his hard penis back inside of me and I whimper at the pressure of the penetration at the deep angle Kyle groans in pleasure feeling me stretching around him. I slowly start moving up and down on his penis as he stares up at me with excitement cause I'm taking control. After several minutes of going slow, I growl as I grab him by the throat and push my thumb into the side of his neck. I start moving up and down at a fast and frantic pace making our skin slap together fast and hard using my telekinetic speed. I moan " Ahhh!!! Ahhh!!! Oh fuck!!!" As my whole body starts shaking I push my thumb a little harder into Kyle's neck and he moans. I bend down keeping my hand around his throat as I keep pounding myself down on him. I put my forehead against him and I exclaim as I climax hard. As I started slowing down I said as I still had my hand on his throat " Now it's your turn"... in a dominating tone. Kyle exclaims as he climaxes hard. I release his throat and get off of him laying beside him on the bed as we both breathe heavily looking up at the ceiling. We lay there cuddling for a while until we got up and took a shower together. Afterwards, I'm in the bathroom blow drying my hair and brushing it out. I turn off the hair dryer and lay it on the sink. Kyle smiles at me as he walks in behind me. He puts his hands on my waist and his chin on my left shoulder. I turn my head looking at him and he gives me a soft kiss and I kiss him back. The phone starts ringing and we stop kissing. He said with a smile " I'll get that". He walks into the living room and answers it as I start putting Mousse in my hand. He said " Babe it's Simon he wants to know if you are free for a mission?" I said, " Yeah I'll be there soon". He said to Simon on the phone " She'll be there soon". He hangs up the phone as I turn and bend over scrunching the ends of my hair. I hear Kyle's footsteps as he walks behind me. He said " Nice butt". I flip my head back up with my hair flipping on my back. I look over at him with a grin. He said as he looked at my jeans " I love it when you wear Guess jeans". He is standing in the short hallway as I take the can of Aqua Net and spray my hair all over once. I sit the can back down on the sink and Kyle is walking into the living room. He walks by the couch and to the fridge he opens it and pulls out Coke. I'm sitting down on the couch putting on my shoes and tying them. I stand up and Kyle is taking a drink of his coke as he watches the TV play. I turn and pull off my blue jean jacket from the wooden coat rack nailed to the wall. I put it on and said to Kyle " I'll see you later Babe.. did Simon say anything else?" He looked at me as he held his can of Coke. He said, " Oh he did ask if we had a gun, and if we did you need to bring it". I walk to the bedroom to get my 1987 357 Smith and Wesson Magnum Revolver. The handle is light brown and the rest of it is silver. My Dad got it for me to put in our apartment for safety in case a human broke inside. I walk to our dresser by the window and open the top drawer. I move a stack of Kyle's boxers and pick up the gun. I push the barrel back and push the rod down injecting the bullets on the dresser. I close it and pick up the bullets. I place them under the stack of boxers and then close the drawer. My Dad taught me how to shoot guns he first taught me how to fire one when I was twelve my Mom also has her gun and knows how to use one from her parents. I place the empty gun into the inside pocket of my blue jean jacket and walk back into the living room. Kyle gets up from the couch and walks over to me. He gives me a soft kiss I smile into the kiss as I kiss him back. He looked at me and said, "Be careful Beautiful". I said, " I will". I open the door and he stands inside waving to me as I walk out to my car. I drive out to the agency meeting Mom, Debby, Terri, and Jane we all walk inside and to Simon and Paula's office. I'm wearing a Levi blue jean jacket, a white t-shirt that says David Bowie Never Let Me Down, a black leather belt with silver studs, a pair of high-waisted Guess blue jeans, and a pair of grey, black and white Nike Windrunners. Mom is wearing a black Levi jean jacket, a black tank top, a black suede leather belt, a pair of high-waisted Levi blue jeans, and a pair of black and white old skool low top Vans. Debby is wearing a Dickies blue jean jacket, a black t-shirt that says Aerosmith world tour 1977, a black belt with her initials on it, a pair of high-waisted Guess blue jeans, and a pair of black Doc Marten boots. Terri is wearing a light wash Lee blue jean jacket, a sleeve red and black button-up, a black leather belt with silver studs, a pair of high-waisted Jordache blue jeans, and a pair of black and white Air Jordan high tops. Jane is wearing a black Lee jean jacket, a black t-shirt that says Rolling Stone World Tour 1977, a black leather belt with her initials, a pair of high-waisted Jordache blue jeans, and a pair of black and white low-top Reeboks. We are all standing there talking when they walk in. Simon carries several ammo boxes in his hands he sits them down on the desk and then sits down in his chair. He said, " Hello ladies". We all say Hello Simon in unison. He opened the ammo boxes and said " We have silver bullets for your firearms.. now what kinds do you have?" Mom pulls out hers from the back of her blue jeans and walks up laying it down on the desk. She said, " Mine is a Manurhin MR 1973". Simon picks up the gun studying it. He pushes the barrel back opening it up he loads the silver bullets into the chambers then closes it back he hands it to Mom and she pushes the safety button and puts it in the back of her blue