Chapter CVIII

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You don't remember when but sometime during the night, John B, Jj and Pope ended up separating from you. John B sat tiredly at the camp fire while Pope and Jj sat with a group of girls. Jj was being obnoxious with his flirting techniques but Pope was rather modest, if you didn't know any better, you would've thought he didn't wanna be there at all but his up-kept smile told you otherwise.

You sat lonesomely at the broken tree just like earlier, you were halfway through the cooler of drinks that Jj put together for you and yet, you were not nearly as tipsy as you wanted to be. So, you finally decide to move, making your way to the large keg in the centre of the boneyard and maybe socialise while you're at it.
"You're a beer kinda gal?"
As you were pouring yourself a drink, a voice smooth as whiskey could be heard from behind you, smelled of it too as you feel the strangers breath closely behind your ear.
Your gaze meets his calm one and although you've never met before, something at the back of your mind recognises him.
"I'm sorry, have we met?" You ask, tracing his features with curious eyes and he lets you, smirking in exchange as he mistakes it for admiration.
"In my dreams, probably." He says back.

You only roll your eyes with an entertained smile before continuing to tend to the keg when it hits you, turning around to meet him again.
"You haven't been to a burger parlour recently...have you? Breakfast, maybe?" You ask with caution.
His dark hair and dark choice of clothing reminds you of somebody you seen before, and for whatever reason, your gut was telling you 'burger parlour'.

He fixes his posture against the keg, leaning against it as he thinks up a response but it seemed like he was hesitant to respond at all before finally answering with a fishy, "No?"
Something felt off about him, like he was hiding the truth but you shrug it off anyways because truthfully, why would he lie about being at a burger place on some random, insignificant morning?
That would just be outlandish.
"Oh, sorry-" You laugh, "You must have a twin running around then."
"Is he as handsome as me?"

His cheesiness was totally off putting, he seemed way too old to be acting so promiscuous with a teenage girl, even just being here. If you had any guess, he looked about in his mid 30's; but, anybody is welcome at a boneyard party and that includes tourists which you assume he is.

You force a toothy smile up at him but your eyes were evidently unimpressed and he gathered that, judging by the way he awkwardly clears his throat after a moment too long of awkward silence and a sweat breaking smile.
"Ah- I'm gonna go back to my retreat now." You say, gesturing back to the broken tree over your shoulder.
"I'll join you! I mean- I didn't come with anybody so I can hang with you, right?" He asks but his eyes stared into yours so sharply like pins, that you felt nothing but pressured to politely agree.
"Uh, sure."

The man follows you to the tree where all your empty bottles lay scattered across its stump and a few red cups on the ground that the wind had most likely blown off balance.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing sitting all alone over here, anyways?" He asks.
"Well, I was excited for the night at first but..."
"There's only one person on my mind right now, it's kinda hard to want to talk to anybody else."
"Ahhh, boy troubles."
"I don't know what you expected from him, he's always been a cold fish." He says, making you suddenly perk up.
"What?" You ask, your eyebrows furrow together confusingly and your face looked as if you had just heard something eye-opening.
"Rafe? He's your boyfriend, right?"
"How do you know that?"

Something behind his eyes seemed strange and eerie, but his body stayed calm and complacent to your questioning.
"Well, doesn't everyone?" He laughs, but when you look down into his lap, his fingers fidget.
"But-..." You struggle to make sense of how a total stranger who at first claimed to have never met before, knows so much about you to familiarise himself with your personal life. "-But if you knew I had a boyfri- that I was with Rafe...why did you flirt with me earlier?"
"Did I?" He asks, averting his eyes away from yours and towards the night sky instead. Raising your suspicions even higher. He was acting weird.
You only stare at him, trying to read his face for anything at all but he was too good at masking that you eventually gave up, skulling back the beer in your hand and then standing.
"Where are you going?" He asks.
"I need more to drink."

As you make your way back to the keg, you spot Jj who already seemed to be drunker than anybody else  there. You watch him throw his arms around random girls, slurring words in a nonsensical state and it makes you laugh but always wince at the poor girls faces who only look at him in disgust before throwing his arms off of their shoulders again.
"Jesus." John B says from beside you, "Think I should take him home?"
"Before his shiny, metal friend makes an appearance? Probably." You say back, referring to a priceless memory of the incident years ago when Jj got so drunk that he thought it worthy to whip out a hand gun and wave it around like it was nobodies business. John B huffs a small laugh as he's reminded of it before approaching Jj.
"Come on, let's get you home buddy."
"Well, well, well...If it isn't my best friend in the whole world." Jj sluggishly remarks.
"Ouch." Pope suddenly appears beside you.
"You too, man." Jj adds, "and you...Y/N- oh, Y/N..."
Before he could continue, John B interrupts him by cupping a hand over his mouth as if he could foresee what exactly Jj was about to say; which could only be trouble, of course. That and drunken confessions.
"Ooookay! Pope, I'm taking him home, you can hold things down over here until I come back, right?" John B asks.
"Sure, things seem pretty chill."
"Good." John B nods.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now