Chapter LII

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"Can I at least take you home?" He asks lowly as he turns his body with yours.
You stare into his eyes pitifully as his stare back flooding with sorrow. His eyebrows still furrowing downwards but it was hard to tell if it was out of confusion or sadness.
"Or you can catch up to the others and I'll leave, just- I don't want you walking home alone with everything that's going on."
"I'll be fine, Rafe. I'm a big girl and plus, it's broad daylight." You reply, flashing him a reassuring look.
He nods slowly, still hesitant to let you leave before finally allowing you to slide your hand out from his.
"I'll talk to you soon, I just...need time to think."

It was true what you said, you did need time in solitude to think. Merely just about how you can patch things up with Jj without completely sabotaging your friendship, as if he hadn't already done his part in that.
Rafe however, was still confused as to what it was you needed time to yourself to think about. The wrong idea had started to grow on him as his brain begins to over think, puzzling scenarios together as he thinks about the kiss and Jj's confession.
While he watches as you walk away, his body wants so badly to stop you again. Stop you from leaving completely, to keep you there with him, where you were supposed to be.
He feels his body step forward and then back again before beginning to pace back and fourth, unable to handle the storm his mind was concurring, sending him swirling into another black hole of disorientation.

"Hey, how'd everything go?" John B asks as you approach the group again.
"Where's Jj?" Kie adds as she glances over your shoulder in search of him before only to be met with Rafe who seemed overly distressed. "-and what's wrong with him?" She asks concerned.
"God. I don't know. He was there for it-" you begin to explain before being cut off by Pope who was far more worried about Jj instead.
"There for what? What happened?"
"Jesus, you guys. He kissed me." You finally say, causing Sarah's face to drop with dismay before glancing pitifully over to her brother, knowing exactly the aftermath it would have caused for him.
"and Rafe saw that?" She asks.
"Well I guess, but if he saw that then he would've also heard me completely shut Jj down, right?"
"Mmm, not exactly how that works." Kie says as she presses her lips together.
"Should I?-"
"Just...let him cool down. I've only seen him like this when he has a fight with dad." Sarah adds.
"Pfft. You've got your priorities all wrong." Pope says, causing everybody to avert their attention to him, "Jj has been there for you since childhood, he's gone and you're still talking about him? About Rafe?"
"Us? Pope, if Jj has any sense of morality, he would sort things out with both Y/N, and Rafe." Kie exclaims as she gestures annoyingly towards the pacing boy in the distance.
"She's right you know." Sarah chimes in again,
"Rafe might be overly protective of Y/N but for good reason. Jj was making Y/N feel like shit just for wanting to include somebody in our group and Rafe picked up on that, could either of you have done the same?" She says towards both John B and Pope.
" this like, some kook way of pointing fingers? You guys are teaming up now?" John B distressfully remarks in exchange, causing the two girls to get defensive.
"Teaming up? You guys are tearing us apart all over some stupid boy code thing!" Kie shouts.
"Kie, Y/N, lets just go. They'll sort it out between themselves. Boys only listen to boys anyways." Sarah suggests as she places a hand on either one of your shoulders before guiding the two of you off of the beach.
"Sarah! Come on-!" John B calls out, to get no response.

You look over your shoulder to see John B and Pope frantically looking around them for any sign of Jj, a sense of guilt sinking low in your stomach at the entirety of the situation that you couldn't help but feel like you created. Which also reminded you of Rafe who you had so selfishly left to fend off his own emotions by himself, the same emotions you had wrongfully inflicted on him. You look towards where you had seen him last to see nobody at all except a trail of footsteps in the sand towards the parking lot,
only meaning he could've left.

"Should we really be-" you begin before abruptly being interrupted by Kie.
"Trust me, they did the same thing to Sarah and I on a boat this one time. They'll figure it out, just like we did." She smiles at you, causing the guilty feeling to slowly disappear but not quite completely.
"I think we deserve a burger or two after that."
Sarah laughs as she nods her low hanging head, "yeah, no kidding."
You huff a short laugh as well before slowing down in your tracks, causing the two girls to stop with you.
"What's wrong?" Kie asks.
"I think I'm just gonna go home, I've done enough for today." You sigh, "call it in early."
Sarah and Kie exchange a worried look amongst themselves before turning back towards you,
"Yeah, sure."

You walk peacefully through town as the clouds begin to clear at last and the beaming sun finally starts to soak up the water from your shorts.
Still no sight of Jj or Rafe.
The uncertainty of the two boys where abouts in their current state made you feel icky, like you should be doing more, but it was like Kie had always said, you were never one to put yourself first so to do it more often would be good, beneficial too.

Your head hangs low, stress robbing your entire being of every drop of energy you had left in you as you begin to turn the door knob to your front door, squeaking as you pry it open.
"I'm homeee..." you announce as you step inside, the echo bellowing through out the cold house that you had expected to be empty like it usually was until your fathers voice in a distant room shouts back to you unexpectedly.
"Y/N! Can you bring us some coffee, please! Three!"
"Oh. Sure?" You respond in a tone quieter than his as your expression changes from an exhausted, drained out one to a confused one instead. "Us?"

You walk up to the study office with a fancy silver tray in hand, three cups of coffee emitting steam as you come up to a closed door, hearing two muffled voices bickering amongst each other on the other side. You angle your ear closer towards the door to listen in until the door comes flying open, your eyes being met closely with another's.
"Y/N." He greets back dryly.
You stare at him with a confused expression before finally coming out of your daze, "oh! Sorry, I wasn't eavesdropping, I swear. I brought coffee."
"Sure you weren't." He says with a sly smirk before moving out of your way to let you in.
You place the tray on the dark pine table before handing a regular coffee to Mr.Becket who sat on the opposite side of your father who you shortly hand his specially made coffee and lastly Zane.
"Thank you dear. I'll give you my card and you can get sponge cakes for us too, won't you honey?" Your father says as he begins digging into his back pocket for his wallet.
"Ugh, dad, I just came back from town." You sulk as you brew a sourpuss expression at him, dreading the walk all the way back.
Your father only glances towards you, unimpressed at your level of laziness before Zane quickly catches on.
"Uh, you don't need me here, right?" Zane suggests as he shares a look of question between his father and yours before to you directly, "I can drive us."
"Good idea." Says Mr.Becket.

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now