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The van ride to the beach was short and sweet. It was filled with groovy 80's music and warm air after sitting in the sun for a bit, even the cushions inside it were warm to sit on which was quite nice.
When the beach was finally in your sight, John B brought the twinkie to a stop underneath an overgrown tree before the group collectively unbuckled their seat belts, throwing them over their shoulders and hopping out with a stretch.

The air instantly filled your lungs with a refreshing scent of citrus and salt water as the breeze danced along your skin and through your hair, making you smile within its mist and Rafe watched you in awe.
"What're you waiting for? Lets go!" Kie shouts from the sand as she and the others run cheerfully towards the water with their surfboards.

Rafe stands beside you with a smile to match yours as he holds his hand out in front of you, waiting for yours to find its way to his.
"You ready?" He asks.
You take his hand as he leads you to the beach, placing his things and yours besides the others belongings before running off ahead of him and to the water as it's waves brush up against the shore.
"Hey, wait up!" Rafe calls out as he finally drops his stuff and jogs to join you in the water, "The water is definitely warmer than the other night." He adds with a happy little shiver.
"It's beautiful." You say as you drag your fingers along the waters surface.
He smiles across to you as it begins to fade into a sadder one, "I hope that night hasn't ruined your love for this place..."
"Not at all!" You exclaim, "actually, I'd say that it's dearer to me now."
"Why's that?"
"Because this is where I finally found clarity.
Topper and I found friendship in each other here and Kelce..."
You pause as you glance over at Rafe, seeing a pure hearted, warm spirited boy who was nothing like the one you witnessed that night. The difference was a lot for you to comprehend and he could tell.
"Well, you already know what happened to Kelce." You smile weakly.
"Yeah." He mumbles, regretfully.

Rafe averts his gaze to the horizon. He knows what you meant by that and that being the situation was history now. It brought to light what Kelce wanted which earned him what he got instead.
Assuming that would mean the end of it all at last.
The clarity you spoke of.
Except, this mornings mystery beer bottle was no mystery at all and if one thing was for certain, it was that your clarity wasn't yet within your reach and Rafe felt that it probably would never be while he was still around you.

An inevitable tragical ending either way it was doomed to go.

Rafe turns his head to see you back on the shore.
"I'm going to sunbathe a little bit!" You call out to him again.
He looks ahead of him to see the others enjoying them selfs. The boys were already riding a wave and the girls were laying stomach first on their boards, waiting for a wave of their own.
He thinks about how left out you must feel sitting out on the sand alone so he quickly decides to join you in your solitude.

Sitting down beside you, Rafe wraps an arm around your inner waist and pulls you in closer beside him as he cups your face with his other hand before playfully smothering your rosy cheeks in kisses until you manage to squirm out again, rosier than before.
"Hey!" You laugh.
"Sorry, you had something on your face." He jokes with a mischievous smile.
"Pshhh...Yeah, right." You huff, "What're you?
A sucker fish?"
"I can if you want me to be." He smiles widely as he leans down again, ready for another round of surprise kisses before you bashfully nudge his side, earning an innocent smile from him in exchange.
"Why aren't you out there surfing with them?" He asks.
"It's just- not my thing, I suppose."
"Really? Maybe motorbikes are." He suggests, nonchalantly.
"You mean...?"
"I can teach you how to ride my bike if you want? They have their thing, we can have our own."
He says as he gestures towards the others as they surf. Picturing Rafe giving you motorbike lessons made you blush all the more.
"Only on grass and somewhere private though."
He adds.
"Don't want you hurting yourself."
"With you as a teacher, I'm sure I'll be fine." You say as you lean your head on his shoulder, staring off into the endless horizon over the ocean.
Though, Rafe found nothing more worthy of staring at than you as he adores you from above before leaning his head down on yours. He then brings your hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of it and placing it down into his lap, fingers intertwined in yours.

As you sit peacefully with Rafe, a sudden voice calls out to you from the water.
You look up, causing Rafes head to jolt up as well as you scan the beach with your eyes for the source of the voice to see Jj emerging from the water, his torso exposed and his hair hung wet over his face, dripping with sea water.
"You wanna continue our surf lesson?!" He calls out again, mentioning the morning after Kelce's party; mainly because he didn't like leaving you out but also subtly to get a kick out of Rafe knowing that boy can't control his emotions around you when it came to other guys. "It'll be easier this time around, I've worn you in pretty good the last time!" He smirks.
Rafe easily catches on.
"I don't know Jj..." You shout back in a lower tone.
"Come on, it could be fun." He responds as he reaches you on the shore, deliberately kicking a feasible amount of sand in Rafes direction.
"I know Sarah is new to it, you could spare your lessons for her if you really wanna?" You say, lowly.
"I wanna teach you." He shrugs, "What's holding you back? You know, besides the brute on your left."

Reminiscing the last time he was on the beach with you, Jj thinks back to the argument you and he had and how badly he wanted to know how serious you were with Rafe.
He remembers painfully, wanting to know if he would ever have you back again or if you were gone for good and now, you were this time. At least, that's what it seemed to him. As if the world was coming crumbling down on him and he felt it growing hysterical in his chest, the loss and grief of losing you to somebody else.

Rafe watches as Jj's stance grows impatient.
It was easy enough for him to ignore Jj's sly remarks but when it came to you, there was no ignoring Jj's attitude.

"Look, Just for five minutes." Jj says as he forcibly takes your hand, pulling you into him, "You'll see that it really isn't that bad when you give it a go. It'll be so perfect and as if it was meant to rum and ice! And- and there would be no gloomy days, just fun in the sun! It'll all be the same just- better!"
He rambles, the topic becoming blurry.
Rafe knew exactly what he was trying to say so he too, stands up. Staunching him in height.
"Jj...What exactly are you talking about?" You ask.
Jj hesitates to speak any further, worried that only nonsense will slip his lips again so he presses them together instead, tugging at your hand which Rafe did not like.
"Dude, she doesn't wanna go with you so just stop." Rafe says between clenched teeth, "You're not doing yourself any favours acting like a hard-headed idiot."
"Stay out of it."
"Or what?"

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now