Chapter XLIX

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The car ride to the beach was a silent one. You had an inching feeling about the bruise on Rafe but you didn't want to pry any further knowing how upset he is and if he didn't want to open up about something just yet, you'd respect that.
It was obvious anyways. Sarah couldn't have done damage like that and even if she could, she wouldn't.
Rose wasn't one to do that either, she was sweet at heart. Wheezy? She was out of the question, leaving only Ward left in the equation; and the possibilities around that man was endless.
But the only thing leaving you in the dark was, why?

"We're here." Rafe finally speaks, pulling you out of your thought clouded trance.
You lift your head from his arm to look up and meet his gaze, he still looked as stone cold and expressionless as the moment he hopped back into the car.
"You ready to eat sand?" You say jokingly at an attempt to slash through the thick density of the tense air, finally earning a smile from Rafe before he downturns his face again and towards the steering wheel.
You stare at him lovingly before unbuckling your seat belt and hopping out of your side of the truck and approaching his side as he too decides to hop out. The second he shuts his door, you pull him in for an embrace, burying your face into his chest as your arms lock tightly around his waist, causing his own to wrap around you in return as he rest his tired head on top of yours.
"I'm sorry for worrying you." He whispers.
You sigh into his chest before burying your face deeper into the warmth of his shirt, "Stop apologising, Rafe. You know I'll still stick around no matter what you choose to do; in any circumstances. If you don't feel comfortable telling me something, don't feel like you need to." You say softly, making sure he understands that your words are coming from your heart.
"I'll still be by your side, no matter what."
He smiles a consistent smile against your hair before placing a hand on your cheek and motioning your face towards his, kissing you tenderly.
"Alright, enough with all the cheese talk. Let's jump in already." He laughs, his eyes starting to glisten happily again.

You take his hand in yours, guiding him towards the water that looked darker than it usually did when ever you come here with the pogues. It almost looked eery in this shade of blue but only because the weather was over cast. It was sunny at times but only for a short while before the fairly strong gusts of wind would propel large clouds hurling towards any gaps that the sun would be fortunate enough to peak through.

As your waist begins to submerge under the water, your abdomen visibly flinches at the inconsistency of the tide, leaving you wet and cold at times between waves.
Rafe takes notice of your body jolting at the cold water as it jumps up at your skin.
"Is it too cold?" Rafe asks as he closes the gap between your bodies, wrapping his arms around you from behind. The heat from his body makes you melt backwards into him, sighing a sigh of relief.
"It was."
"Not anymore?" He asks cunningly as he places several kisses against your neck, still holding you tightly against himself.

You huff a small laugh before turning towards him, draping your own two arms around his neck as your chest falls against him, staring into his dreamy blue eyes as they mesmerised you just like they initially had the night you first met; which reminded you.
"Hey, Rafe..."
"Mhm? What's wrong?"
"A while ago you asked me if I remembered anything from the night we met..." you murmured, trying your hardest to remember even a hint of what happened after he took you home, "I always thought I blacked out after we jumped my fence, was that not the case?" You perk your curious face towards his.
He huffs a small laugh as he turns his gaze away from yours, almost as if he was entertained at your question.
"What?" You ask again.
"You really wanna know?"
You nod in response, worried about the severity and cluelessness of your actions. You were completely out of it after all, so naturally you're scared that you might've done something you would have regret.
He moves in closer as his hand runs along your jaw, "well it was something along the lines of this..." he murmurs as he kisses you softly.
You allow your lips to flow against his slowly before pulling away swiftly, your face written with shock as your hands seemingly fly to your gaping mouth on their own.
"Oh my god Rafe. I kissed you the night I met you?!"you exclaim surprised.
"...aaaand you may have went on and on about how dapper and handsome I was." He laughs.
"You're joking."
"I promise you, I'm not." He laughs, "It's not like I didn't enjoy it anyways." He says, looking away embarrassed.
"Oh? You didn't mind?"
"Are you kidding me, Y/N? I had my eyes on you the whole night. Of course I didn't mind. I was ecstatic to say the least." He admits as he rubs the back of his head innocently.

You smile up at him, admiring the cute expression He makes when ever he's embarrassed or flustered before pulling him into another kiss.

Although it was no where near your first time kissing him, you still couldn't help the butterflies inside your heart as they rapidly swarmed your entire being at the touch of his lips.
There was just no getting used to it.
The feeling was mutual for him too as he allows himself to increasingly deepen the kiss passionately.

Every single moment of it felt like both of your hearts were smelting into the same glistening bar of gold. Despite the two of you being quite literally surrounded by brisk and frigid water, accompanied by grey clouds and dewy atmosphere, being together brought on a warm, comfortable sense of home.
Rafe felt like home and you were just as much his.

His lips danced lustfully against yours, he yearns for more between every breath yet at the same time, dreading to even pull away for air.


Rafe hesitates to pull away from the warmth of the kiss before finally averting his eyes towards a van on the pier.
He pulls away completely at last, sighing at the sight of the familiar brown rust bucket that he has seen you hop in and out of through out your adventures with the pogues.

You smile as you wave your arms over your head at your friends before looking up and at Rafes expression that seemed cheerless, grumpy almost at the fact that he can never have an intimate moment with you without being interrupted.
"Hey." You say, gathering his full attention. He comes out of his sulky daze to smile reassuringly down at you, rubbing his hand up and down your waist to let you know he was okay.
"We'll continue this another time, right?" He asks before leaning in for a final peck.
"Right." You smile innocently.

Little to your knowledge, that final peck from the adoring Rafe earned the two of you a threatening glare from above. Eyes full of wrath stare at the other boy in the water through messy blonde locks of hair and teeth audibly grinding violently against each other. 
"She's fucking unbelievable, does she know that?"

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now