Chapter LVII

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Ward chews his dinner menacingly as he stares hard at Rafe, his fraud smile never faltering the entire time which gave you the creeps. His manipulative demeanour had never been so crystal clear until this moment, right now.

"Listen to your father, Rafe." Zane says mockingly but masked with an innocent tone, causing Rafe to slam his utensils on the table and standing up from his seat, making his way down the hallway towards the first bathroom.
"Excuse us." You add before nodding politely at the guests.

You walk towards the bathroom only to come to a closed door as light beams from underneath it, you turn the knob with no luck to find that it was locked.
Knock, knock.
"Rafe?" You call out quietly, ensuring you don't startle him in his current state knowing how on edge he can be, "hey, are you alright?"

The door flys open to reveal a post distressed boy, his lips pressed tightly into a frown and his under eyes seemed darker with exhaustion and possibly from forcing his emotions away as his eyes burned with restrained tears. His obvious habit of bottling his emotions up was heartbreaking to see but you knew it wasn't Rafes fault, after all, Ward was always the type of father to advise Rafe to 'man up' rather than express himself at all.

You place a caring hand on his chest, softly pushing back inside the bathroom until his back meets cold tile before locking the door once again behind you.
"Don't listen to him." You say lowly as you run a hand towel under the faucet and bringing it to his forehead, dabbing it gently to cool him off.
He stares into your sorrowful eyes as he allows you to cool him down, the coolness of the towel does wonders against his heated skin, calming him almost instantly.
"I shouldn't have done that." He says.
"Hm? Why not? You stood up for yourself, that's not a bad thing."
"What if I gave your father a bad impression?"
"He loves you like a son he never had, Rafe." You giggle at his nonsensical concerns, "I can't believe thats the first thing you worry about."
"Of course it is. How your family thinks of me is something I can't risk ruining." He says, the immense amount of care he takes with you makes your heart thump hard against your chest. The fluttering feeling he often has on you feels like it's something you could never get used to, not even in a million years.
You bite your lip, trying to conceal the nerves but Rafe was too quick to take notice.
"What's wrong?" He asks with a soft smile.
"I just- I don't think it's something I'll ever get used to." You mumble, "being this close to you, I mean."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No. Not at all. It's too good to be true, actually."
He huffs a small laugh as he hangs his head low over yours, his own chest now fluttering with lust at your figure closely in front of him. Your words of assurance obliterating any last specks of hopelessness he had let himself fall for this morning.
"You know Rafe, seems we both need a break from this shit show of an island." You laugh.
"Hmph. Yeah." He says before an idea enlightens him, causing a wide smile to form on his face excitedly. "Y/N, we have a house in the Bahamas. We could just leave one day and come back after a few... or just...not at all. But- we could go! Get away from here."
"And what? Just skedaddle?" you giggle sarcastically.
"Well- yeah. I mean, is that not what you want?" He asks, returning his sad tone of voice.
"Of course it is...but I can't just up and leave, Rafe. I can't leave my friends or damage my fathers business deal, you know? I just can't."
Rafe stares into your eyes gloomily as you furrow your eyes at him apologetically. After being met with no reasonable way to convince you to leave, he sighs, placing a kiss on your forehead instead.
"I just...don't wanna go back out there." He whispers.
"You and me, both." You respond with a roll of your eyes, "We could..." you begin, slowly turning your attention towards a window in the bathroom,
"make a run for it?"
"Huh?" He says confused before following your line of sight towards the small window, "uh, no. Absolutely not."
"Why not?" You pout.
"I am not taking you down with me. Everybody out there at that table loves you." He laughs as he pulls you in closer to his body, smiling temptingly down at your lips.
"Really? Because it sure looks like you wanna take me down." You tease with a smirk as you lean into him further.
"Was that supposed to sound hot? Because it sounds nothing short of violent." He laughs loud, loud enough for it to echo off of the tiles and out into the dining area which got the tables attention.

"Want me to check on them?" Zane asks.
"Give them a minute." Your father responds.

"Alright, alright, we won't run. But I got a better idea...follow me." You place your hand in his, dragging him towards the window as you slide it open.
"Are you sure? They're all waiting for you." Rafe says hesitant to follow you out of the window.
"It's not like we're leaving" you say, causing Rafe to angle his head towards you with a confused expression, "okay so we're kinda leaving. But it's not the end of the world."
Rafe smiles at your optimism, feeling inspired at your pogue way of life before jumping over the window pane himself, meeting you on the second story roof of the house where you stand with your arms out wide, letting the cold night wind dance across your skin.

"Beautiful isn't it?" You ask, your eyes set upon the starry horizon.
Rafe only stares down towards you with warmth in his cheeks and love in his heart. "Yeah."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now