Chapter LVIII

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You take a seat on the tiled roof, pulling Rafes arm down next to you until he finally comes to sit close beside your body as it shivers in the chilly air. He slides his jacket off before placing it over your shoulders and wrapping an arm around you, pulling you in close to his side. The two of you sit in the harmonious silence, happy in each other's presence as your fingers fiddle with his and delicately around his clunky gold ring as you admire it. He only smiles at your low hanging face as you find yourself intrigued at the ring.
Adorable. He thinks to himself.

Rafe can't help but place a number of kisses on your cheek as his hands gently come around your jaw and towards the back of your neck, secretively unclamping your necklace before you finally take notice.
"Relax, I just wanna give you something."
He turns his abdomen away from you as he shields your necklace away from your eyes, "no looking."
"Fine." You giggle as you avert your eyes back to the stars in the distance as they hover of the horizon of the beautiful outer banks.
Your moment of adorn towards the beautiful sight was shortly interrupted as Rafes hands return themself to the back of your neck, securing your necklace again but noticeably heavier, only by a little. You look down to be met with a glistening piece of gold, to your surprise, it was Rafes ring.
"Rafe, I can't accept thi-"
"Its yours, Y/N. Don't be stubborn." He smiles widely with eyes full of love.
"Rafe... this is too much."
"Then consider it compensation for your phone." He shrugs with a giddy smile.
You smile up at him before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek, causing him to melt into it instantly as his chest flutters with a heart melting warmth. He decidedly turns his head towards yours as your lips drift from his cheek to his lips instead, continuing into the kiss as his hands find their place in the curve of your waist. He begins to turn his body towards you completely, pressing his into yours as he shoves your body down gently and causing your arms to wrap around him for support as you feel the cold roof tiles press against your dainty back. He stays kissing you the entire time, his lips refusing to leave yours until you begin to smile into the kiss, confusing him.
"What?" He asks with his lips still grinding against yours.
"I'm pretty sure the entire neighbourhood can see us from up here." You laugh before pressing one last kiss deeply onto Rafes desperate lips until he pulls away with a questionable look.

He prys himself away at last to look around, although the house was surrounded with an unbelievably large garden, the house was still water front and boasts were still seen floating by as well as the houses beside yours being just as tall in stories, making it easy to see the neighbours roof tops.

"Shit." He says as he rubs his face with a sigh.
"Come on." You say, pulling him down to lay with you as your head comes to rest against his sturdy arm while his other stays on his stomach, your own hands finding their way to his. You snuggle your head into his chest as his arm wraps around your shoulders, pressing you further into his body.
"I could lay like this forever." He mumbles into your ear shakily.
"Me too." You smile as your eyelids become heavier at the sound of his soft voice and breathing, making you feel tired and comfortable in his arms.
"Don't fall asleep on me, now." Rafe laughs as he pulls you on top of him, holding both your hands in his as you sit in his lap.
You stare down at his eyes lovingly as he does the same, no use for words as each other's beauty leaves the two of you silent, speechless.

You slowly lean in to kiss him but softer than the many times before. This kiss was the embodiment of absolute love and affection, the reflection of immense care he takes of you in the form of a kiss, so gentle that he lets you pull away just as slowly at any attempt to saviour the innocent kiss before brushing your draping hair behind your ears.

He smiles at the ring on your necklace as it hangs over his face, feeling proud with a sense of accomplishment like it was some show of ownership over you for everybody to see. The gold glisten of his ring matches the sparkle in your gold necklace as if they made to be paired together,
just like you and him.

You place one more soft yet compassionate kiss on his forehead before coming back down to lay in his arms again, your thigh still in position over his lap. The two of you stare up at the starry sky as your chest rise and falls in unison, relaxing in each other's hold.
"That star right there," you begin as your arm points towards the sky and to a significantly bright and lonely star, "I used to stare at that star all night when I was little."
"It's beautiful, but, why all night?" He asks.
"My parents were very strict when I was little, I wasn't allowed out a lot because I was their sheltered little princess. I was so. very. lonely."
"So the star-"
"Yeah, as pathetic as it sounds, it was like a friend to me. Sometimes I still catch myself waiting for it.
It's just... always there." You say passionately.
Rafe turns his head to you, staring down at your sad smile as you admire the singular star as it shines brighter than all the rest, sort of like you did.
Or at least that's how Rafe had always looked at you.
"I didn't know." He says pitifully, "I always assumed you had everything perfect happen to you. Turns out, we have a lot more in common than we thought."  He smiles as you look up to meet his eyes.
"We do?"
"Yeah," he shrugs, "I mean, sure, I wasn't sheltered in the slightest, my dad didn't care enough..." he laughs but his words wrench at your heart.
"-but, that didn't mean I wasn't lonely. I was far more lonelier that way, I think." He finishes, his lips press into an unimpressed smile as he reminisces his childhood. The childhood he spent in the dark while Sarah soaked up all the love and light of the family, the childhood where his anger stemmed from originally and the child hood where he had found himself befriending the worst of people, the same people putting you in danger to this day.
"It was always Sarah."
"Hm?" You hum confused.
"She was the centre of attention, always, still is...You know, you're the only thing keeping me sane,
"So that explains your ties with Barry...I'm so sorry.
I didn't even think about why." You apologise sadly at your ignorance of his past addiction.
"Yeah, well...I didn't know there was another way," he mumbles, "until I found you."

'Safe with Rafe' Y/N x Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now