Chapter LXV

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Rafe finally squeezes through the very narrow gap in the door, the bent and rusted nails scraped against his chest, creating three small slashes in his shirt and just as many small cuts on his skin.
However, the second Rafe makes it inside, the crumbling wood beneath Toppers hold snaps just like you feared it would. The door snaps back into place just the way you had found it except the bottom corner was missing which worried you.
"He's gonna know this is a room..." you begin to panic, "he's gonna know we're in here!"
"Shhh, where is it?" Topper says as he feels the dusty floor for the broken wood.
"Here." Rafe hands him the piece after the force of the snap had flung it behind him.
Topper takes the piece from Rafes outstretched hand and hurriedly tries to fit it back into place even if it was too crumbled and rotten to fit back in its initial state, as long as it made the hole less noticeable,
you would be safe.

Your bones begin to feel weak as you become more nauseous by the second. Your knees and elbows feel like jelly and your blood races through your veins with adrenaline as you watch Topper slowly and warily attempt to fix the door but his shakey hands make it hard for him and additionally causing your anxiety to elevate further.
Rafe peers outside through the very fine gaps in the wood to the outside world, watching Kelce spin on his heels desperately to look for you.
"He's clueless, we're fine." He says but to no response from you, he switches his attention from Kelce to you instead.

He stares down at you attentively, watching as your chest rises and falls with shallow and fast breaths before noticing your shakey hands as they anxiously fiddle with his ring on your necklace. The sight of you being so tormented by another man almost constantly, broke his heart but it also angered him.
Rafe felt strongly about being the man to protect you but having you locked up in a dark, confined space was not the way it was supposed to go, so he feels ashamed both at the situation and himself.

He takes his hand and places it behind your head, pressing you into a gentle forehead kiss before walking to the door, kicking the small, broken, corner piece out that Topper had just spent time and effort into fixing.
"Hey dude! What do you think you're doing?" Topper whispers unhappily.
"I'm sick of letting this guy chase us into corners." Rafe responds as he begins to pry the door back open until your own two hands reach for his arm, pulling him back towards you desperately with all the strength you could conjure.
"Absolutely not. No, I won't let you go out there."
Rafe allows himself to be pulled away as he positions himself in front of you again, placing a hand on your cheek to direct your undivided attention towards him, ensuring you listen to his every word that come next.
"Everything will be okay, Y/N. I promise."
You stay silent, unable to speak as the fearful lump in your throat doesn't let you; so you stare back into his reassuring eyes, your bottom lip quivering subtly but enough for Rafe to notice.
He pats your hair with his hand, his fingers brushing through the softness as he speaks again,
"I'm double his body mass and if push comes to shove, I have Topper on standby."
"It's not about body mass right now, Rafe. He's armed." You say, your words becoming shakier.
Rafe only sighs as he turns his head towards Topper for his input, expecting his friend to be all for it but was surprised to hear the he, was in fact, not.
"She's right."

Rafes hands return back to his sides hastily, impatient with the two of you and feeling completely alone in this fight. He knows he can come out victorious against Kelce but he doesn't want to upset you by going against your word either.
His hands come to rest on top of his head as he paces the small room with a sigh which Topper could only identify as Rafe beginning to lose himself in his temper. After all the years that Topper has known Rafe, he knew that whenever Rafe would pace a room with a cloud over his head, it meant a fight was going to break out any moment.
That, or an argument, which they couldn't risk having while Kelce was only several meters away.

Topper follows Rafe in a pace as he struggles to bring him to a stop before finally gripping his shoulders and turning his body towards him.
"Even if you think you can take him," Topper begins in a hushed tone as he gazes back towards you, "would you really want Y/N to watch that?"
Rafe finally returns Toppers eye contact at the mention of your name, sighing again with defeat.
"No." Rafe says as he shrugs Toppers hands off of him before taking a seat on a dusty, old crate. He rubs his eyes with the palms of his hands as he thinks.
"We can call the cops. Yeah?" Rafe says.
"Um..." Topper hesitates before pulling a little baggie out of the pocket of his button down shirt, "they won't search us, right?" He finally says, holding up a pocket sized bag of white substance.
"Are you fucking kidding me, Top?!" Rafe shouts as he springs himself off of the crate and in front of Topper. The loud crash of the waves thankfully drowning out his raised voice.
"What?! I go to a link up and you expect me not to buy anything?!"
"Guys." You murmur quietly amidst their argument.
"It's got water in it anyways! Just chuck it!"
"It'll dry!"
"Guys!-" You call out slightly louder than before as you point to something outside, finally getting their attention.

Rafe and Topper follow your line of sight to see Kelce underneath the pier too but not quite on your scent. You watch as Kelce goes from one support beam to another, checking behind every single last one of them in hopes that he will be lucky enough to find either one of you hiding behind at least one of them.
Your eyes furrow fearfully as your lips quiver even more now as you look towards Rafe who was already making sure you were okay with a glance of his worrisome eyes.
"He's onto us..." You whisper with a heart wrenching tone.
Rafe holds his finger up to his lips, signalling at you to be completely and utterly still and quiet before very carefully making his way to your side, embracing you into his chest for that familiar sense of safety you had longed for.

"I know you're around here somewhere, I'd recognise that cologne anywhere." Kelce says, his not so desperate tone of voice just goes to show that he was well aware that you were, in fact, nearby.

Topper stands alone in a dark corner of the room, watching as Rafe desperately holds you tightly against him as you visibly become less distraught which made him feel relieved as well until he turned his head to the left of him to look outside, expecting to see a beach but seeing Kelce instead, peering back at him through the gaps.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now