Chapter II

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You run down the hot concrete to the parking lot just next to the sand of the beach. A cute brown kombi van catches your eye.
Running up to the twinkie you notice that it's empty so you slowly start to make your way to the sand as you hear multiple voices cheering and laughing.
The familiar voices make you smile from ear to ear as you begin to jog.

"There she is!" Jj says as he opens his arms up to the sky, a beer in one hand.
"Hey dudes, dudettes, could've atleast picked me up!" You yelled from a few meters away from your friends.
"You weren't picking up our calls, we assumed maybe you had a family thing going on. What took you anyways?" Pope asked as he took a sip of his own beer.
"I completely slept in. I don't even know how, it's so unusual of me. Normally I hate sleeping, guess my body was just screaming for some rest." You said with a chuckle.
"Well you're here now, that's all that matters. And here, we saved the rum for you." Kie added as she passes you a can.
"Rum? When do we ever get rum?"
"My old man has a massive stash, I know how much you like this brand too. You can't get enough of it sometimes." Jj replies with a side smile.
"Jj..." you mumbled concerned.

You've known jj the shortest amount of time compared to the others yet you two are like two peas in a pod. It might be the fact that you both know what it's like to have to be the punching bag of the family or that the two of you are just inseparable from day one but you know all about jj and where he is from. He's a kind soul, so goofy and sweet, his father on the other hand....

"Don't worry Y/N, between his coke blackouts and his mountain of a stash, he won't notice a single can missing." He reassures you.

You walk up to him and wrap one arm around his waist, pulling him into you.
"You're the best, you know that?" You say.
"Always have been, baby!" Jj cheers.
"But you shouldn't go around stealing from your old man... I don't know what I'd do if he hurt you because of me."
Jj looks down at you with an understanding face and nods.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Just enjoy the rum, okay? Please? I got it for you. Just drink it, please."
You can hear his voice become scattered and nervous at the thought of his old mans antics.
You put the can down on the tub before wrapping your other arm around Jj.
"Have you gone for a swim yet?" You ask into the nape of his neck. You know that changing the topic as fast as you can would be the best thing to do right now.
"Uh no, not yet. I was waiting for you." He said lowly.
"Sooooo.. you're telling me that this isn't water that you're soaked in right now?" You ask disgustingly.
"Oh yeah." He says with a smirk as he picks you up and squeezes you against his sweat drenched body.
"Gross Jj!! Put me down!"

"Hey! You two gonna stop flirting any time soon and jump in or what?!" You hear John B call from the water as he throws a ball at the two of you.
You look towards the water and see John B standing in the shallow water with Sarah on his back and you smile.

These people always made you realise just how lucky in life you really are.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now