jeans. Debby pulls hers out of the inside pocket of her blue jean jacket and lays it on the desk. She said, " This is a 1955 44 Smith and Wesson Magnum". The handle is black and the barrel is silver and long. Simon opens it and loads it with the silver bullets then hands it back to Debby she puts it back inside her blue jean jacket. Terri pulls hers out from her blue jean jacket and lays it down on the desk. She said, " Mine is a 1985 Ruger Gp100". Simon loads it and then hands it back. Jane pulls hers out from the back of her jeans and lays it down on the desk. She said, " This is a 1986 Colt King Cobra". Simon picks it up and loads it then gives it back. I pull mine out from the inside pocket of my jacket and lay it down on the desk. I said, " Mine is a 1987 357 Smith and Wesson Magnum". Simon opens the barrel and loads it then hands it back. He said, " Okay we are all set.. I have the location of the place where some of the werewolves have been hiding out". Mom said " How did you find them without items?" Paula said, " Dakota spotted them at the old abandoned Bijou Theatre". Debby said to Paula " It used to be a hotel in the 1960s but it was closed in 1974". Simon said, " Yes and this is a rough patch of town so be careful ladies". He typed on the computer and said " The address is 803 South Gay Street". We all teleport to the front entrance of a park on Cumberland Avenue down the street from the Theatre. As we walked Jane said to me " So Kelly is throwing a party for Mom's birthday at her mansion". I said " She is?" to Debby. She said, " Yeah she said it's for Shana too since her birthday is today and she is too busy with homework to even celebrate her birthday. So Kelly told us all to come over there on my birthday". Jane said to Debby " Are you sure you wanna party with Kelly? She can be an asshole sometimes". Debby said, " I don't mind Kelly sometimes besides she has been pretty good since she had Kevyn". Mom said, " I guess I could go Dave is on the road". Debby looked at Terri and said " What about you?" Terri said, " It wouldn't hurt to have a night out. I'll ask Don to watch Jesse for me". I looked at Jane and said " Is Kat and James coming?" She said, " Yeah so is David he is bringing the beer". Debby, Mom, and Terri give us looks and Jane laughs nervously then says " David has never bought us beer". Debby puts her arm around Jane as they walk and she looks up Debby. She said to her " I'm so dead ain't I?". Debby said to Jane "It's not like I already didn't know that". she said with a wink. Debby said, " No you're not dead.. besides you are an adult now". I look at Mom she's giving me a playful glare she then pushes my shoulder. I said to her " So you're not mad?" She said, " No but if I would have busted you then I probably would have.. I know you are safe and responsible". Terri said, " I'm so not ready for Jesse to be a teenager". Mom and Debby giggle at her. We are walking down the sidewalk beside the Theatre when I spot some stairs leading up to a door. I said to them " Let's go in that way. We might spot them before they spot us". I walk up the stairs with Mom following behind me; Behind her are Debby, Jane, and Terri. I slowly turn the knob and the door opens. We walk inside on the top floor of the Theatre which is three stories up from the bottom. It's dilapidated from the age where it has been sitting like this for thirteen years. I spot three men sleeping in the chairs below on the second balcony that faces the stage those are the werewolves. Terri whispers " I've got an idea".. Her wings expand from her shoulder blades and she soars up into the air. She descends in the air right in front of them. She pulled out her gun from the inside of her jacket as she stayed still with her wings slowly flapping. She aims it at the man in the middle and then pulls the trigger. The loud shot rings out startling the other two men. The silver bullet goes straight through the man's chest as he screams in pain. All of a sudden he explodes into flames and blood. The other two men pull out Smith and Wesson 645s like the gun Sonny Crockett uses in Miami Vice. They start firing at Terri as she quickly soars up into the air out of range. Debby aims her gun at the one man on the left and pulls back the hammer then fires at him. It goes straight through his back and he screams in pain as he explodes into flames and blood. The other man spins around and starts firing his gun up at us we all duck and take cover. He said " You bitches are dead!!!" We hear him running up the middle of the stairs. He's coming up to the third floor where we are. We are ducked down behind the seats in the front row. Terri is floating in the air with her gun aimed at the doorway from the stairs. I spot a woman coming out from behind a maroon curtain on the third balcony on the right side of the room she points a sniper rifle at Terri. I point my gun at the woman and fire it. The bullet hits her right between the eyes and she screams as she explodes into flames and blood. Terri spots the man and fires her gun at him but he dives out of the way rolling down the middle of the steps. He jumps to his feet pointing his gun at us. We all fire at him riddling his torso with silver bullets. Debby aims for his head as she pulls back the hammer then she pulls the trigger shooting him between the eyes. He screams as he explodes into flames and blood. Debby lowers her gun and we search the Theatre for the files and we only find a few. We teleported back to the agency returning them. Simon says the leader has to have the rest of them wherever he may be with the rest of the werewolf gang.

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