End of the lane

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The Kim Austin Series

By: Karlee England

Chapter 83

P.O.V/ Kim Austin:

Three weeks later..

It's been three weeks since Karen and Jimmy's wedding. It was so beautiful and it wasn't wrecked. I was afraid that Heather would try to pull something like she always does but she had the decency to not ruin a wedding because that is the rudest thing a person can do is cause a scene at a wedding or a funeral. I was dancing with Dad and I almost told him that I was Bisexual but I stopped myself. I want to tell him cause he would accept me but my fear is Mom finding out and losing it because she doesn't agree. If that was to happen it would ruin everything... Dad told Mom that the next time she put her hands on like she did he was leaving her and filing for a divorce and my relationship with her would be broken so it's best that they never know. I have been thinking about telling Debby because she would never say anything to Mom. I just want someone who is like a Mom to know because I could never tell mine which breaks my heart so I'm gonna grow some and finally tell Debby. Kelly's behavior lately is starting to piss me off cause I don't understand why she's suddenly acting like this. She's been rude and moody off and on, lashing out at people like she used to when we were teens. I'm seeing old habits resurface in her and Kevyn is following right behind acting just like her. A week ago Kyle and I were at the park with Kevyn, Kelly, Terri, Don, and Jesse. We were talking at a table while Jesse and Kevyn played with the other kids on the playground. A little boy about Kevyn's age came tumbling down the metal slide he broke his wrist when he landed on the ground. I looked up and saw Kevyn grinning evilly at the hurt boy as she stood on the bridge of the playground structure that led to the other part. I couldn't come out and say she did it because I didn't see it but that grin on her face told another story Jesse seemed upset after the accident and was quiet. I feel like Jesse may have seen what happened and is too afraid to say anything out of fear of Kevyn. The little boy even said that Kevyn pushed him but she said she didn't and Kelly backed her up by saying she saw Kevyn on the monkey bars before. She didn't even ask Kevyn what happened she just defended her. The boy's parents left the park taking him to the hospital. I tried to explain to Kyle what I felt but he said he didn't see what happened and that we don't know what actually happened. I got upset with him for not listening to me. I know he's trying to be a Dad and do right by Kevyn but Kelly is a very bad influence on Kevyn and I'm not the only one that thinks that so does the others. Kyle and I got into an argument because he made me feel like I was singling Kevyn out. He said that I should drop it because we wouldn't know the truth that it was just kids being kids. I hate to feel like this because Kevyn is only four years old but at this age, she should know right from wrong and that kind of behavior needs authority or it could get seriously out of hand when she's older. Kyle and I later talked about the argument and he apologized for making me feel that way. He said he wasn't trying to do that he was just trying to keep the peace with Kelly out of fear that she would stop letting us see Kevyn. He said that he would keep a closer eye on Kevyn when other kids are around. Today is Monday, April 16, 1990, and my 22nd birthday is Wednesday. Kyle and I are having dinner at Ryan's Buffet with my parents and the others for my birthday. Time seems like it's just flying by these past few years before I know it I'm gonna be thirty. Jason and Jane moved into a two-story house for rent down the street from Terri and Don's house it is painted grey. Jason was telling Kyle he had seen another two-story how a few streets over that was for rent so Kyle and I called the number and left a message we haven't gotten a call back yet and that was almost a week ago. We've saved up a bunch of money in our bank accounts from working in our teens and now in the summer like we do. He wants another kid but with me and we both want more room for our kid when it comes but not just yet I have to start trying to get pregnant which will be in the next few years when we feel like we are ready. I just got out of Financial Analysis, I walked out into the courtyard to meet Jane, Shana, Kat, and Karen. We are walking to the Student Union for lunch. Jane said, " I feel like Kevyn totally shoved that kid down the slide on purpose". I said, " Yeah me too but the problem is Kelly". Kat said, " Yeah she's not doing a good job of parenting. You don't let your kids be mean to others especially hurting them". I said, " Kyle said he would keep a closer eye on Kevyn while other kids are around". Jane said, "Definitely cause if he catches her in the act then he can tell Kelly she needs to bust that ass". We all giggle at Jane. She said, " I normally would never talk about a kid but I'm sorry she's really mean". I said, " Yeah I know". Karen said, " She's a miniature Kelly for sure". Jane said, " Kevyn is tall for her age now I have a feeling she's gonna be taller than Kelly". I said, " Yeah I believe she will". Kat said " What if she gets as tall as Kyle?" I said, " God I hope not". we all giggled. We all walked in and went through the line to get our lunch. We are all sitting at the table talking when Kyle, Jason, Jacob, Declan, and Jimmy sit down at the table. Kyle is grinning as he looks at me. I said with a smile " What?" He said as he winked " Nothing.. you're just so beautiful". I can't help but blush. I said " Babe I know you.. what are you smiling about?" I said with a smile. He said " That woman called us back about the house.. she said we can start moving in at the end of the month." I exclaim in excitement as I hug him. We kiss and he looks at me with the biggest smile on his face. He said, " Now we can start planning our future together". He leans forward kissing me passionately as Jane and the others mess around and whistle at us. We stop kissing and I blush looking at Jane grinning at us. She said, " You may not be a few doors down anymore just a few streets". She said with a grin. I said, " I'll never be too far away from you.. any of you". I smile as I look at Jane, Shana, Kat, and Karen. They all smile back at me. Karen and I have grown closer as friends and I now consider her a best friend.

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